29 julho 2024

Agradecimento olímpico Tad Coffin/Robert Malone

 Below in English Language

Um agradecido aceno de cabeça olímpico ao Divino. Tad Coffin.  Publicado por Robert Malone MD, MS. 29 de julho

Tad Coffin, vencedor individual  e pelo time, de duas medalhas de ouro,  nos Jogos Olímpicos de Montreal de 1976, pelo evento olímpico equestre "Equestrian Thress-Day Event”


A inclusão de drag queen na paródia da Última Ceia na cerimônia de abertura olímpica ofendeu profundamente muitos cristãos e não-cristãos, inclusive eu.

Como cristão e como atleta olímpico (Olimpíadas de Montreal de 1976, equestre), estou

aturdido e perplexo com a decisão de alienar uma parte tão grande da população mundial enquanto reivindica a inclusão, apelando à natureza de vanguarda da cultura francesa.

Estou profundamente decepcionado com o profundo fracasso do Comitê Olímpico da França em fornecer orientações razoáveis ​​sobre a narrativa e os scripts desta cerimônia.

Portanto, participarei do coro daqueles que criticam o comitê por seu julgamento notavelmente ruim.

Pode até ser um experimento de pensamento útil considerar como o propósito desta cerimônia pode ser reimaginado. Desta maneira, pode ser mais fácil julgar o pensamento falho por trás dessa catástrofe teatral e contrastá-la com o que poderia ter sido ou deveria ter sido.

É certo e justo que a cerimônia de abertura deve celebrar os atletas e sua variedade de talentos para se maravilhar com a assembleia de tantos,  de todos os cantos do mundo, sua competição pacífica em eventos tão abrangentes e compartilhar suas histórias, esperanças e sonhos para a glória atlética.

Similarmente, a nação anfitriã dos Jogos Olímpicos tem uma oportunidade única e merecida de mostrar sua própria história, cultura e ricas tradições. É também assim que deve ser.

De onde vêm os presentes do atletismo, do trabalho duro e da perseverança? Eu tenho talento para cavalgar, mas certamente não me lembro de enviar um pedido pré-natal para tais habilidades. Enquanto algumas características sejam herdadas, todo mundo sabe que a paternidade dificilmente garante a grandeza atlética. Por exemplo, meus irmãos têm muitos outros talentos, mas não são cavaleiros de calibre olímpico.

Ser grato a Deus Todo -Poderoso por essas habilidades não é irracional. Certamente, há amplo precedente para ver evidências da mão de Deus ao longo da história humana. Não é necessário que todos concordem, mas ter a humildade em reconhecer que não é tudo o que a pessoa está fazendo é, no mínimo, mais atraente do que celebrar publicamente o narcisismo e fazer pouco caso de pessoas de fé.

Portanto, parece apropriado que uma reunião de muitos dos melhores atletas do mundo inclua pelo menos um aceno agradecido ao divino.

E sobre a terra na qual andamos de bicicleta, corremos, pulamos e treinamos? E sobre a água na qual nadamos, surfamos, velejamos e fazemos caiaque? A terra na qual confiamos para nossa própria saúde e bem-estar? É este mundo não possivelmente um ato de criação por um criador? Devemos apenas assumir que este mundo, esse universo apareceu do nada e que somos tão inteligentes, colocando-o para um bom uso? Realmente? Novamente, certamente não é irracional ser pelo menos grato por sua existência. Por milênios, muitos procuraram elogiar o criador por seu trabalho útil.

E o que fez o francês, francês? Minha educação como cavaleiro é uma herança do famoso Cadre Noir, o Corpo de Elite da Grande Cavalaria de Napoleão. Sua busca está em aperfeiçoar a parceria do homem com talvez o maior e mais nobre presente de Deus, o cavalo.

A história longa, única dos franceses certamente não foi construída sobre as maquinações das drag queens. A menos que minha leitura da história esteja totalmente errada, os fundamentos teológicos da França ancoraram sua cultura nacional. Disputar isto, rebaixar sua importância, enquanto eleva simultaneamente alguma paródia grotesca de um momento único de significado histórico e religioso, é estar enfeitiçado com nada mais próximo que o demoníaco.

Vamos retornar a uma celebração mais simples e autêntica do que está à nossa frente: a elevação de atletas notáveis ​​organizados por uma nação notável. Que nossas cerimônias futuras estendam o reconhecimento e a gratidão a ambos, horizontalmente ao nosso próximo e verticalmente ao Deus transcendente.


A Grateful Opympic Nod to the Divine by Tad Coffin/Robert Malone MD, MS. Jul 29

Tad Coffin, winner of two gold medals in the 1976 Montreal Olympics, for the individual and team Olympic.


The inclusion of a drag queen parody of the Last Supper in the Olympic Opening Ceremony has deeply offended many Christians and non-Christians alike, including myself.

As a Christian and as an Olympic athlete (1976 Montreal Olympics, equestrian), I am stunned and mystified by the decision to alienate such a large portion of the world's population while claiming inclusiveness and appealing to the avant-garde nature of French culture.

I am deeply disappointed by the French Olympic Committee's profound failure to provide reasonable guidance regarding the narrative and scripting of this Ceremony.

Therefore, I'll join the chorus of those who criticize the committee for its remarkably poor judgment. 

It may be a useful thought experiment to consider how the purpose of this Ceremony might be re-imagined. In this way, it may be easier to judge the flawed thinking behind this theatrical catastrophe and contrast it to what might have been or should have been.

It is right and just that the Opening Ceremony should celebrate the athletes and their array of talents to marvel at the assembly of so many from the far reaches of the globe, their peaceful competition in such wide-ranging events, and share in their stories, hopes and dreams for athletic glory.

Similarly, the host nation of the Olympic Games has a unique and well-earned opportunity to showcase its own rich history, culture, and traditions. That is also how it should be.

Where do the gifts of athleticism, hard work, and perseverance come from? I have a talent for riding but certainly don't remember submitting a prenatal request for such abilities. While some characteristics are inherited, everyone knows that parentage hardly guarantees athletic greatness. For instance, my siblings have many other gifts but are not Olympic-caliber riders.

Being grateful to God Almighty for these abilities is not unreasonable. Certainly, there is ample precedent for seeing evidence of God's hand throughout human history. It's not necessary that everyone agree, but having the humility to recognize that it's not all of one's own doing is, at the very least, more appealing than publicly celebrating narcissism and trolling people of faith. 

Therefore, it seems appropriate that a gathering of many of the world’s best athletes should at least include a grateful nod to the Divine. 

What about the land we ride on, bike, run, jump, and train on? What of the water that we swim in, surf on, sail, and kayak through? The earth that we rely on for our very health and well-being? Is this world not possibly an act of Creation by a Creator? Should we just assume that this world, this universe appeared out of nothing and that we're so clever, putting it to such good use? Really? Again, it's certainly not unreasonable to be at least grateful for its existence. For millennia, many have sought to praise the Creator for his handy work. 

And what has made the French French? My education as a rider is an inheritance from the famed Cadre Noir, the elite corps of Napoleon's grand cavalry. Its pursuit has been perfecting man's partnership with perhaps God's greatest and noblest gift, the horse.

The long, unique, and storied history of the French has most certainly not been built on the machinations of drag queens. Unless my reading of history is all wrong, France's theological underpinnings have anchored its national culture. To dispute this, to demean its importance while simultaneously elevating some grotesque parody of a unique moment of historical and religious significance, is to be enthralled with nothing short of the demonic.  

Let's return to a simpler, authentic celebration of what's in front of us: the elevation of remarkable athletes hosted by a remarkable nation. May our future ceremonies extend recognition and gratitude both horizontally to our fellow man and vertically to the transcendent God.

28 julho 2024

Perfeição. Ilusão socialista. Rudolf Steiner.

