01 novembro 2024

Foundations od Esotericism GA93 RS

 Rudolf Steiner GA 93a The Foundations of Esotericism RS


 n these lectures, Steiner speaks to a small group of active members of the Theosophical Society of Berlin. He presents a sweep of occult knowledge including the phases of planetary evolution, planetary influences, the kingdoms of nature, various myths and symbols, human physical and spiritual organs, illness, reincarnation, and much more. Included are unexpected insights into specific phenomena such as dinosaurs, bacteria, radiation, the Sphinx, and Freemasonry.

Notes of an esoteric Course in the form of thirty-one lectures by Rudolf Steiner: given between the 26th of September and the 5th of November 1905, at Berlin. This edition is Translated by Vera and Judith Compton-Burnett, from notes unrevised by the lecturer. In the complete edition of the works of Rudolf Steiner the volume containing the original German is entitled: Grundelemente der Esoterik, no 93a in the Biographical Survey.

Introductory remarks by the Editor

Translators Preface

Lecture I

September 26, 1905

Significance of the symbol of the snake. Invertebrate and vertebrate animals — System of the solar plexus and the spinal chord. Inner study of man with the help of the Kundalini fire. Twelve stages of consciousness: seven appertaining to man, five to the creative gods. The Twelve apostles as the twelve Christ-permeated stages of consciousness.


Lecture II

September 27, 1905

Activity, wisdom, will: three leading concepts in esotericism. Life after death. The appearance of the Guardian of the Threshold as the Double. The significance of Christ's death of atonement. The influence of Ulfilas on the German language. The chaos of the activity of the West and the tranquillity of the wisdom of the East.


Lecture III

September 28, 1905

Stages of Consciousness in the three kingdoms of Nature and of Man. The plant world as sense organ of the Earth. The organ of orientation in the root of the plant and the corresponding organ of orientation in the human ear. The cross as the symbol of the evolution of direction in man, animal and plant. Plant consciousness on the Mental Plane; that of sensitive plants, idiots and animals on the Astral Plane, of minerals on the Higher Mental Plane. Human consciousness on the Physical Plane and its development to higher stages. The riddle of the Sphinx as indication of the future form of man.


Lecture IV

September 29, 1905

Consciousness of the bees and ants. Alchemy and the Philosophers' Stone. Relationship of the kingdoms of Nature to each other. The being of man in the future.


Lecture V

September 30, 1905

The conditions of bodies: solid, liquid, gaseous; the four kinds of ether: warmth, light, chemical and life ether and their life on the seven planes. Relationship between the passive and active organs: ear and speech i.e. larynx; heart and pituitary gland (hypophysis); eye and pineal gland (epiphysis). The development of the hypophysis into an active warmth-organ, the epiphysis to an active organ of vision. Tolstoi. Ulfilas.


Lecture VI

October 01, 1905

The difference between receptive and creative beings in connection with the Blavatskian sequence of seven stages of being, to which man belongs: 1. receptive elemental beings; 2. man as a receptive and creative intermediate being; 3. the ‘pure man’ of the pre-Lemurian Age: Adam Cadmon and the development of the warm and cold-blooded animals; 4. Bodhisattvas: human beings who have become creative for the purpose of regulating the continuity of evolution; 5. Nirmanakayas: creative beings reaching out beyond the Earth who are able to bring new impulses into Earth evolution; 6. Pitris (Fathers): beings able to sacrifice themselves; 7. The actual gods. Heart and gall.


Lecture VII

October 02, 1905

Development of the beings on the Old Moon. Moon — Cosmos of Wisdom. Jehovah a rank of the hierarchies. Transition from the Old Moon to the Earth. Beginning of human incarnations: union of two different kinds of beings (spiritual & physical parts) resulting in birth and death; the degree of balance in the gradual reciprocal adaptation of the spiritual and physical parts. Past and future development of speech in connection with consciousness, life and form.


Lecture VIII

October 03, 1905

Reincarnation, development of civilisation and the zodiac. Christianity and the teaching of reincarnation. Water or the drinking of wine in relation to knowledge of reincarnation. The Trappist Orders. The Augustinian teaching of predestination.


Lecture IX

October 04, 1905

The physical body as the oldest and most perfected part of the fourfold human organism. Self-awareness and sense-observation. The seven senses in relation to the seven planes and conditions of substance. The nature of the future Jupiter as the result of the thoughts, feelings and will impulses of present-day man. Materialism, a karmic result of earlier idealistic periods. The founding of towns and the Lohengrin saga. Causes of illnesses.


