15 agosto 2019

Answering to a friend. SvH

Answering to a friend 

By Sonia von Homrich (SvH)
2019 August 9th, São Paulo, Brazil.

First at all, I beg your pardon as I am not fluent in English anymore as I used to be. Since 2005 I am not speaking any English. Since 1992-93, I was also forgetting English to learn German Language and since 2005 I do not speak any German as well. English and German are not my native Language.

The Guardian is a left-wing Co., where Glenn Greenwald had worked or even still who knows, financially they are connected with Soros and New World Order there are enough material about media and deep state including from Terry Boardman (1)  as all media was purchased by people in liason with Bilderberg and others - just a way to dominate international media and make the world a 1984 one . All data people are using to refer to Brazil are not reliable data due to the fact: (1) the Institute has written in its first page they do not produce data to know about devastation, this is not their focus, they inform areas where it is necessary to investigate, just suspicion, not  really the final data . (2) The data was manipulated. People from the Institute add (put) together data from 2017, 2018 and considered all happened in June 2019 and also they put together by superposition same areas, so a polygonal was calculated several times as being a different occurrence when it was the same occurrence and  again, it was only an alert to be investigated, not a final and complete data as the other information was not checked – this was checked by the specialists who discovered all mistakes and the sabotage as well. (3) They are not able to say which area was legally used or illegally used as the Institute in question  does not make this sort of evaluation - this is done by another institute. What President Bolsonaro and Ricardo Salles (Environment) together with Marcos Pontes (Science and Technology) are doing now is to develop all means to have centralized information in real time - I mean disclosing data from 3 km below and online real time, with all sectors connected with the research of data working together so they can know in real time which area is used legally and which one is used illegally. Due to the hypocrisy of all international NGO in the area, never was the population in the region protected. And those international NGO had forced (also with corruption) former left-wing governs to do all against population – our Indians who does not want to live according the goals of anthropologists. They are willing to work in their lands. So this is the first time in more than 30 years that we have a Govern interested in helping the region to be developed and also preserved – remember Steiner said that Earth must be an work of Art by the hand of Human Beings? So this is – they will have dignity, health services, education, access to technology, and will not be illegally using their lands all will be oriented according the rules – we have the most severe and detailed forest’s laws. But when a family have to decide between death or illegal activity you know what they will do in order to survive. Of course I can explain a lot of things. But in Brazilian Portuguese as I am not fluent anymore in English as I used to be –I lost my fluency as I am not speaking anymore for long years and also it was mixed a bit with German Language when I had to force myself to forget English in order to be able to learn German. So after 2005, I do not speak any German or English. This picture you showed at the Guardian our Environmental Secretary Ricardo Salles talked about the day before yesterday at the Representatives Chamber.  When I saw the video he only referred to that picture “as I said before…” so I do not know what he said before. But believe me. The international NGO never was interested in people, so the 20 million people living in Amazon area which is a big, big, big one, never were really helped not by NGOs, not by former Brazilian Governs. All lies were created with the intention to disconnect Amazon from Brazil. So NGOs  had imposed through international nations to create Indian areas where Indians never were lived before big areas as France, Germany and Italy together and big enough to  defragmentation of Brazil’s territory – so those countries and groups interested – New World Order could use all richness of Amazon area in their pocket and not in the interest of Brazilian Sovereignty – remember Germany is only at the size of São Paulo State where I do live. So do not be suffocated by all scandals dirty media is producing about Brazil. Just relax as you will know the truth soon – as our govern will produce information also in English, so I will be able to give to my friends as well without fighting to find the correct word or using too many words to try to communicate myself. There is an international complot against Brazil as we produce agriculture products in only 8% of our lands and have 2, sometimes 2 crops, using less agriculture defensives  (pesticides) than Japan for instance. There are a lot of information I can give to you – fortunately we are not anymore under the tyranny and lies of left-wings although even at the Higher Court of Judges we have left-wings disregarding our Constitution. So, a lot to do in order to have Brazil developing according all we want. We are an example to the whole world in terms of our forests and our lands and we can prove it. According NASA 66% of our lands still with native forests – who have it? Nobody in the whole world. Amazon belongs to Brazilians, not to the world – even if you cut a tree there today, in 20 years, the all area will be with forests – it grows in 20 years only – you know why? Because of water – there are more water below the area than at the Guarani Aquifer so one of the great scientists, professor Ricardo Augusto Felicio affirms that if we take all trees from Amazon forest to Saara, they will not survive, as there is any water while at the same time the whole forest if there completed in only 20 years (do you know about vitality, isn’t?  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guarani_Aquifer