Qualquer pessoa capaz de ver a realidade,  assim como ver através dela,  sabe que este mundo no plano físico nunca pode alcançar a perfeição. No entanto, as pessoas que pensam materialisticamente têm a ilusão de que a perfeição pode ser alcançada no plano físico. Esta é a fonte de muitas outras ilusões, e particularmente é a característica da ilusão socialista da presente época.

As ilusões das pessoas vêm em todos os tons de significado.  Elas são coloridas pela política partidária e assim por diante. As pessoas que assumem uma visão liberal (progressista) do mundo e da vida construíram seu próprio ideal do mundo físico e acreditam que se realizarem isto, terão o paraíso na terra. Tudo o que os socialistas são capazes de pensar é como organizar as coisas neste plano físico, para que todos possam viver o que os progressistas consideram ser uma boa vida, o mesmo para todos e assim por diante. Sua visão do futuro neste plano físico é de um paraíso maravilhoso.

Fonte: Rudolf Steiner. GA 177. A Queda dos Espíritos da Escuridão. Palestra 3: A procura do mundo perfeito. Dornach, 1 Out 1917.


(Abra o  link acima, na lateral esquerda, escolha sua língua para ter a tradução da página)

Anyone who is able to see the reality, and to see through it, knows that this world on the physical plane can never reach perfection. Yet people who think materialistically have the illusion that perfection can be achieved on the physical plane. This is the source of many other illusions, and particularly and characteristically the socialist illusion of the present age.

People’s illusions come in all shades of meaning; they are coloured by party politics and so on. People who take a liberal view of the world and of life have constructed their own ideal of the physical world and believe that if they realize this we shall have paradise on earth. All that the socialists are able to think of is how to arrange things on this physical plane so that everybody can live what they consider to be the good life, the same for everybody, and so on. Their vision of the future on this physical plane is of a wonderful paradise.

Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 177. Fall of the Spirits of Darkness. Lecture 3: The Search for a Perfect World. Dornach, 1 October 1917


19 julho 2024

Verdade, Beleza, Bondade, Hannah Arendt. Rudolf Steiner.


"Esta constante mentira não visa fazer as pessoas acreditarem na mentira, mas assegurar que as pessoas não mais acreditem em nada.

Um povo que não mais distingue entre verdades e mentiras não pode distinguir entre o certo e o errado.

E este povo, privado do poder de pensar e julgar, é - sem o conhecimento e a vontade para tal, completamente sujeito  à regra da mentira. Com este povo, você faz o que quiser fazer. "

- Hannah Arendt,

(14 Out 1906 - 4 Dez 1975) era uma historiadora e filósofa alemã.

O objetivo da educação totalitária nunca foi instilar convicções, mas destruir a capacidade de formar alguma educação.

O extenso corpo de trabalho de Arendt inclui muitas discussões diferenciadas sobre verdades, mentiras e a natureza do totalitarismo, e essa citação reflete temas de seus escritos sobre o totalitarismo e a natureza da verdade.


"This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore.

A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong.

And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule

of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want."

- Hannah Arendt,

(14 October 1906 – 4 December 1975) was a German historian and philosopher.

The aim of totalitarian education has never been to instill convictions but to destroy the capacity to form any.

Arendt's extensive body of work includes many nuanced discussions on truth, lies, and the nature of totalitarianism, and this quote reflects themes from her writing on totalitarianism and the nature of truth.


Acrescento uma palestra (entre muitas) sobre a Verdade, de Rudolf Steiner.

Verdade, Beleza e Bondade, cuja tradução para português, encontra-se abaixo do texto em Inglês.


I add a lecture (among many) about the truth, by Rudolf Steiner.

Truth, Beauty and Goodness, whose translation to Portuguese is below the English text.


Truth, Beauty and Goodness
GA 220


Rudolf Steiner stated that the primary function of education is to exercise the students' faculties of thinking, feeling and willing. These basic human qualities manifest in civilization as the “eternal verities” of truth, beauty and goodness, and these in turn in science, art and religion.

19 January 1923, Dornach

Translator Unknown

True, the Beautiful, the Good—through all the ages of man's conscious evolution these words have expressed three great ideals: ideals which have instinctively been recognized as representing the sublime nature and lofty goal of all human endeavour. In epochs earlier than our own there was a deeper knowledge of man's being and his connection with the universe, when Truth, Beauty and Goodness had more concrete reality than they have in our age of abstraction. Anthroposophy, or Spiritual Science, is able once again to indicate the concrete reality of such ideals, although in so doing it does not always meet with the approval of the times. For in our age men love to be vague and nebulous whenever it is a question of getting beyond the facts of everyday life.

Let us try to understand how Truth, Beauty and Goodness are related, as concrete realities, to the being of man.

As the human being stands before us we see, in the first place, his physical body—nowadays the object of purely external observation. How the single organs, the form and functions of the body have been built up in pre-earthly existence—of this people are wholly unaware. In his pre-earthly existence man lives in a world of pure Spirit, where, in communion with higher Beings, he is engaged in building up the spiritual prototype, the spirit-form of his physical body. The physical body here on earth is but an after-copy of the spirit-germ that is elaborated, in a certain sense, by man himself in pre-earthly existence.

In earthly life the human being is conscious of his physical body, but does not know what this implies. We speak of Truth, little realizing that a feeling for truth is connected with our consciousness of the physical body. When man is confronted by a simple fact, he may either form an idea that harmonizes strictly with it and thus is true, or, from inaccuracy, laziness or positive aversion to truth, he may evolve an idea that does not coincide with the fact. When he thinks the truth, he is in harmony with the feeling he has of his physical body, nay also with his sense of the connection between this physical body and pre-earthly existence. If out of laziness or untruthfulness he forms an idea that is not in accordance with the fact, it is as if he cut the thread that binds him to pre-earthly existence. Untruth severs this thread. In pre-earthly existence a delicate spiritual wool is spun, and this is concentrated into an after-copy—the physical body. Many threads connect this physical body with pre-earthly existence, and they are severed by untruthfulness. The purely intellectual consciousness that is a characteristic quality in the early stages of the epoch of the Spiritual Soul (*) does not realize that such a severance takes place. And that is why man is subject to so many illusions as to his connection with cosmic existence.

For the most part to-day, man regards his bodily health from a purely physical point of view. But when, through untruthfulness, he severs the threads that bind him with pre-earthly existence, this works right down into his physical body, and especially into the constitution of the nervous system. The feeling he has of his physical body gives him his “spiritual sense of being” in the universe. And this spiritual sense of being depends upon maintenance of the threads proceeding from the physical body to pre-earthly existence. If they break, man must create a substitute for his healthy sense of being—and he does so, unconsciously. He is then led, unconsciously, to ascribe to himself a sense of being “out of the common.” But even here he has fallen into an inner uncertainty that makes itself felt even in the physical body. For this purely spiritual sense of being that we find existing with greater and greater intensity the farther we go back in history—is it strongly present in man to-day?

How often it is the case that a man would like to be a person of note not by virtue of his own spiritual life, but by virtue of some profession or title. He likes to have some such title as “Secretary” or “Notary,” and then imagines he is of importance when convention thus describes him. The essential thing, however, is that he shall be able to realize his existence inwardly, apart from all externalities.

What is it that can strengthen man in this sense of being? In earthly existence we live in a world that is but a copy of true reality. Indeed, we only understand this physical world aright when we realize it to be this copy of reality. It behooves us, however, to feel the true reality within us; we must be aware of our connection with the spiritual world. And this is only possible if the bond that links us with pre-earthly existence remains intact.