Lecture X

October 05, 1905

The formation of the etheric body as the opposite of the physical body: the feminine etheric body of the man, and the male etheric body of the woman. The forms and colours of the astral body and its sheath: the auric egg. The development of the human auric egg through seven conditions of form of the earth. The membering of the human auric egg. The individualised astral light. Reading in the Akasha.


Lecture XI

October 06, 1905

Man's participation in the physical, astral and mental world. The development of self-consciousness during the descent to the physical plane. The re-ascent to the higher planes through schooling towards selflessness in wishes and thoughts. The possibility of development towards freedom on the physical plane. Action and reaction as the technique of karma.


Lecture XII

October 07, 1905

The origin of the physical body. The Kundalini fire as means of investigation into occult anatomy. The work of the Deva-forces on the bodily sheaths and the gradual loosening of the Deva-forces through the ego. The working of the Devas in the life after death. Sojourn in Devachan and re-embodiment. Life after death in the case of suicide and death by violence.


Lecture XIII

October 08, 1905

Dionysius the Areopagite and his teaching about the Gods. The structure of the Church, an outer image of the inner hierarchical ordering of the world. Alteration in the forms of the flora, fauna and mineral kingdom through the work of man after death. The activity and nature of the Devas and the Planetary Spirits.


Lecture XIV

October 09, 1905

Man's sojourn in Devachan between death and a new birth. The formation of devachanic organs on Earth through spiritual activity and soul relationships (Life in the Groups). The physical world as world of causes, Devachan as world of effects. Three stages of pupil-ship. The eighth sphere. The twelve Nidanas or forces of Karma.


Lecture XV

October 10, 1905

The impulse given through the Rosicrucians to European history from the 14th century to the time of the French Revolution. In the Rosicrucian schools basic Theosophy was taught. The three basic concepts, Wisdom, Beauty, Power, in connection with the transformation of the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms. The twelve forces of Karma (Nidanas).


Lecture XVI

October 11, 1905

How Karma works in relation to deeds, words and thoughts. The opposite of Karma: creation out of nothing. The experience of Nirvana.


Lecture XVII

October 12, 1905

The three stages of thought-life: Abstract Thoughts, Imagination, and Intuition. Father, Son (Word) and Holy Spirit or First, Second, Third Logos — Karma and the five Skandhas.


Lecture XVIII

October 16, 1905

The human beings of the Atlantean and Lemurian Ages. The two-fold origin of human nature and their union in the Lemurian Age. The Eighth Sphere. The two-fold structure of the physical, etheric and astral body of present-day man.


Lecture XIX

October 17, 1905

Certain species of Elemental Beings in the Astral World — Asuric Beings — Jehovah as the God of the descending Kama-principle; Christ, the ascending Buddhi-Principle — Black and White Magic. Natural and induced Elemental Beings.


Lecture XX

October 18, 1905

Beings and experiences in the Astral World. Black and White Magic. Necessity of a strict schooling for forming judgements about the Astral World. Technique of reincarnation. The memory tableau immediately after death and the vision of the future preceding new birth.


Lecture XXI

October 19, 1905

The technique of reincarnation: the law of effect and counter-effect in relation to actions, feelings and thoughts. The necessity for artistic activity in theosophical life. The passage through the Astral and Devachanic World in the life after death and the preparation for the next Earth life.


Lecture XXII

October 24, 1905

The problem of death as a question of consciousness. The duality: inner kernel of being (Monad) and physical-astral man; their various forms of development until their unification in the Lemurian Age. The beginning of Karma. Wisdom, Beauty, Strength as reflection of Manas, Buddhi and Atma.


Lecture XXIII

October 25, 1905

Fructification with the Spirit (Monad) in the Lemurian Age. The previous stages of Earth evolution: Old Saturn, Sun and Moon. The Sun and Moon ancestors of Man. Opposition between the intentions of Jehovah and the Luciferic Principle. The coming into being of the two sexes as also of birth and death. The changing direction of the Earth axis. Arising of original (Ur) Karma. Conflict between Jehovah and Lucifer. Christianity and the teaching of Reincarnation and Karma.


Lecture XXIV

October 26, 1905

Survey of Earth evolution I: Races, Globes, Rounds.


Lecture XXV

October 27, 1905

Survey of Earth evolution II: Planets or states of consciousness, Rounds or elemental kingdoms, Globes or conditions of form; in Christian terminology: Power, Kingdom and Glory.


Lecture XXVI

October 28, 1905

Survey of Earth evolution III: The Fourth Earth Round. Separation of Sun and Moon. The Union of the human astral body with the Monad. Intervention of the impulse of Luciferic Beings and the battle between Jehovah and Lucifer. Elemental beings in the Atlantean Age. The origin of metals. Names of the days of the week and their connection with the planetary evolution of the Earth.


