Missão, Caráter, Essência, Grail Triptych /Tryptychon Graal, Sonia von Homrich


03 junho 2024

Educar para o mundo atual. Rudolf Steiner.


Amigos, são muitas as palestras sobre Educação Waldorf, criada por Rudolf Steiner., o fundador da Ciência Espiritual, ANTROPOSOFIA.  Abaixo, o link para a Editora Antroposófica que traduziu para português, algumas destas palestras. 

Atenção: no lado esquerdo desta postagem, tem a opção de ler o texto abaixo na língua que você escolher. 

Sonia von Homrich 

Rudolf Steiner. Economia da Alma: Corpo, Alma e Espírito na Educação Waldorf. GA 302 12. Soul Economy : Body, Soul and Spirit in Waldorf Education. GA 302 XII. 


I have often said that it is impossible to deal with educational matters without fully considering the entire life situation of our time, taking into account the general milieu into which education is placed. I will refrain from introducing any extraneous matter into our considerations here, but what I want to say now definitely belongs to our theme.

News has come to us that in Eastern Europe a new pedagogy is being worked out for the benefit of those who are still recognized there, those who belong to the Radical Socialist Party. Because nothing that was acceptable prior to the Revolution is now considered correct, new educational methods are being worked out there. This is being done by purely outward means. We are told that one of the leaders in modern Russia has been commissioned to write the history of the Communist Party. The new government has given him one month to complete his task. During this month, he will also have to do some practical work at the Moscow Center. As a result of these activities, a book is to be published that will become the official model for reeducating all those being recognized as proper Russians. Another party member has been commissioned to write a history of the workers’ movement in the West and a history of international communism. While compiling his authoritative account, he, too, has been given other work to do, and after six weeks he is supposed to have this work completed. All true Soviet Russians are supposed to study this book. Forgive me, I believe that the second writer was actually given two months. A third person was commissioned to publish a theory of Marxism, and it was he who was given six weeks to deliver the book. With this book, every true Russian will become familiar with the new conditions in the East. According to these same methods, several other persons have been assigned to write new Russian literature. They have all been allotted a fixed time schedule in which to complete their orders. And they have all been told what other work they must do during the time of writing. The party member selected to write the book about Marxism has also been made coeditor of Pravda.

Why do I bring this up today? Because, basically, what is happening in Soviet Russia today is the ultimate consequence of what lives in all of us, insofar as we represent today’s civilization. People will not admit that events in Russia are merely the ultimate consequences of our own situation, taken to extremes in Eastern Europe. The absurdity of communist ideology is that it has determined and officially declared what a citizen must know; it does not ask what people can do to become real human beings who are properly integrated into the world’s fabric.

Teachers are called on to bring the utmost respect for soul and spirit to their lessons. Without this they will fail, as though they lacked the most fundamental artistic and scientific understanding. Therefore, the first prerequisite of Waldorf teachers is reverence for the soul and spiritual potential that children bring with them into the world. When facing the children, teachers must be filled with an awareness that they are dealing with innately free human beings. With this attitude, teachers can work out educational principles and methods that safeguard the children’s inborn freedom so that in later life, when they look back at their school days, they will not find any infringement on their personal freedom, not even in the later effects of their education.

To clarify the implications of these statements, we can ask ourselves, what becomes of those whose physical idiosyncrasies are not dealt with properly during childhood? Childish idiosyncrasies continue into later life, and if you wonder what sort of effect they will have when children become adults, I will answer by saying something that may seem rather odd and surprising. Peculiar physical habits in early childhood, if left untreated, degenerate and become the causes of illnesses later on. You must realize, in all seriousness, that characteristic physical tendencies in childhood, if allowed to continue unchanged, become causes of illness. Such knowledge will give you the right impulse for a proper care that in no way conflicts with the deepest respect for human freedom.

By comparison, imagine someone who, down to the deepest fibers of her being, is enthusiastic about the inner human freedom. Imagine she falls ill and must call a doctor. The doctor cures her by using the best means available today for the art of healing. Would such a person ever feel that her personal freedom had been interfered with? Never. What meets a person in this way would never impinge upon one’s inner freedom.

A similar feeling must be present in those who are engaged in the art of education. They should have the willingness and the ability to see the nature of their own calling as being similar to that of a doctor in relation to patients. Education naturally exists in its own right, and it certainly is not simply therapy in the true sense of the word. But there is a certain relationship and similarity between the work of a doctor and that of a teacher that justifies comparison.

When students leave school in their mid-teens, it is time for us to examine again whether, during their school years from the change of teeth to the coming of puberty, we have done our best to help and equip them for later life. (During the coming days, we will deal with the esthetic and moral aspects of education and look more closely at the stage of puberty. For now, we will consider the more general human aspects.) We must realize that, during their past school years, we have been dealing mainly with their ether body of formative forces, and that the soul life (of which more will be said later) was just beginning to manifest toward the approach of graduation.

We must consider the next stage, which begins with the fourteenth to fifteenth years and continues until the beginning of the twenties, a time when a young man or woman must face the task of fitting more and more into outer life. We have already seen how children gradually take hold of the body, finally incarnating right into the skeleton, and how, by doing so, they connect more and more with the external world and adapt to outer conditions. Fundamentally, this process continues until the early twenties, after which comes a very important period of life. Although, as teachers, we no longer have any direct influence over the young person at this stage, we have in fact already done a great deal in this way during the previous years, and this will become apparent during the early to the late twenties.

After leaving school, young people must train for a vocation. Now they no longer receive what come, mainly from human nature itself, but rather what has become part of the civilization we live in, at least in terms of the chosen trade or profession. Now the young person has to be adaptable to certain forms of specialization. In our Waldorf school, we try to prepare students to step into life by introducing practical crafts such as spinning and weaving to our students of fourteen and fifteen. Practical experience in such crafts is not important only for future spinners or weavers but for all those who want to be able to do whatever a situation may demand. It is nevertheless important to introduce the right activities at the right time.