This bond is strengthened by a love of truth and Integrity. Nothing establishes man's true and original sense of existence so firmly as a feeling for truth and truthfulness. To feel himself in duty bound first to “prove all things” he utters, to set due restraint on all his words—this helps to consolidate the sense of existence that is worthy of his being. To be aware of the spirit within the physical body—with this, indeed, the sense of being is connected. There is, in effect, an intimate kinship between the physical body and this ideal of Truth.

We acquire the etheric body (or body of “formative forces”) only a short time before the descent from pre-earthly to earthly existence. We draw the forces of the etheric world together, as it were, to build up our own etheric body. Now in earlier epochs of evolution man had a better understanding of the etheric body than he has to-day. Indeed, instead of feeling the reality of the etheric body, he is nowadays apt to scoff at the very idea.

The sense of the reality of the etheric body is strengthened by the experience of Beauty. When truth and truthfulness enter the realm of real experience, we are, in a sense, living rightly in the physical body. A highly developed sense of beauty gives us a right relation to the etheric body of formative forces. Whereas Truth is connected with the physical body, Beauty is connected with the etheric body.

This will become clear if we think of the significance of beauty as manifested in art. If we have before us a human being of flesh and blood, we know that he is one among many. Yet the one has no meaning without the many who live around him. Slender indeed are the roots that bind man to physical existence, without the others around him.

If we try either through sculpture, painting, or drama—indeed, through any art—to portray a human being, we endeavour to create a figure that is sufficient and complete in itself—one that contains a whole world, just as man contains the whole universe within himself in his etheric body. For he draws together the etheric forces from the whole universe to mould his etheric body within earthly existence.

An intense feeling for beauty—as it was then conceived—existed in earlier ages. Nothing of the same kind is present in modern civilization, Man cannot be truly man if he has no sense of beauty. It is so, indeed; for to possess a sense of beauty is to acknowledge the reality of the etheric body. To have no sense of beauty is to disregard, to disown, the etheric body.

Of this modern man is all unconscious. When the Greek approached his temple, or beheld within the temple the statue of the god, he was conscious of an inner, glowing warmth, of a kind of inner sunlight. It was as though forces streamed into his being and into his different organs. Gazing at the statue of the god, his whole heart cried out: “Never do I feel the peripheral structure of my hands and fingers so vividly as when this statue stands there before me! Never have I such an inner sense of the arch of my brow as in the temple!” Inwardly warmed and irradiated—god-inspired—thus did the Greek feel in the presence of beauty. And this was nothing else but an experience in the etheric body.

In the presence of ugliness the Greek's feeling was quite different from that of modern man. The latter at most expresses his very abstract feelings in regard to ugliness by his features-he makes a grimace! Ugliness cast a chill through the whole body of the Greek, affecting even the very pores of his skin. In ancient times men were vividly aware of the reality of the etheric body, and in the course of evolution a part of human nature has, indeed, been lost. All these things of which I have been speaking—and which were actual experiences in earlier times—remain unconscious in man to-day, for with his rationalistic intellect and love of abstraction he tends to view everything from the head—the organ belonging to these qualities.

Enthusiasm for truth and truthfulness can kindle in man—in the unconscious depths of his soul at any rate—a feeling for pre-earthly existence. An epoch of civilization in which this feeling is absent can possess no real sense of truth and truthfulness. But when this sense is highly developed, it binds man strongly to the pre-earthly past, and his more immediate experience of the earthly present must needs cause a certain sadness to arise within him. It is a sadness that can only find consolation if the sense of beauty is awakened in the soul. Beauty gives us joy once more, even in the presence of a sadness that must always accompany great enthusiasm for truth. In a delicate, subtle way this enthusiasm tells us: Truth, alas, is only really present in pre-earthly existence. Here in this earthly world we have but her echo. Having left the pre-earthly life, we no longer stand within the essential substance of truth. Only enthusiasm for truth can help us to maintain intact our relationship with pre-earthly existence.

A genuine feeling for beauty forges a link that binds us here, in earthly life itself, once again with pre-earthly existence. We ought never to undervalue the significance of beauty in education and in outer culture. A civilization that is filled with ugly machines, with chimneys and smoke, and dispenses with beauty, is a world that makes no efforts to forge a link between man and pre-earthly existence; indeed, it tears him asunder. Not by way of analogy, but in very truth we may say: A purely industrial city is a fitting abode for the demonic beings who would like to make man forget his pre-earthly existence in the realm of spirit.

Yet delight in beauty must be paid for at the cost of realizing that the beautiful, in its essence, is not rooted in earthly reality. The more perfectly we represent the human form, say, in sculpture or painting, the more must we admit that this does not correspond to an outer reality in earthly existence. It is but a consolation afforded by beautiful semblance, and hence lasts only until the moment we pass through the gate of death.

The world of spirit in which we live during our pre-earthly existence is always present. We have but to stretch out our arms, as it were, to this pre-earthly world of spirit. Although it is always there, a link can only be forged in the depths of unconscious life when man glows with enthusiasm for truth and truthfulness. And when his heart thrills with love for the beautiful, this too forms a bond with pre-earthly existence.

If man is to be true in a higher, this means spiritual, sense, he must not forget that he has lived in the spirit in pre-earthly existence. To glow in response to beauty means that in his soul man must create in a picture, at least, a new link with pre-earthly spirituality.

How can man develop an actual power that will lead him directly into the world he left because he has descended to the earth from pre-earthly existence? The answer is, when he is filled with Goodness—the goodness that flows to other men and is not confined to self-interest, conscious only of what is living within his own being. Such goodness can lead the soul into the qualities, nature and experiences of others. It embraces innumerable forces of soul; and these forces are of such a nature that they actually instill into the human being elements with which he was wholly permeated only in pre-earthly existence. Through his sense of Beauty he links himself, by means of a picture, to the spirit he has left because of his descent to earthly existence. If he is truly good, he links this earthly life itself to pre-earthly existence. A good man is one who can bear his own soul over into the soul of another. Upon this all true morality depends, and without morality no true social order among earthly humanity can be maintained.

When this true morality develops into momentous impulses of will which then pass to reality in moral acts, it begins to be a quickening, all-pervading impulse in the soul, inasmuch as a man can then be moved to real sympathy at the sight of care on the face of another—his own astral body feels pain at the sight of suffering in others. For just as the sense of Truth manifests in man's right relation to the physical body; just as a warm enthusiasm for Beauty expresses itself in the etheric body—so does Goodness live in the astral body. And the astral body cannot be healthy, or maintain its true position in the world, if man is not able to pour through it the forces proceeding from Goodness.

Truth, then, is related to the physical body, Beauty to the etheric body, Goodness to the astral body. Here we have the concrete reality of the three abstractions of Truth, Beauty, Goodness. In short, we can relate to the actual being of man all that is expressed instinctively in these three ideals.

These ideals show us how far man is able to fulfill his whole human nature, when, to begin with, as he lives in his physical body, he is filled with a real sense of truth instead of conventional opinions. Again, full “humanity” is only afforded a worthy existence when a man can quicken his etheric body into life through his feeling for beauty. Indeed, he who is incapable of being moved at the sight of beauty to somewhat the same degree as the Greek, does not possess a true sense of beauty. One can merely gaze at beauty or one can experience it. To-day it is the case that most people only gaze, and this does not necessarily energize anything in the etheric body. To gaze at beauty is not to experience it. The moment we experience beauty, however, the etheric body is quickened.

A man may do good because of some convention, or because punishment is in store for serious wrong-doing—or, again, because other people will respect him less if he does wrong. He can, however, also do good from sheer love of goodness. I spoke of this years ago in my book, The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity. Such an experience of goodness will always lead to a recognition of the reality of the astral body. Indeed, only this recognition will teach man anything about the essence of goodness. There can only be abstract knowledge of and inconsequent chatter about goodness, if loving enthusiasm for goodness in its essence does not lead to actual experience of the astral body.