Lecture XXVII

October 30, 1905

The Three Logoi, or Form, Life and Consciousness (Creation out of Nothing) as three stages of evolution. Elemental Beings and the arising of Astral Beings through the physical deeds of man.


Lecture XXVIII

October 31, 1905

The senses in connection with the different ethers. Connection between microcosm and macrocosm. The development of different stages of consciousness during the epochs of the Post-Atlantean Age.


Lecture XXIX

November 03, 1905

Karmic connections in the relationships of peoples. Illnesses connected with particular times and nations. Class opposition and national morality. Michael's battle against the God Mammon in the seventies of the nineteenth century. The War of All against All and its remedy in the basic principle of brotherhood. The origin of oxygen, breathing. Connection of freedom with birth, death and illness. Origin of fever. The Riddle of the Sphinx, a secret of the future.


Lecture XXX

November 04, 1905

Development of the different forms of nourishment; origin and significance of drinking wine. The social aspect of West and East in regard to production and consumption.


Lecture XXXI

November 05, 1905

Concerning Old Atlantis and the formation of the Fifth Root-Race or the Post-Atlantean Age. Development of the Post-Atlantean Age through the Indian, Persian, Chaldean and European civilisations. Present-day materialism. Preparation for a new civilisation the task of Central Europe.


Schematic Survey of the Stages of World Evolution

Further Diagrams of Evolution

Glossary of Indian-Theosophical Terms


Lecture XII

Berlin, 7th October 1905

When the physical body is discussed most people have a very unclear, confused idea of what it actually is. In point of fact what we have before us is not just the physical body but a combination of the physical body with higher forces. A piece of rock crystal is also physical but in its very nature this is something quite different from the human eye or heart, which are also physical. The eye and heart are parts of the physical body, but they are intermixed with man's higher members and through this, something is brought about which is completely different from other aspects of the physical. In water we find oxygen and hydrogen but they look quite different from when we see them separated. Then we are aware of their difference. In water we have before us a mixture of both. What meets us in the physical body of man is also a mixture comprised of the physical, etheric and astral bodies.

The physical human eye is similar to a camera, for, as with the camera, there appears within it a picture of the surrounding world. Only when one abstracts from the physical eye everything that is not to be found in the camera, does one discover what is the specific nature of the physical eye. So too one must abstract from the entire physical body everything that is not purely physical: only then does one have what in occultism is called the physical body. In itself it can neither live, think nor feel. There then remains a very wisely ordered, extremely complicated automaton, a purely physical apparatus. This, alone, was all there was of human existence at the Old Saturn stage. At that time the eyes were present only as little cameras. What was produced as [a] picture of the surrounding world came to the consciousness of a Deva being. In the middle of the Saturn evolution the so-called Asuras (the Archai) were sufficiently advanced to make use of the apparatus. At that time they were at the human stage. They made use of the automata and the pictures they produced. The Asuras themselves were not within the apparatus but outside and only made use of the pictures as we make use of photographic apparatus in order to take pictures of a landscape. Thus the physical body of man was at that time an architectural structure of a physical apparatus operated from outside. This is the first stage of human existence.

The second stage of development was the permeation of this physical apparatus with the etheric body. It then became a living organism. That also found expression in the configuration of the body. The automaton was built up out of a fairly firm undifferentiated mass, similar to what today is a jelly-like substance, like a soft crystal.40 In the second Round of evolution in the Old Sun existence, the physical automaton was imbued with the etheric body. In this Round the solar plexus developed. It is so called because still today only rudiments of the organ are present. It fashions a nervous system into the physical apparatus. In the case of the plant something similar is present. That is the second stage.

But these stages are not final; evolution gradually progresses. Even today the solar plexus is an active agent in certain animals which have not developed a spinal cord. All invertebrate animals are single forms from left behind stages of what was laid down earlier. It was only on the Earth that man cast out from himself the vertebrate animals. In earlier times his organism was still somewhat similar to that of the crab at the present day. Man has progressed beyond that earlier stage whereas the crab has remained stationary. It is an astonishing fact that the whole inner formation of the crab has a certain similarity to the human brain. There is actually a similarity between the internal formation of the crab and the human brain. Like the human brain the crab too is enclosed in a hard shell. After man had developed a spine and had metamorphosed the upper vertebrae, he cast off the hard shell. The crab has not developed further. It has adapted itself to its environment by means of a hard shell that it had to have and which serves the same purpose as does the protective covering of the whole body in man.

