
Brazilian Amazon is Brazilian. SvH

Brazilian Amazon is Brazilian by Sonia von Homrich 23th August 2019 Yes, probably criminals acting there at Amazon area as the extreme left-wing, the corrupted one lost elections. This is the season were fire is easy to get as is a dry season there and now the Army will be there of course in order to expel the international NGOs which explores Indians and minerals, expel invaders, and control all fires. Of course what international media is showing, a chaos is made by international hysteria using pictures from 1989 and so on. Amazon is Brazilian, is not international, we are willing to fight for Amazon against the voluptuousness   of international governs like Germans and Frenchs only interested in our rich area. Even fire which is necessary in other parts of the land - not in Amazon are being credit to Amazon. Of course as people have lust for power and all ecological feeling was created as a way to impose left-wing ideas, of course there are people who following materialism a

Revisões. SvH.

Caros amigos, estou revendo todos os meus artigos.  Por esta razão eles não estão mais online.  Dear friends, I am revising all my articles.  That is the reason they are not anymore online. Obrigada. Agosto 2019 Thank you. Agosto 2019 Sonia von Homrich

Amor e Desejos Ardentes. RS. SvH.

A alma é primeiramente e acima de tudo um ser preenchido por desejos ardentes. É preenchida com simpatia e antipatia, com o mundo de desejos, de quereres.  Depois de algum tempo, no entanto, o espírito revela à alma que ela se constitui de algo mais do que apenas o desejo. Quando a alma liderada pelo espírito supera o desejo ardente, então não mais passiva, então o amor flui na alma evoluída, da mesma maneira que o desejo ardente  flui na sub-desenvolvida alma. Desejo e amor são as forças opostas entre as quais a alma se desenvolve. A alma permanece na armadilha da sensualidade, na aparência externa, na alma preenchida pelo desejo ardente; a alma que está evoluindo em sua relação com o espírito (sua individualidade espiritual ética que é eterna),em  sua harmonia com o espírito, é a alma de amor. Isto é o que lidera a alma em seu caminho, de encarnação a encarnação, nisto evolui a alma entre ser preenchida com desejos ardentes em uma alma de amor cujas atividades tornam-se ações de am

Answering to a friend. SvH

Answering to a friend  By Sonia von Homrich (SvH) 2019 August 9th, São Paulo, Brazil. First at all, I beg your pardon as I am not fluent in English anymore as I used to be. Since 2005 I am not speaking any English. Since 1992-93, I was also forgetting English to learn German Language and since 2005 I do not speak any German as well. English and German are not my native Language. The Guardian is a left-wing Co., where Glenn Greenwald had worked or even still who knows, financially they are connected with Soros and New World Order there are enough material about media and deep state including from Terry Boardman (1)  as all media was purchased by people in liason with Bilderberg and others - just a way to dominate international media and make the world a 1984 one . All data people are using to refer to Brazil are not reliable data due to the fact: (1) the Institute has written in its first page they do not produce data to know about devastation, this is not their focus, th