Now to realize the good is not, as in the experience of beauty, merely to create a link with pre-earthly existence that ceases when man passes through the gate of death. To experience goodness is, indeed, to unite oneself with the world of which I said, it is ever present. We have but to stretch out towards it. Yet man is separated from this world in material existence. Experience of goodness is a link, leading directly to the world he enters after death.

Forces that endure beyond the gate of death are present in men's actions here on earth, if he lives a life of goodness. The sense of truth is a heritage from pre-earthly existence. The sense of beauty will create an image, at least, of pre-earthly connection with spirit. And the impulse exists within us not to cut ourselves off from spirit, but rather to maintain the bond intact by the goodness we develop as inner power.

To be true is to be rightly united with our spiritual past. To sense beauty means that in the physical world we do not disown our connection with spirit. To be good is to build a living seed for a spiritual world in the future.

Past, present, future—these three concepts, as they play their part in human life, assume far-reaching significance when we understand the concrete reality of the other three concepts—Truth, Beauty, Goodness.

The man who is untruthful denies his spiritual past; the liar severs the threads between himself and his spiritual past. He who disregards beauty is building himself an abode on earth where the sun of spirit never shines, where he wanders in spiritless shadow. The man who belies the good renounces his spiritual future; and yet he would like this future to be bestowed on him, may be by means of some outer remedy.

It was, indeed, out of a profound instinct that Truth, Beauty and Goodness were held to be the greatest ideals of human striving. Yet they have faded away into shadowy words, and it is only our present age that can bestow concrete reality upon them.

(*) See Note 1 says the link in English altough there is no conection.


Verdade, Beleza e Bondade
GA 220

Rudolf Steiner afirmou que a função principal da educação é exercitar as faculdades de pensar, sentir e querer dos alunos. Estas qualidades humanas básicas manifestam-se na civilização como as “verdades eternas” da verdade, da beleza e da bondade, e estas, por sua vez, na ciência, na arte e na religião.

19 de janeiro de 1923, Dornach

Tradutor desconhecido

Tradução automática do Google, no site rsarchive

Verdadeiro, o Belo, o Bom – ao longo de todas as eras da evolução consciente do homem, estas palavras expressaram três grandes ideais: ideais que foram instintivamente reconhecidos como representando a natureza sublime e o objetivo elevado de todo o esforço humano. Em épocas anteriores à nossa, havia um conhecimento mais profundo do ser do homem e da sua ligação com o universo, quando a Verdade, a Beleza e a Bondade tinham uma realidade mais concreta do que na nossa era de abstracção. A Antroposofia, ou Ciência Espiritual, é capaz mais uma vez de indicar a realidade concreta de tais ideais, embora ao fazê-lo nem sempre encontre a aprovação dos tempos. Pois em nossa época os homens adoram ser vagos e nebulosos sempre que se trata de ir além dos fatos da vida cotidiana.

Procuremos compreender como a Verdade, a Beleza e o Bem se relacionam, como realidades concretas, com o ser do homem.

Quando o ser humano está diante de nós, vemos, em primeiro lugar, o seu corpo físico – hoje objeto de observação puramente externa. Como os órgãos individuais, a forma e as funções do corpo foram construídos na existência pré-terrena – isso as pessoas desconhecem totalmente. Na sua existência pré-terrena, o homem vive num mundo de Espírito puro, onde, em comunhão com Seres superiores, está empenhado na construção do protótipo espiritual, a forma espiritual do seu corpo físico. O corpo físico aqui na terra é apenas uma cópia posterior do germe espiritual que é elaborado, em certo sentido, pelo próprio homem na existência pré-terrena.

Na vida terrena o ser humano tem consciência do seu corpo físico, mas não sabe o que isso implica. Falamos da Verdade, sem perceber que um sentimento pela verdade está ligado à nossa consciência do corpo físico. Quando o homem é confrontado com um facto simples, ele pode formar uma ideia que se harmonize estritamente com ele e, portanto, ser verdadeira, ou, por imprecisão, preguiça ou aversão positiva à verdade, ele pode desenvolver uma ideia que não coincide com o facto. Quando ele pensa a verdade, ele está em harmonia com o sentimento que tem do seu corpo físico, ou melhor, também com o seu sentido da conexão entre este corpo físico e a existência pré-terrena. Se por preguiça ou falsidade ele forma uma ideia que não está de acordo com o fato, é como se cortasse o fio que o liga à existência pré-terrena. A inverdade corta esse fio. Na existência pré-terrena, uma delicada lã espiritual é tecida e concentrada em uma cópia posterior – o corpo físico. Muitos fios conectam este corpo físico com a existência pré-terrena e são cortados pela falsidade. A consciência puramente intelectual, que é uma qualidade característica nos primeiros estágios da época da Alma Espiritual (* ), não percebe que tal separação ocorre. E é por isso que o homem está sujeito a tantas ilusões quanto à sua ligação com a existência cósmica.

Na maior parte dos dias de hoje, o homem considera a sua saúde corporal de um ponto de vista puramente físico. Mas quando, através da falsidade, ele corta os fios que o ligam à existência pré-terrena, isso afeta diretamente o seu corpo físico e, especialmente, a constituição do sistema nervoso. A sensação que ele tem do seu corpo físico lhe dá a “sensação espiritual de estar” no universo. E esse sentido espiritual de ser depende da manutenção dos fios que vão do corpo físico à existência pré-terrena. Se quebrarem, o homem terá de criar um substituto para o seu saudável sentido de ser – e fá-lo, inconscientemente. Ele é então levado, inconscientemente, a atribuir a si mesmo uma sensação de estar “fora do comum”. Mas mesmo aqui ele caiu numa incerteza interior que se faz sentir até no corpo físico. Pois este sentido de ser puramente espiritual, que descobrimos existir com maior e maior intensidade à medida que recuamos na história, está fortemente presente no homem de hoje?

Quantas vezes acontece que um homem gostaria de ser uma pessoa notável, não em virtude de sua própria vida espiritual, mas em virtude de alguma profissão ou título. Ele gosta de ter títulos como “Secretário” ou “Notário”, e então imagina que é importante quando a convenção o descreve assim. O essencial, porém, é que ele seja capaz de realizar a sua existência interiormente, independente de todas as externalidades.

O que é que pode fortalecer o homem neste sentido de ser? Na existência terrena vivemos num mundo que é apenas uma cópia da verdadeira realidade. Na verdade, só compreendemos corretamente este mundo físico quando percebemos que ele é esta cópia da realidade. Cabe a nós, entretanto, sentir a verdadeira realidade dentro de nós; devemos estar conscientes de nossa conexão com o mundo espiritual. E isto só é possível se o vínculo que nos liga à existência pré-terrena permanecer intacto.

Este vínculo é fortalecido pelo amor à verdade e à integridade. Nada estabelece tão firmemente o verdadeiro e original sentido de existência do homem como um sentimento de verdade e veracidade. Sentir-se no dever de primeiro “provar todas as coisas” que ele pronuncia, de impor a devida restrição a todas as suas palavras - isso ajuda a consolidar o sentido de existência que é digno do seu ser. Estar consciente do espírito dentro do corpo físico – com isso, de fato, a sensação de ser está conectada. Existe, com efeito, um parentesco íntimo entre o corpo físico e este ideal de Verdade.

Adquirimos o corpo etérico (ou corpo de “forças formativas”) apenas pouco tempo antes da descida da existência pré-terrena para a existência terrena. Reunimos as forças do mundo etérico, por assim dizer, para construir nosso próprio corpo etérico. Ora, em épocas anteriores da evolução, o homem tinha uma compreensão melhor do corpo etérico do que tem hoje. Na verdade, em vez de sentir a realidade do corpo etérico, ele hoje em dia tende a zombar da própria ideia.