The third stage is that in which the whole is transformed by the astral body working within it. This organic transformation is connected with the development of the heart and the circulation of the blood. The heart of the fish has remained stationary at a halfway stage.41 The development of the heart is proportionate to the degree in which there is an increase in the inner warmth of the body; this signifies nothing other than a drawing of the astral into the body.

The spinal cord with the brain is the organ of the ego. This is surrounded by the threefold protective sheath of the astral, etheric and physical bodies. After the organ of the ego (spinal cord and brain) had been prepared, the ego laid itself in the bed made ready for it, and spinal cord and brain appear as organs in the service of the ego.

The four-fold man is put together in this way. It is the Pythagorean square.

  1. The spinal cord and brain are the organ of the ego.
  2. The warm blood and the heart are the organ of Kama (astral body).
  3. The Solar plexus is the organ of the etheric body.
  4. The actual physical body is the complicated physical apparatus.

Thus has the four-fold being of man been constructed.

In occultism what we have now described is again called a spiral (Wirbel), something that builds from outside inwards and unites with what builds up from within. Physical body, etheric and astral bodies have built up the human being. Then the ego makes itself felt and this builds from within outwards. These are the four constituents of man. Here we find in the outer an imprint of the four-fold man. All further development is of such a nature that the human being, starting from this point of the ego, consciously experiences what previously he went through unconsciously.

Today, in order to realise that this is so, one must in the first place investigate what took place when our ego was being developed. In order to do this we must, as it were, take up our position under a certain organ. This is most aptly expressed in the Buddha legend. It says in the legend that Buddha remained seated under the Bodhi tree until he attained illumination in order to rise to higher stages, to Nirvana. For this Buddha had to place himself under the brain, under the organ of consciousness. That means the paths he had previously traversed unconsciously he had to traverse again consciously. Under the large brain there lies, more towards the back of the head, the small, tree shaped brain (the cerebellum). Under this brain Buddha placed himself. The cerebellum is the Bodhi tree. This shows how what is said in such profound legends is actually taken from human evolution.

Everything that is now known only by means of anatomy was at that time known in quite another way. The occult investigator made his researches with the help of the Kundalini light. The pupil was prepared for this in the following way. He came to a Master. If the latter found him trustworthy he received as instruction, not actually a teaching—today it has become different, today man must find his way by means of intellect and concepts—but the Master spoke somewhat as follows: ‘Every day for about six weeks you must spend several hours in meditation and give yourself up to some sentence of eternal value, completely sinking yourself into it.’ At present man cannot do this because life in modern civilisation makes too many demands on him. At that time the pupil meditated six to ten hours daily. He cannot do this nowadays without withdrawing from the whole life around him. At that time however the pupil required hardly any time for external needs. He found his nourishment in outer nature. He therefore made use of his time for meditation, perhaps uninterruptedly for ten hours. By this means he very soon progressed so far that he brought his body, which at that time was less dense, into such a condition that the Kundalini light was awakened within him. This is for the inner being what sunlight is for the outer world. Actually we do not see external objects, but reflected sunlight. The moment when, with the help of the Kundalini light, we can illuminate the soul, it becomes as visible as an object shone upon by the sun. So for the yoga pupil the whole inner body gradually became illuminated. All ancient anatomies were seen from within, through inner illumination. Thus the (Indian) monks, who clothed their experiences in legends, spoke of what they had perceived through the Kundalini light.

Now we must ask ourselves how the different parts of the human body are worked upon. In regard to what belongs to the brain and spinal cord, man first works consciously on the physical plane through the human ego [Gap in the text ...] He has at present no influence on anything else. He has for instance no influence on the circulation of the blood. Such things are developed by degrees. Here other beings co-operate, Deva beings, so that all creatures having a blood circulation are dependent on Deva forces for its regulation. The astral body is permeated and worked upon by different Deva forces. The lowest work on the astral body. Higher forces work on the etheric body and still higher Devas on the physical body, the most perfected body possessed by man. The astral body is strikingly less perfect than the physical body. The physical heart is indeed very clever; the stupid one is the astral body, that directs into the heart all kinds of heart poisons. The most perfect part of man is the physical body, less perfect is the etheric body and still less perfect is the astral body. What is only in its beginnings, the ‘baby’ in man, is the ego Organisation. This is the four-fold man, which contains the ego as the temple contains the statue of a god.

The whole development of human culture is nothing other than the working of the ego into the astral body, the education of the astral body. Man enters into life filled with desires, impulses and passions. In so far as he masters these impulses, desires and passions, he is working his ego into the astral body. When the Sixth Root-race, the Sixth Epoch, has reached its conclusion, the ego will have completely worked into the astral body. Until then the astral body will continue to be dependent on the support of the Deva forces. As long as the ego has not permeated the entire astral body, so long must the Deva forces support the work.