What is a truth as well is that all countries are with their gluttony for Brazil (they do not car about Brazilians for sure) also due to esoteric reasons.  After all wonders Steiner talked in his lectures about Russia, Beily  (Andrej Bely, Andre Biely, Boris Bugajew, Andrej Bely, Andrei Bely, Boris Nicolaevich Bugaev, Andrej Belyj) who was his closest friend and used to stay in his house, he asked Steiner what would happen if Bolshevism (Marxism, Socialism, Communism) would prevail in Russia and Steiner said that all of that would happen in Brazil. When I first met Sergej O Prokofieff in Bad Boll (I was with my ex-husband an anthroposophical medical doctor who at that time did not speak or understand English or French Language). I asked Prokofieff about the question Beily had done.  Sergej asked me “how do you know?” Sincerely speaking not even me can say it – it happens I said it when I was meeting him. I did not went to Germany to meet him actually. In fact I was a visiting Anthroposophical Counsellor in several Health Institutions (Hospitals, Labs, Clinics) there and in Swiss as well, all anthroposophical institutions. So, when I happen to ask Sergej he who was living in Russia and knew all about socialism told me in fact he could not believe it would be possible to Russians to bring about the 6thEpoch as their efforts were totally ruined by socialism. Of course this is also connected with the destruction of the real morals you know. I can’t categorically say that Russia lost it. What I can really say is that Brazilians have a similar quality and I add also another one – we mixed culturally and by blood also to several people to several nationalities without creating segregation.  Left-wings tried to divide us in order to conquer, so they push us against each other. But is fact we are only one nation and we have a real respect from all nationalities. We even try to understand languages we do not know.  We are similar to our huge bio-diversity you see? Steiner said it will happen in Brazil and Prokofieff decided to pursue a research in order to know what reasons Steiner had to say that and also to confirm my words. In one of his books he wrote about it and called me “A woman from South America” as I do not like to be called Latin American – Portuguese is my language and Brazil has circa 220 millions inhabitants.
I beg you.  Be aware only lies are in the international media on Brazil. Be aware there are esoteric reasons as well. When I discover what Minister Ricardo Salles said about the area of “your” picture, I will let you know.
I used to fly over Amazon - - is a sea of forests during hours and still according friends who have being there. The data we have about the areas we use to agriculture and livestock also are confirmed by Nasa satellites.
Why international Corporations can explore minerals in Amazon area and Brazilians can’t? Why our Indians must be destroyed by poverty? Why Triple A is a matter of motivation to all which is done against Brazilians?
Are you aware of how big Amazon area is?
Do you know that "FARCs" used to come with drugs with submarines using Amazon river?
With Bolsonaro and our Justice Minister Sergio Moro, all drugs cartels are losing their drugs and fortunes – there are a lot of money involved and left-wings here were “friends” of all drugs cartels – their aim with "FORO of São Paulo" was to create a only one Latin America controlled by drugs cartels as they had already done with Venezuela and Bolivia. By the way Bolivia is changing little by little.
The majority of countries of Latin America (speaking Spanish) and Central America plus some Africa’s countries run by tyranny received money from Brazil through – via FORO – which was produced by corruption of left-wings latest 30 years. When they got the power 14 years ago, they installed a systematic corruption. The hole in this moment is around 5 trillion dollars of corruption at expenses of all : Education, Health, Security – we were till  December 2018 with more than 60 thousand deaths per year –more than Vietnam war. We are trying to change our country. We are conservatives in our culture and classic liberals in our economy – we are opening our land to commerce and we are resilient and strong people. Very courageous. Nowadays with the new agriculture defensive(s) which were approved after 10 years of delay, we also have 7 different categories and less toxicity.
Remember I love Demeter food, ok?
Our production is very big and of course all countries which already buy food from us have their own laws and will not buy if our food would be bad, isn’t?
But great part of producers outside Brazil do not want us producing more – we can produce more and more without losing our forests – remember how big we are. Remember our laws protect the forests better than any law in any country.
Be aware people are afraid of us. We could be better than Japan in terms of economy. Thanks to corruption we are destroyed. We waste a Plan Marshall per year only with our debts.
So, we are willing to grow in spite of our enemies who destroy our face creating lies and lies.
I cut several Anthroposophists on my Facebook who attacked me as they prefer to rely on Ahriman.
“The Brazilian government is the world's leading defender of conservation, a fact supported by numbers, not empty rhetoric." (2) Said the Chairman of Affairs of Brazilian Embassy in Washington.
With all we are creating with Israel and US of course we will have the technology we need to control everything through satellites.
Can you imagine? We had during 10 years a satellite without use – we were paying to it, but with no use. Now Marcos Pontes our Science and Tech Minister had extended the use to students, next stage will be agribusiness, etc… Of course Defense Ministry is working together – we will change Brazil for better and will be a strong nation were all people will live with dignity.
Yesterday there was a LIVE from our President. As media only produce lies, we speaks through Facebook one a week. In that live Indians talked to about what they want.
They want to work freely according our laws in their lands, they want to explore minerals according the law, they do not want to be exploited by NGOs and missionaries making smuggling from Amazon area or exploited by Corporations – Bolsonaro is working  on all which is necessary to create a life with dignity to the 20 million of Amazon area and the 200 million of us. His Agenda is our Agenda and he is making happen all his promises.
Be in peace.
When I find reliable information in English, I will let my friends know, for sure.
(1) Terry M. Boardman http://threeman.org/
Terry M. Boardman. Mapping the Millennium. Behind the Plans of the New World Order. Temple Lodge Publishing.
American Intelligence Media. Citizens Addicted to Truth.  https://aim4truth.org/