A sensação da realidade do corpo etérico é fortalecida pela experiência da Beleza. Quando a verdade e a veracidade entram no domínio da experiência real, estamos, em certo sentido, vivendo corretamente no corpo físico. Um senso de beleza altamente desenvolvido nos dá uma relação correta com o corpo etérico das forças formativas. Enquanto a Verdade está ligada ao corpo físico, a Beleza está ligada ao corpo etérico.

Isto ficará claro se pensarmos no significado da beleza manifestada na arte. Se temos diante de nós um ser humano de carne e osso, sabemos que ele é um entre muitos. No entanto, aquele não tem sentido sem os muitos que vivem ao seu redor. De fato, são delgadas as raízes que ligam o homem à existência física, sem os outros ao seu redor.

Se tentarmos, seja através da escultura, da pintura ou do drama - na verdade, através de qualquer arte - retratar um ser humano, nos esforçaremos para criar uma figura que seja suficiente e completa em si mesma - uma figura que contenha um mundo inteiro, assim como o homem contém o universo inteiro dentro de si mesmo em seu corpo etérico. Pois ele reúne as forças etéricas de todo o universo para moldar seu corpo etérico na existência terrena.

Um sentimento intenso pela beleza – tal como era então concebida – existiu em épocas anteriores. Nada do mesmo tipo está presente na civilização moderna. O homem não pode ser verdadeiramente homem se não tiver senso de beleza. É assim, de fato; pois possuir um senso de beleza é reconhecer a realidade do corpo etérico. Não ter senso de beleza é desconsiderar, renegar o corpo etérico.

Disto o homem moderno está totalmente inconsciente. Quando o grego se aproximava de seu templo, ou contemplava dentro do templo a estátua do deus, ele tinha consciência de um calor interior e brilhante, de uma espécie de luz solar interior. Era como se forças fluíssem para seu ser e para seus diferentes órgãos. Olhando para a estátua do deus, todo o seu coração gritou: “Nunca senti a estrutura periférica das minhas mãos e dedos tão vividamente como quando esta estátua está diante de mim! Nunca tive uma sensação tão interior do arco da minha testa como no templo!” Interiormente aquecido e irradiado – inspirado por Deus – assim o grego se sentia na presença da beleza. E isso nada mais foi do que uma experiência no corpo etérico.

Na presença da feiúra, o sentimento do grego era bem diferente daquele do homem moderno. Este último, no máximo, expressa seus sentimentos muito abstratos em relação à feiúra por meio de suas feições – ele faz uma careta! A feiúra arrepiou todo o corpo do grego, atingindo até os poros da pele. Nos tempos antigos, os homens tinham uma consciência vívida da realidade do corpo etérico e, no curso da evolução, uma parte da natureza humana foi, de fato, perdida. Todas estas coisas de que tenho falado - e que foram experiências reais em épocas anteriores - permanecem inconscientes no homem hoje, pois com o seu intelecto racionalista e amor à abstracção ele tende a ver tudo a partir da cabeça - o órgão pertencente a estas coisas. qualidades.

O entusiasmo pela verdade e pela veracidade pode despertar no homem - pelo menos nas profundezas inconscientes de sua alma - um sentimento de existência pré-terrena. Uma época da civilização em que este sentimento esteja ausente não pode possuir nenhum sentido real de verdade e veracidade. Mas quando esse sentido é altamente desenvolvido, ele liga fortemente o homem ao passado pré-terrestre, e sua experiência mais imediata do presente terreno deve necessariamente causar o surgimento de uma certa tristeza dentro dele. É uma tristeza que só encontra consolo se o sentido da beleza for despertado na alma. A beleza nos dá alegria mais uma vez, mesmo na presença de uma tristeza que deve sempre acompanhar um grande entusiasmo pela verdade. De uma forma delicada e subtil, este entusiasmo diz-nos: A verdade, infelizmente, só está realmente presente na existência pré-terrena. Aqui neste mundo terreno temos apenas o eco dela. Tendo deixado a vida pré-terrena, não estamos mais dentro da substância essencial da verdade. Só o entusiasmo pela verdade pode ajudar-nos a manter intacta a nossa relação com a existência pré-terrena.

Um sentimento genuíno pela beleza cria um elo que nos une aqui, na própria vida terrena, mais uma vez com a existência pré-terrena. Nunca devemos subestimar o significado da beleza na educação e na cultura exterior. Uma civilização repleta de máquinas feias, de chaminés e de fumo, e que dispensa a beleza, é um mundo que não faz nenhum esforço para estabelecer uma ligação entre o homem e a existência pré-terrena; na verdade, isso o despedaça. Não por analogia, mas com toda a verdade podemos dizer: Uma cidade puramente industrial é uma morada adequada para os seres demoníacos que gostariam de fazer o homem esquecer a sua existência pré-terrena no reino do espírito.

No entanto, o deleite pela beleza deve ser pago à custa da compreensão de que o belo, na sua essência, não está enraizado na realidade terrena. Quanto mais perfeitamente representamos a forma humana, digamos, na escultura ou na pintura, mais devemos admitir que isto não corresponde a uma realidade exterior na existência terrena. É apenas um consolo proporcionado pela bela aparência e, portanto, dura apenas até o momento em que atravessamos o portão da morte.

O mundo espiritual em que vivemos durante a nossa existência pré-terrena está sempre presente. Basta-nos, por assim dizer, estender os braços para este mundo espiritual pré-terreno. Embora esteja sempre presente, um elo só pode ser forjado nas profundezas da vida inconsciente quando o homem brilha com entusiasmo pela verdade e pela veracidade. E quando seu coração vibra de amor pelo belo, isso também forma um vínculo com a existência pré-terrena.

Se o homem quiser ser verdadeiro em um sentido superior, isto é, espiritual, ele não deve esquecer que viveu no espírito na existência pré-terrena. Brilhar em resposta à beleza significa que em sua alma o homem deve criar numa imagem, pelo menos, um novo vínculo com a espiritualidade pré-terrena.

Como pode o homem desenvolver um poder real que o levará diretamente ao mundo que ele deixou porque desceu à Terra desde a existência pré-terrena? A resposta é, quando ele está cheio de Bondade – a bondade que flui para outros homens e não se limita ao interesse próprio, consciente apenas do que vive dentro do seu próprio ser. Essa bondade pode conduzir a alma às qualidades, à natureza e às experiências dos outros. Abrange inúmeras forças da alma; e essas forças são de tal natureza que na verdade instilam no ser humano elementos com os quais ele estava totalmente permeado apenas na existência pré-terrena. Através do seu sentido de Beleza ele se liga, por meio de uma imagem, ao espírito que deixou por causa da sua descida à existência terrena. Se ele for verdadeiramente bom, ele liga esta própria vida terrena à existência pré-terrena. Um homem bom é aquele que consegue transferir sua própria alma para a alma de outro. Disso depende toda a verdadeira moralidade, e sem moralidade nenhuma verdadeira ordem social entre a humanidade terrena pode ser mantida.

Quando esta verdadeira moralidade se desenvolve em momentosos impulsos de vontade que então passam para a realidade em atos morais, ela começa a ser um impulso vivificante e que tudo permeia na alma, na medida em que um homem pode então ser levado a uma verdadeira simpatia ao ver o cuidado. na face de outro – seu próprio corpo astral sente dor ao ver o sofrimento dos outros. Pois assim como o sentido da Verdade se manifesta na relação correta do homem com o corpo físico; assim como um caloroso entusiasmo pela Beleza se expressa no corpo etérico, a Bondade também vive no corpo astral. E o corpo astral não pode ser são, nem manter a sua verdadeira posição no mundo, se o homem não for capaz de derramar através dele as forças provenientes do Bem.