The second stage of development, which follows that of the cultural, is the development of the esoteric pupil. He works the ego into the etheric body. Through this the Deva forces are gradually released by the work of his own ego. Then he also gradually begins to see into himself.

We can now ask: what is the significance of the astral body, for what purpose does man have an astral body? It is to give him the possibility, by way of his desires, to do what otherwise he would not have done, and to betake himself to the physical plane. For before man can acquire objective knowledge on the physical plane he must direct to it his wishes and desires. Without these he would have been unable to develop an objective observation of the world or a sense of duty and morality. Only after a gradual transformation of his desires can these be changed into duties and ideals. Man can only pursue this path by means of the driving, organising power of the astral body.

The etheric body is the bearer of thoughts. What is thought within man, is etheric outside, just as what is desire within him, is astral outside. But it is only when pure thinking begins that etheric substance is radiated into the astral impulses. As long as thinking is not yet pure thinking we have astral substance surrounding the etheric form. So thought-forms, as they are called, are made out of a kernel of etheric substance surrounded by astral substance. Along the paths of the nerves stream the so-called abstract thoughts, which however are in reality the most concrete, for they are etheric forces. As soon as man even begins to think, he is already working the ego into his etheric body. When a man dies it becomes clear that the physical body has nothing to do with the ego. Every connection between the physical body and the ego is broken off after death. Previously this connection took place indirectly through the other bodies. When these are no longer there the corpse has no further relation to the ego. Then the outer Deva forces receive it and it is again absorbed into the physical environment. The word ‘verwesen’ (decay) does not mean only a passing away, but a return to the ‘Wesen’ (being) out of which the body came forth. This is what may be said in respect of the physical body. The Dutch word ‘Lichaam’ does not mean ‘Leichnam’ (corpse) but the physical body which has to be carried about.

The etheric body is to a great extent in a similar situation to the physical body. It is taken up in the same way by the Devas and then again dissolved into general circulation. But there remains from the etheric body what the human being himself has worked into it and this does not dissolve. It is this which later, at the time of reincarnation, forms a central point, around which what is to be added is crystallised. This small part of the etheric body remains present in the case of everyone. In the same way there remains from the astral body as much as the human being has worked into it. Only during the last third of the Sixth Root-Race will the entire astral body be retained by all people of normal development.

Thus development begins by man's working consciously on his astral body. The task of the Chela, the occult pupil, consists further in the transformation of his etheric body. The stage of chelahood is completed when after death the entire etheric body remains intact. The sojourn in Devachan is necessary in order to make possible a renewal of the forces of the etheric body. The small portion of the etheric body which to begin with man carries into Devachan can grow into the complete etheric body, because the necessary conditions are created there.

This makes comprehensible the varying length of the sojourn in Devachan. When the human being stands at the beginning of his development and has transformed but very little of his etheric body he can only remain in Devachan for quite a short time. The part of the etheric body that is lacking must be replaced for him by the external Devas. When he develops further he sojourns for a progressively longer time in Devachan; thus the time that he spends there increases in proportion to his own development. People, however, who are more advanced sometimes reincarnate earlier for other reasons, for instance, because they are needed in the world.

When the Chela dies, the entire etheric body is present. Thus at this stage the Chela can renounce Devachan because the etheric body has been completely worked through. Then, after quite a short time, re-birth takes place. He waits at first in the astral world, as in a place of transition, until he receives a definite mission from his Master. Then he can again take possession of his etheric body in order to reincarnate once more.

Until this stage is reached a duality is necessary for evolution, i.e. that which man is unable to develop inwardly for himself is built into him from outside. Help must be brought to him from without. Thus in Devachan the etheric body is once more made complete by external Deva powers. The Physical Plane and Devachan are polar opposites. Between them lies Kamaloka, a place of transition, a transitional stage, an intermediary condition that causes the human being to be connected with what he has worked into his astral body. The astral body leads man on to the Physical Plane, where he directs his attention outwards. Here desires are cultivated by contact with external things. When a person dies his craving for outer objects does not immediately cease, although he no longer has organs bringing him into connection with them. The desire remains but the organs are lacking. In Kamaloka he must break himself from this longing for the outer-world. Kamaloka does not actually belong to normal development; it is only a stage where habits must be relinquished. It is because man can no longer satisfy his wishes, because he no longer has organs for the physical world, that Kamaloka comes about.

When someone commits suicide he has identified his ego with the physical body. For this reason the longing for the physical body is all the more intense. It seems to him that he is like a hollow tree, like someone who has lost his ego. He then has a continual thirst for himself.