A Verdade, então, está relacionada ao corpo físico, a Beleza ao corpo etérico, a Bondade ao corpo astral. Aqui temos a realidade concreta das três abstrações de Verdade, Beleza e Bondade. Em suma, podemos relacionar com o ser real do homem tudo o que é expresso instintivamente nestes três ideais.

Estes ideais mostram-nos até que ponto o homem é capaz de cumprir toda a sua natureza humana, quando, para começar, enquanto vive no seu corpo físico, ele está repleto de um verdadeiro sentido de verdade em vez de opiniões convencionais. Mais uma vez, a “humanidade” plena só terá uma existência digna quando um homem puder dar vida ao seu corpo etérico através do seu sentimento pela beleza. Na verdade, aquele que é incapaz de se emocionar ao ver a beleza no mesmo grau que o grego, não possui um verdadeiro senso de beleza. Pode-se apenas contemplar a beleza ou experimentá-la. Hoje acontece que a maioria das pessoas apenas olha, e isso não necessariamente energiza nada no corpo etérico. Contemplar a beleza não é experimentá-la. No momento em que experimentamos a beleza, porém, o corpo etérico é acelerado.

Um homem pode fazer o bem por causa de alguma convenção, ou porque o castigo está reservado para uma transgressão grave – ou, novamente, porque outras pessoas o respeitarão menos se ele cometer um erro. Ele pode, no entanto, também fazer o bem por puro amor ao bem. Falei sobre isso anos atrás em meu livro A Filosofia da Atividade Espiritual . Tal experiência do bem sempre levará ao reconhecimento da realidade do corpo astral. Na verdade, só este reconhecimento ensinará ao homem alguma coisa sobre a essência da bondade. Só pode haver conhecimento abstrato e conversa inconsequente sobre o bem, se o entusiasmo amoroso pelo bem em sua essência não levar à experiência real do corpo astral.

Ora, realizar o bem não é, como na experiência da beleza, meramente criar um vínculo com a existência pré-terrena que cessa quando o homem passa pelo portão da morte. Experimentar o bem é, de fato, unir-se ao mundo do qual eu disse, ele está sempre presente. Temos apenas que nos esforçar para isso. No entanto, o homem está separado deste mundo na existência material. A experiência da bondade é um elo que leva diretamente ao mundo em que ele entra após a morte.

As forças que perduram além da porta da morte estão presentes nas ações dos homens aqui na terra, se eles viverem uma vida de bondade. O sentido da verdade é uma herança da existência pré-terrena. O senso de beleza criará uma imagem, pelo menos, de conexão pré-terrena com o espírito. E existe dentro de nós o impulso de não nos desligarmos do espírito, mas sim de manter intacto o vínculo pela bondade que desenvolvemos como poder interior.

Ser verdadeiro é estar corretamente unido ao nosso passado espiritual. Sentir a beleza significa que no mundo físico não renegamos a nossa ligação com o espírito. Ser bom é construir uma semente viva para um mundo espiritual no futuro.

Passado, presente, futuro - estes três conceitos, à medida que desempenham o seu papel na vida humana, assumem um significado de longo alcance quando compreendemos a realidade concreta dos outros três conceitos - Verdade, Beleza, Bondade.

O homem que não é verdadeiro nega o seu passado espiritual; o mentiroso corta os fios entre ele e seu passado espiritual. Aquele que desconsidera a beleza está construindo para si uma morada na terra onde o sol do espírito nunca brilha, onde ele vagueia em sombras sem espírito. O homem que desmente o bem renuncia ao seu futuro espiritual; e ainda assim ele gostaria que esse futuro lhe fosse concedido, talvez por meio de algum remédio externo.

Foi, de facto, por um profundo instinto que a Verdade, a Beleza e a Bondade foram consideradas os maiores ideais do esforço humano. No entanto, eles desapareceram em palavras sombrias, e é apenas a nossa época atual que pode conferir-lhes uma realidade concreta.

(*) Ver Nota 1, diz o textto em Inglês, porém o link não conecta.

15 julho 2024

Os 300. Truth Justice

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Truth Justice, X


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THE COMMITTEE OF 300: The destruction and control of America and the World. The depopulation of millions of innocent people. The public execution of President John F. Kennedy. The control of U.S. Elections and elections around the world. The release of AIDS and deadly viruses.