When a man is put to death by violence he is in a similar situation. In the case of someone who meets a violent death he continues seeking for his physical body until the time when he would otherwise have died. This seeking can bring about harmful reactions. In such a case it can happen that a man who meets his end by violence is filled with a terrible rage against those who have caused his death. Then in the murdered man the blow is changed into a counter blow. Thus from the astral world, the souls of Russians executed for political reasons fought against their own countrymen on the side of the Japanese. This happened in the Russo-Japanese war; it is however not a general rule.


Antes de dormir.


Antes de dormir

 Tradução e comentários de Sonia von Homrich

Quando pequena, eu orava, “Agora me deito para dormir, se eu morrer sem acordar,

guarda minha alma, Oh, Senhor”

Sonia von Homrich


"Seria de grande ajuda se mais pessoas fizessem algo diferente à noite antes de ir para a cama, diferente do que elas fazem hoje. Vamos pensar na última coisa que muitas pessoas fazem quando vão dormir à noite.

Para a moderna humanidade, seria correto dizer antes de dormir:

Gostaria de entrar conscientemente no mundo onde há forças de renascimento, onde experimentamos as forças que trazem as almas para a Terra, onde essas forças são vivenciadas,  espiritualmente.

Na época atual, quando dormimos, experimentamos as forças do futuro.

Portanto, devemos amadurecer um certo desejo por doutrinas que falam do mundo espiritual, que desenvolvem uma consciência do que as almas experimentaram quando estão em um estado semelhante ao que geralmente experimentam enquanto dormem, porém consciente.

A partir daquele mundo, os grandes impulsos que fazem a civilização progredir, devem advir, o que o revive, os impulsos espirituais, políticos e até socioeconômicos que devem se desenvolver como forças curativas da nossa civilização.

Verdadeiramente, chegou o tempo no qual, devemos reacender a possibilidade de entender, compreender, o Mistério de Gólgota, a partir do aspecto espiritual.

O que é essencial – melhor dizendo um dos essenciais, já que são muitos) no Mistério de Gólgota?

Um Deus, uma supranatural entidade desceu e tomou morada em Jesus de Nazaré. A característica dessa entidade é a imortalidade. 

Todas as entidades das superiores hierarquias, os anjos, os arcanjos e assim por diante até o Supremo, os Serafins, os Querubins, descritos em minha Ciência Oculta, não morrem em seu próprio sentido.

Podemos examinar e revisar qual é o destino deles: eles não morrem da maneira que os seres humanos morrem.

 O que Cristo assumiu sobre si mesmo, o que veio dessas hierarquias mais superiores?

Ele morre em um corpo humano, que é a consequência mais significativa ao se tornar um ser humano. 

Ele vivenciou a morte, o que outros deuses terrestres não vivenciaram.

Este conhecimento se estendeu, de certa forma até o ano 333 DC.

Hoje nós devemos compreender isto novamente.

Devemos entender que verdadeiramente uma entidade extraterrestre vivenciou a  morte e, então, foi incorporada na evolução terrena, vivendo conosco.

No entanto, devemos ser humildes o suficiente para reconhecer que entidade (é esta),  muito acima do que a constituição animal humana pode vivenciar.

Cristo desceu dos mundos superiores nos quais não se morre. "



Rudolf Steiner, Hague 27 de Fevereiro de 1921, GA 203

A Responsabilidade do ser humano para a evolução do mundo https://rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA203/English/UNK1971/ResMan_index.html

Lista de palestras da GA 203


Rudolf Steiner. GA 13. A Ciência Oculta. Esboço de uma Cosmovisão supra-sensorial


Rudolf Steiner. GA 13. Occult Science. https://rsarchive.org/Books/GA013/English/AP1972/GA013_index.html


The Character of Occult Science – O caráter da Ciência Oculta

The Essential Nature of Mankind – A Natureza Essencial da Humanidade

Sleep And Death – Dormir e Morrer

The Evolution of the Cosmos and Man _A evolução do Cosmos e do Ser Humano

Cognition of the Higher Worlds — Initiation Cognição dos Mundos Superiores - Iniciação

The Present and Future of Cosmic and Human Evolution -

Presente e Futuro da Evolução Cósmica e Humana

Details From the Realm of Spiritual Science – Detalhes a partir do Reino da Ciência Espiritual

26 outubro 2024

Conhecer a Si Mesmo.

Antroposofia em sua interpretação correta é a consciência de nossa humanidade, individualmente, muito mais do que a – sabedoria do ser humano – é reverter a vontade, vivenciar o conhecimento e a participar individualmente no tempo de seu destino, devendo ter como objetivo dar à alma um certo direcionamento de consciência, uma SOFIA. Rudolf Steiner

A Nova Yoga da Vontade - Respiração com sons, consoantes e vogais? Eurritmia, Música, Poesia? A Nova Yoga Michaélica.

A alquimia da Yoga  - concebendo o “Cristo em nós” através da relação amorosa do Pai Celestial e da Mãe Terra.

Conhecer a si mesmo, não a si,  mas Cristo em si, em seu interior.

"ECCE HOMO": a revelação do ser humano essencial no brilho do verão.

Eu entrei neste mundo dos sentidos

Trazendo comigo a herança do pensar.

Um poder devotado me trouxe aqui.

A morte permanece no final do caminho.

Eu quero sentir o Ser de Cristo.

Na morte da matéria, Ele acorda o nascimento do espírito.

Assim, no Espírito, devo eu, encontrar o mundo

E no tornar-se do mundo eu conheço a mim mesmo.

Rudolf Steiner


Rudolf Steiner: Se nós compreendemos no todo, o conceito do querer que vive na busca mental da verdade, então o conceito está na alma como um ser substancial.


Rudolf Steiner: Auto-conhecimento na verdade consiste nisto: Perceber de um lado o que está nas alturas sobre o Ser Humano Terrestre e por outro lado o que está nas profundezas abaixo do Ser Humano Terrestre; e estes dois entendimentos tem que se encontrar no interior do ser humano.  Então pode o ser humano encontrar em seu próprio ser,  o poder de Deus, o Criador.

Eu e meu Pai somos Um. João 10:30

Rudolf Steiner : O solo do mundo é o ser do amor interior aparecendo externamente como luz.

Estava ali um homem enfermo havia 38 anos. Cristo vendo-o deitado perguntou-lhe: Queres ser curado? Respondeu o enfermo, Senhor não tenho ninguém que me coloque no tanque quando a água é agitada pelo Anjo, pois enquanto eu vou, outro desce ao tanque antes de mim (O Anjo surgia de vez em quando e agitava a água, os primeiros a entrar eram curados de qualquer doença). Então Cristo Jesus lhe diz: Levanta-se, toma o tua maca e anda. João 5:4-8

Pois tudo o que nasce de Deus supera o mundo: e essa é a vitória que supera o mundo, mesmo a nossa fé.

Quem é aquele que supera o mundo, aquele que acredita que Cristo-Jesus é o Filho de Deus?

Ele veio pela água e pelo sangue, até Cristo-Jesus; não apenas pela água, mas água e sangue. E é o espírito que testemunha, porque o Espírito é verdade.

Pois existem três que têm registro no céu, o Pai, a Palavra e o Espírito Santo: e esses três são um.

E há três que prestam testemunho na terra, o Espírito, a água e o sangue: e esses três concordam em um.


E Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira que ele deu seu filho unigênito, para que todo que nele crê não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna. Pois Deus não enviou seu Filho ao mundo para condenar o mundo, mas para que o mundo através dele fosse salvo. João 3:16-17

23 outubro 2024

Imaginação, Inspiração, Intuição. RS

Imaginação: Nossa cabeça. 

Inspiração: Nossa Organização Rítmica. 

Intuição: Nosso metabolismo e Membros.

Pensamentos de liderança antroposóficos, 35, 36, 37

Rudolf Steiner

35. Entendemos a natureza física do homem somente se considerarmos o físico como uma imagem da alma e do espírito. Tomada por si só, a corporalidade física do ser humano é ininteligível. Mas é uma imagem da alma e do espírito de maneiras diferentes em seus vários membros. A cabeça é a imagem simbólica mais perfeita e completa da alma e do espírito. Tudo o que se refere ao sistema do metabolismo e aos membros é como uma imagem que ainda não assumiu suas formas finalizadas, mas ainda está sendo trabalhada. Por fim, em tudo o que pertence à organização rítmica do homem, a relação da alma e do espírito com o corpo é intermediada entre esses opostos.

36. Se contemplamos a cabeça humana a partir deste ponto de vista, encontramos a ajuda para a compreensão das Imaginações Espirituais. Nas formas da cabeça, as formas Imaginativas são como se fossem coaguladas ao ponto da densidade física.

37. Similarmente, se contemplamos a parte rítmica da organização do ser humano nos ajudará a entender Inspirações. A aparência física dos ritmos da vida suporta mesmo na imagem perceptível sensória o caráter da Inspiração. Finalmente, no sistema do metabolismo e membros – se observamos este em sua ação integral, no exercício de suas necessárias ou possíveis funções – temos a imagem, suprassensível e ainda sensível, de puras Intuições suprassensíveis.