This is the work of the insidious Committee of 300. How long will America and humanity allow them to continue this rule of corruption, death and destruction? They will not give up their power. It must be forcibly removed from them. They are moving forward with the following agenda unless we stop them. The Intent and Purpose of the Committee of 300 is to Bring to Pass the Following Conditions: A One World Government and one-unit monetary system under permanent non-elected hereditary Oligarch's who self select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population. There will be no middle class, only rulers and servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited. Only one religion will be allowed and that will be in the form of a One World Government Church, which has been in existence since 1920 as we shall see. Satanism, Luciferianism and Witchcraft shall he recognized as legitimate One World Government curricula with no private or church schools. All Christian churches have already been subverted and Christianity will be a thing of the past in the One World Government. To induce a state where there is no individual freedom or any concept of liberty surviving, there shall be no such thing as republicanism, sovereignty or rights residing with the people. National pride and racial identity shall be stamped out and in the transition phase it shall be subject to the severest penalties to even mention one's racial origin. Each person shall be fully indoctrinated that he or she is a creature of the One World Government with an identification number clearly marked on their person so as to be readily accessible, which identifying number shall be in the master file of the NATO computer in Brussels, Belgium, subject to instant retrieval by any agency of the One World Government at any time. The master Files of the CIA, FBI, state and local police agencies, IRS, FEMA, Social Security shall be vastly expanded and form the basis of personal records of all individuals in the United States. Marriage shall be outlawed and there shall be no family life as we know it. Children will be removed from their parents at an early-age and brought up by wards as state property. Such an experiment was carried out in East Germany under Erich Honnecker when children were take away from parents considered by the state to be disloyal citizens. Women will be degraded through the continued process of "women's liberation" movements. Free sex shall be mandatory. Failure to comply at least once by the age of 20 shall be punishable by severe reprisals against her person. Self-abortion shall be taught and practiced after two children are born to a woman; such records shall be contained in the personal file of each woman in the One World Government's regional computers. If a woman falls pregnant after she has previously given birth to two children, she shall be forcibly removed to an abortion clinic for such an abortion and sterilization to be carried out. Pornography shall be promoted and be compulsory showing in every theater of cinema, including homosexual and lesbian pornography. The use of "recreational" drugs shall be compulsory, with each person allotted drug quotas which can be purchased at One World Government stores throughout the world. Mind control drugs will be expanded and usage become compulsory. Such mind control drugs shall be given in food and/or water supplies without the knowledge and/or consent of the people. Drug bars shall be set up, run by One World Government employees, where the slave-class shall be able to spend their free time. In this manner the non-elite masses will be reduced to the level and behavior of controlled animals with no will of their own and easily regimented and controlled. The economic system shall be based upon the ruling oligarchical class allowing just enough foods and services to be produced to keep the mass slave labor camps going. All wealth shall be aggregated in the hands of the elite members of the Committee of 300. Each individual shall be indoctrinated to understand that he or she is totally dependent upon the state for survival. The world shall be ruled by Committee of 300 Executive Decrees which become instant law. Courts of punishment and not courts of justice shall exist. Industry is to be totally destroyed along with nuclear powered energy systems. Only the Committee of 300 members and their elitists shall have the right to any of the earth's resources. Agriculture shall be solely in the hands of the Committee of 300 with food production strictly controlled. As these measures begin to take effect, large populations in the cities shall be forcibly removed to remote areas and those who refuse to go shall be exterminated in the manner of the One World Government experiment carried out by Pol Pot in Cambodia. Euthanasia for the terminally ill and the aged shall be compulsory. No cities shall be larger than a predetermined number as described in the work of Kalgeri. Essential workers will be moved to other cities if the one they are in becomes overpopulated. Other non-essential workers will be chosen at random and sent to underpopulated cities to fill "quotas." At least 4 billion "useless eaters" shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races. The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world's population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question. From time to time there shall be artificially contrived food and water shortages and medical care to remind the masses that their very existence depends on the goodwill of the Committee of 300. After the destruction of housing, auto, steel and heavy goods industries, there shall he limited housing, and industries of any kind allowed to remain shall be under the direction of NATO's Club of Rome as shall all scientific and space exploration development, limited to the elite under the control of the Committee of 300. Space weapons of all former nations shall be destroyed along with nuclear weapons. All essential and non-essential pharmaceutical products, doctors, dentists and health care workers will be registered in the central computer data bank and no medicine or medical care will he prescribed without express permission of regional controllers responsible for each city, town and village. The United States will be flooded by peoples of alien cultures who will eventually overwhelm America, people with no concept of what the United States Constitution stands for and who will, in consequence, do nothing to defend it, and in whose minds the concept of liberty and justice is so weak as to matter little. Food and shelter shall be the main concern. No central bank save the Bank of International Settlement and the World Bank shall be allowed to operate. Private banks will be outlawed. Remuneration for work performed shall be under a uniform predetermined scale throughout the One World Government. There shall be no wage disputes allowed, nor any diversion from the standard uniform scales of pay laid down by the One World Government. Those who break the law will be instantly executed. There shall be no cash or coinage in the hands of the non- elite. All transactions shall be carried out by means of digital currency which shall bear the identification number of the holder. Any person who in any way infringes the rules and regulations of the Committee of 300 shall have the use of his or her digital currency suspended for varying times according to the nature and severity of the infringement. Such persons will find, when they go to make purchases, that their digital currency is blacklisted and they will not be able to obtain services of any kind. Attempts to trade "old" coins, that is to say silver coins of previous and now defunct nations, shall be treated as a capital crime subject to the death penalty. All such coinage shall be required to be surrendered within a given time along with guns, rifles, explosives and automobiles. Only the elite and One World Government high-ranking functionaries will be allowed private transport, weapons, coinage and automobiles. If the offense is a serious one, the digital currency will be shut off at the checking point where it is presented. Thereafter that person shall not be able to obtain food, water, shelter and employment medical services, and shall be officially listed as an outlaw. Large bands of outlaws will thus be created and they will live in regions that best afford subsistence, subject to being hunted down and shot on sight. Persons assisting outlaws in any way whatsoever, shall likewise be shot. Outlaws who fail to surrender to the police or military after a declared period of time, shall have a former family member selected at random to serve prison terms in their stead. Rival factions and groups such as Arabs and Jews and African tribes shall have differences magnified and allowed to wage wars of extermination against each other under the eyes of NATO and U.N. observers. The same tactics will be used in Central and South America. These wars of attrition shall take place before the take-over of the One World Government and shall be engineered on every continent where large groups of people with ethnic and religious differences live, such as the Sikhs, Moslem Pakistanis and the Hindu Indians. Ethnic and religious differences shall be magnified and exacerbated and violent conflict as a means of "settling" their differences shall be encouraged and fostered. All information services and print media shall be under the control of the One World Government. Regular brainwashing control measures shall be passed off as "entertainment" in the manner in which it was practiced and became a fine art in the United States. Youths removed from "disloyal parents," shall receive special education designed to brutalize them. Youth of both sexes shall receive training to qualify as prison guards for the One World labor camp system. The above was written in 1991 by Dr. John Coleman. Dr. John Coleman was an Intelligence Officer for over 45 years and his book of truth is based on 20 years of relentless research. We can already see many of these