Em Inglês, apenas até o 29


Em alemão de 30 em diante


Artigo publicado em Inglês: https://martyrion.blogspot.com/2024/10/imagination-our-head-inspiration-our.html

Foco da Cidadania.

 Sonia Von Homrich, 23 de Outubro de 2024

Temos que ter foco daqui para a frente:
1. Voto Distrital PURO
2. Recall
3. Leis de iniciativa popular
4. Referendo

Acompanhem as Lives do Fernão Lara Mesquita, Quartas e Quintas
com a participação do Laudelino e do Cel Gerson Gomes.

Vale muito a pena.

Questões de cidadania.

Fernão Lara Mesquita

19 outubro 2024

Os verdadeiros fatos. Dr. Francisco Cardoso

 Dr. Francisco Cardoso e Raphael Camara

Não é fake! As agências de “checagem” não checaram nada. Aos verdadeiros “fatos”: *

Em 2022, o Ministério da Saúde introduziu no Sistema Nacional de transplantes um programa inovador que passou a monitorar e avaliar todo sistema, a partir da criação de um modelo composto por um conjunto de indicadores de qualidade, além dos requisitos técnicos previstos para a adesão dos gestores ao programa, incluindo diversas comprovações de atendimento aos regramentos sanitários. A iniciativa foi pactuada na tripartite.
* A nova metodologia permitiu uma avaliação prévia do SNT, com a análise e classificação dos integrantes em níveis de desempenho assistencial com a finalidade de modificar a concessão do custeio diferenciado, antes repassado independente dos resultados da rede.
* Em 2023, sem aguardar o período previsto para o ciclo de implementação do programa, a gestão atual revogou o programa e editou portaria modificando aspectos importantes.
* Desconsideraram o ciclo de avaliação previamente realizado, retornaram a concessão automática do incentivo financeiro, delegaram o monitoramento às centrais estaduais de transplante, alteraram o conjunto de indicadores de qualidade, modificando e retirando do modelo, indicadores fundamentais, como por exemplo, a análise das taxas de mortalidade institucionais em 30 dias, por período de 1 ano e sobrevida pós transplante.
* O modelo de pagamento por desempenho é reconhecido internacionalmente pelo potencial de induzir melhoria contínua em todo sistema de saúde, ampliando a busca por eficiência, criando um ciclo virtuoso de competição saudável entre prestadores de serviços e valorização das boas práticas assistenciais. #vida #saude #drfranciscocardoso #infectologista #peritomedicofederal #disease #doencas #tratamento #cfmforte


Coincidências existem?


Coincidências existem? Rudolf Steiner

Trad. Sonia von Homrich

Falar de "coincidência" no mundo físico-sensorial certamente não é injustificado. E como certamente a frase, "não existe coincidência" é válida se todos os mundos forem levados em consideração, assim tão injustificado seria rejeitar a palavra "coincidência" ao se referir apenas às concatenações das coisas no físico- mundo sensorial. Realmente, a coincidência no mundo físico é provocada pelo fato de que, neste mundo, as coisas ocorrem no espaço sensorial.


Elas devem, à medida em que ocorrem neste espaço, também obedecer às leis deste espaço. Nesse espaço, no entanto, coisas externas podem se unir, o que inicialmente não têm nada a ver internamente. Assim como meu rosto não está realmente deformado porque parece estar deformado em um espelho irregular, assim as mesmas causas que fazem um telhado cair, o que me prejudica - enquanto estou passando - não precisa ter necessariamente com algo de meu carma passado.


O erro que se comete aqui é que muitos imaginam de forma extremamente simples, as conexões cármicas. Por exemplo, as pessoas assumem, se aquela individualidade se machucar por um telhado em queda, ela deve ter ganho càrmicamente esse dano. Todavia, isso não é em definitivo uma necessidade.


Nos eventos de vida de todas as pessoas, ocorrem constantemente fatos que nada têm a ver com seu mérito ou culpa, no passado. Tais eventos encontram seu lugar cármico, no futuro. O que acontece comigo inocentemente agora, serei compensado por isto, no futuro. Está correto dizer que nada permanece sem compensação cármica.

No entanto, se a vivência de uma pessoa é a consequência de seu passado cármico ou é a causa de um futuro cármico: isto deve ser determinado separadamente. E não pode ser decidido pela mente acostumada ao mundo físico, mas apenas pela experiência e percepção ocultas.


Fonte: GA34. Ensaios básicos sobre antroposofia e relatórios. Julho 1904