things happening today. The Committee of 300 has already penetrated and subverted all governments through the World Economic Forum and United Nations to destroy the sovereign integrity of the nations represented by them. The Committee of 300 has already taken control of the education system in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it. They have now targeted our innocent children through homosexuality, transgenderism and pedophilia. They operate and control the world's Pedophile systems. The Committee of 300 must come to its swift end. They are in control of America right now and are the ones who orchestrated the fraudulent 2020 Election and put corrupt Biden in the White House. They will not allow Trump or Kennedy to be President of the United States. We must do what must be done. We must end the Committee of 300 once and for all for the sake of our innocent children and for the sake of all humanity. These are their names. These are the people that want to eliminate you and control you. These are the people who have been ruling our world for over 150 years through death and chaos inflicted upon billions of innocent people. These are the same people creating world wars for profits and deaths. These are the people behind engineered viruses and diseases that were released upon the world killing millions. These are the people that must be removed from our world. PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300 AS OF 1991: BILL GATES IS A NEW MEMBER Abergavemy, Marquis of. Acheson, Dean. Adeane, Lord Michael. Agnelli, Giovanni. Alba, Duke of. Aldington, Lord. Aleman, Miguel. Allihone, Professor T. E. Alsop Family Designate. Amory, Houghton. Anderson, Charles A. Anderson, Robert 0. Andreas, Dwayne. Asquith, Lord. Astor, John Jacob and successor, Waldorf. Aurangzeb, Descendants of. Austin, Paul. Baco, Sir Ranulph BalFour, Arthur. Balogh, Lord. Bancroft, Baron Stormont. Baring. Barnato, B. Barran, Sir John. Baxendell, Sir Peter. Beatrice of Savoy, Princess. Beaverbrook, Lord. Beck, Robert. Beeley, Sir Harold. Beit, Alfred. Benn, Anthony Wedgewood. Bennet, John W. Benneton, Gilberto or alternate Carlo. Bertie, Andrew. Besant, Sir Walter. Bethal, Lord Nicholas. Bialkin, David. Biao, Keng. Bingham, William. Binny, J. F. Blunt, Wilfred. Bonacassi, Franco Orsini. Bottcher, Fritz. Bradshaw, Thornton. Brandt, Willy. Brewster, Kingman. Buchan, Alastair. Buffet, Warren. Bullitt, William C. Bulwer-Lytton, Edward. Bundy, McGeorge. Bundy, William. Bush, George. Cabot, John. Family Designate. Caccia, Baron Harold Anthony. Cadman, Sir John. Califano, Joseph. Carrington, Lord. Carter, Edward. Catlin, Donat. Catto, Lord. Cavendish, Victor C. W. Duke of Devonshire. Chamberlain, Houston Stewart. Chang, V. F. Chechirin, Georgi or Family Designate. Churchill, Winston. Cicireni, V. or Family Designate. Cini, Count Vittorio. Clark, Howard. Cleveland, Amory. Cleveland, Harland. Clifford, Clark. Cobold, Lord. Coffin, the Rev William Sloane. Constanti, House of Orange. Cooper, John. Family Designate. Coudenhove-Kalergi, Count. Cowdray, Lord. Cox, Sir Percy. Cromer, Lord Evelyn Baring. Crowther, Sir Eric. Cumming, Sir Mansfield. Curtis, Lionel. d'Arcy, William K. D'Avignon, Count Etienne. Danner, Jean Duroc. Davis, John W. de Benneditti, Carlo. De Bruyne, Dirk. De Gunzberg, Baron Alain. De Lamater, Major General Walter. De Menil, Jean. De Vries, Rimmer. de Zulueta, Sir Philip. de'Aremberg, Marquis Charles Louis. Delano. Family Designate. Dent, R. Deterding, Sir Henri. di Spadaforas, Count Guitierez, (House Douglas-Home, Sir Alec. Drake, Sir Eric. Duchene, Francois. DuPont. Edward, Duke of Kent. Eisenberg, Shaul. Elliott, Nicholas. Elliott, William Yandel. Elsworthy, Lord. Farmer, Victor. Forbes, John M. Foscaro, Pierre. France, Sir Arnold. Fraser, Sir Hugh. Frederik IX, King of Denmark Family Designate. Freres, Lazard. Frescobaldi, Lamberto. Fribourg, Michael. Gabor, Dennis. Gallatin, Albert. Family Designate. Gardner, Richard. Gates, William Henry III Geddes, Sir Auckland. Geddes, Sir Reay. George, Lloyd. Giffen, James. Gilmer, John D. Giustiniani, Justin. Gladstone, Lord. Gloucestor, The Duke of. Gordon, Walter Lockhart. Grace, Peter J. Greenhill, Lord Dennis Arthur. Greenhill, Sir Dennis. Grey, Sir Edward. Gyllenhammar, Pierres. Haakon, King of Norway. Haig, Sir Douglas. Hailsham, Lord. Haldane, Richard Burdone. Halifax, Lord. Hall, Sir Peter Vickers. Hambro, Sir Jocelyn. Hamilton, Cyril. Harriman, Averill. Hart, Sir Robert. Hartman, Arthur H. Healey, Dennis. Helsby, Lord. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Her Majesty Queen Juliana. Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix. Her Royal Highness Queen Margreta. Heseltine, Sir William. Hesse, Grand Duke descendants, Family Designate. Hoffman, Paul G. Holland, William. House of Braganza. House of Hohenzollern. House, Colonel Mandel. Howe, Sir Geoffrey. Hughes, Thomas H. Hugo, Thieman. Hutchins, Robert M. Huxley, Aldous. Inchcape, Lord. Jamieson, Ken. Japhet, Ernst Israel. Jay, John. Family Designate. Keynes, John Maynard. Jodry, J. J. Joseph, Sir Keith. Katz, Milton. Kaufman, Asher. Keith, Sir Kenneth. Keswick, Sir William Johnston, or Keswick, H.N.L. Keswick, William Johnston. Kimberly, Lord. King, Dr. Alexander. Kirk, Grayson L. Kissinger, Henry. Kitchener, Lord Horatio. Kohnstamm, Max. Korsch, Karl. Lambert, Baron Pierre. Lawrence, G. Lazar. Lehrman, Lewis. Lever, Sir Harold. Lewin, Dr. Kurt. Lippmann, Walter. Livingstone, Robert R. Family Designate. Lockhart, Bruce. Lockhart, Gordon. Linowitz, S. Loudon, Sir John. Luzzatto, Pieipaolo. Mackay, Lord, of Clasfern. Mackay-Tallack, Sir Hugh. Mackinder, Halford. MacMillan, Harold. Matheson, Jardine. Mazzini, Gueseppi. McClaughlin, W. E. McCloy, John J. McFadyean, Sir Andrew. McGhee, George. McMillan, Harold. Mellon, Andrew. Mellon, William Larimer or Family Designate. Meyer, Frank. Michener, Roland. Mikovan, Anastas. Milner, Lord Alfred. Mitterand, Francois. Monett, Jean. Montague, Samuel. Montefiore, Lord Sebag or Bishop Hugh. Morgan, John P. Mott, Stewart. Mountain, Sir Brian Edward. Mountain, Sir Dennis. Mountbatten, Lord Louis. Munthe, A., or family designate. Naisbitt, John. Neeman, Yuval. Newbigging, David. Nicols, Lord Nicholas of Bethal. Norman, Montague. O'Brien of Lotherby, Lord. Ogilvie, Angus. Okita, Saburo. Oldfield, Sir Morris. Oppenheimer, Sir Earnest, and successor, Harry. Ormsby Gore, David (Lord Harlech). Orsini, Franco Bonacassi. Ortolani. Umberto. Ostiguy, J.P.W. Paley, William S. Pallavacini. Palme, Olaf. Palmerston. Palmstierna, Jacob. Pao, Y.K. Pease, Richard T. Peccei, Aurellio. Peek, Sir Edmund. Pellegreno, Michael, Cardinal. Perkins, Nelson. Pestel, Eduard. Peterson, Rudolph. Petterson, Peter G. Petty, John R. Philip, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh. Piercy, George. Pinchott, Gifford. Pratt, Charles. Price Waterhouse, Designate. Radziwall. Ranier, Prince. Raskob, John Jacob. Recanati. Rees, John Rawlings. Rees, John. Rennie, Sir John. Rettinger, Joseph. Rhodes, Cecil John. Rockefeller, David. Role, Lord Eric of Ipsden. Rosenthal, Morton. Rostow, Eugene. Rothmere, Lord. Rothschild Elie de or Edmon de and/or Baron Rothschild Runcie, Dr. Robert. Russell, Lord John. Russell, Sir Bertrand. Saint Gouers, Jean. Salisbury, Marquisse de Robert Gascoiugne Cecil. Shelburne, The Salisbury, Lord. Samuel, Sir Marcus. Sandberg, M. G. Sarnoff, Robert. Schmidheiny, Stephan or alternate brothers Thomas, Alexander. Schoenberg, Andrew. Schroeder. Schultz, George. Schwartzenburg, E. Shawcross, Sir Hartley. Sheridan, Walter. Shiloach, Rubin. Silitoe, Sir Percy. Simon, William. Sloan, Alfred P. Smuts, Jan. Spelman. Sproull, Robert. Stals, Dr. C. Stamp, Lord Family designate. Steel, David. Stiger, George. Strathmore, Lord. Strong, Sir Kenneth. Strong, Maurice. Sutherland. Swathling, Lord. Swire, J. K. Tasse, G. Or Family Designate. Temple, Sir R. Thompson, William Boyce. Thompson, Lord. Thyssen-Bornamisza, Baron Hans Henrich. Trevelyn, Lord Humphrey. Turner, Sir Mark. Turner, Ted. Tyron, Lord. Urquidi, Victor. Van Den Broek, H. Vanderbilt. Vance, Cyrus. Verity, William C. Vesty, Lord Amuel. Vickers, Sir Geoffrey. Villiers, Gerald Hyde family alternate. Volpi, Count. von Finck, Baron August. von Hapsburg, Archduke Otto, House of Hapsburg-Lorraine. Von Thurn and Taxis, Max. Wallenberg, Peter or Family Designate. Wang, Kwan Cheng, Dr. Warburg, S. C. Ward Jackson, Lady Barbara. Warner, Rawleigh. Warnke, Paul. Warren, Earl. Watson, Thomas. Webb, Sydney. Weill, David. Weill, Dr. Andrew. Weinberger, Sir Caspar. Weizman, Chaim. Wells, H. G. Wheetman, Pearson (Lord Cowdray). White, Sir Dick Goldsmith. Whitney, Straight. Wiseman, Sir William. Wittelsbach. Wolfson, Sir Isaac. Wood, Charles. Young, Owen. Most Presidents and Prime Ministers around the world are controlled and were installed by the Committee of 300. There are thousands of people such as Klaus Schwab, leader of the World Economic Forum who work for the Committee of 300 to accomplish their will and purpose but are not direct members of the Committee of 300. They too must be removed from our society. The Committee of 300 also controls all the intelligence agencies such as MI6 and the CIA which are their most powerful tools to accomplish their goals worldwide. To restore America and humanity we must do away with the Committee of 300. This is the head of the snake that must be cut off. It will take a global effort of bravery and action. It must be done or we will lose America and the rest of the world to a future of global tyranny. They have already killed millions of innocent people and plan on killing billions more. They are coming after our children, they are sexualizing them and want to legalize Pedophilia. They will not stop unless we physically stop them by force. This is the reality of humanities fate. Criminals and mass murderers do not surrender their power. It must be taken from them for the sake of all humanity. They think they are gods themselves, the Olympians who have the right to decide who lives and who dies. They are gravely mistaken and their rule must come to a swift end.