What has been cultivated in a child’s ether body during early school years emerges again in the soul sphere of young people during their twenties, the time when they must enter a profession. The way they were treated at school will play a large role in whether they respond to outer conditions clumsily, reluctantly, full of inhibitions, or skillfully and with sufficient inner strength to overcome obstacles. During their twenties, young people become aware of how the experiences of their school years first went underground, as it were, while they trained for a trade or profession, only to surface again in form of capacities, such as being able to handle certain situations or fit oneself into life in the right way. Teachers who are aware of these facts will pay attention to the critical moments in their students’ lives between the change of teeth and puberty.

I have often spoken about the important turning point that appears during the ninth to tenth years. Toward the twelfth year, another important change takes place, which I have also mentioned. Children of six or seven, when entering school, are “one great sensory organ,” as I have called them. At this stage, much has already been absorbed through imitation. Children have also been occupied with the inner processes of molding and sculpting the organs, and they bring the results to school. Now, everything that teachers do with the children, until the turning point around nine, should have a formative effect, but in a way that stimulates them to participate freely and actively in this inner shaping. I indicated this with my strong appeal for an artistic approach during the introductions to reading, writing, and arithmetic. The artistic element is particularly important at this age.

All teaching during the early school years must begin with the child’s will sphere, and only gradually should it lead over toward the intellect. Those who recognize this will pay special attention to educating the child’s will. They will know that children must learn to drive out the will forces from their organism, but in the right way. To do this, their will activities must be tinged with the element of feeling. It is not enough for teachers to do different things with the children; they must also develop sympathy and antipathy according to what they are doing. And the musical element, apart from music per se, offers the best means for achieving this. Thus, as soon as children are brought to us, we ought to immerse them in the element of music, not just through singing but also by letting them make music with simple instruments. Thus, young students will not only nurture an esthetic sense, but most of all (though indirectly), they will learn how to use and control will forces in a harmonious way.

Children bring many inborn gifts to school. Inwardly they are natural sculptors, and we can draw on these gifts as well as their other hidden talents. For instance, we can let children do all kinds of things on paper with paints (even though this might be inconvenient for teachers), and in this way we introduce them to the secrets of color. It is really fascinating to observe how children relate to color when left alone to cover a white surface with various colors. What they produce in a seemingly haphazard way is not at all meaningless, but in all the blotches and smears we can detect a certain color harmony resulting from an inborn relationship to the world of color. We must be careful, however, not to let children use the solid blocks of color that are sold in children’s paint boxes, with which they are supposed to paint directly from the blocks onto paper. This has a damaging effect, even in the case of painting as art. One should paint with liquid colors already dissolved in water or some other suitable liquid. It is important, especially for children, to develop an intimate relationship with color. If we use thick paints from a palette, we do not have the same intimate relationship to color as we do when we use liquid colors from bottles.

In a painting lesson, you might say to a child, “What you have painted is really beautiful. You put red in the middle, and all the other colors around it go well with the red. Everything you painted fits well with the red in the middle. Now try to do it the other way round. Where you have red, paint blue, and then paint around it all the other colors so that they also go well with the blue in the middle.” Not only will this child be tremendously stimulated by such an exercise, but by working out a transposition of colors—possibly with help from the teacher—the child will gain a great deal toward establishing an inner relationship to the world in general.

However inconvenient it may be for the teachers, they should always encourage young students to form all sorts of shapes out of any suitable material they can lay their hands on. Of course, we should avoid letting them get unduly dirty and messy, since this can be a real nuisance. But children gain far more from these creative activities than they would by simply remaining clean and tidy. In other words, it is truly valuable for children, especially during the early years, to experience the artistic element.

Anything required of children must be induced first in a way that is appropriate to their nature. If artistic activities are introduced as described, learning other subjects becomes easier. Foreign languages, for example, will be learned with far greater ease if students have done artistic work beforehand. I already said that children should learn foreign languages at a very early age, if possible as soon as they enter school.

Nowadays, we often encounter somewhat fanatical attitudes; something that in itself is quite right and justifiable tends to become exaggerated to the point of fanatical extremism. And teaching foreign languages is no exception. Children learn their native tongue naturally, without any grammatical consciousness, and this is how it should be. And when they enter school, they should learn foreign languages in a similar way, without grammatical awareness, but now the process of learning a language is naturally more mature and conscious.

During the tenth year, at the turning point of life mentioned several times, a new situation calls for an introduction to the first fundamentals of grammar. These should be taught without any pedantry whatever. It is necessary to take this new step for the benefit of the children’s healthy development, because at this age they must make a transition from a predominantly feeling approach toward life to one in which they must develop their I-consciousness. Whatever young people do now must be done more consciously than before. Consequently, we introduce a more conscious and intellectual element into the language that students have already learned to speak, write, and read. But when doing this, we must avoid pedantic grammar exercises. Rather, we should give them stimulating practice in recognizing and applying fundamental rules. At this stage, children really need the logical support that grammar can give, so that they do not have to puzzle repeatedly over how to express themselves correctly.

We must realize that language contains two main elements that always interact with each other—an emotional, or feeling, element and an intellectual, thinking element. I would like to illustrate this with a quote from Goethe’s Faust:

Grey, dear friend, is every theory
And green the golden tree of life.

I do not expect that our you (who have come mainly from the West) should study all the commentaries on Goethe’s Faust, since there are enough to fill a library. But if you did, you would make a strange discovery. When coming to this sentence in Faust, you would most likely find a newly numbered remark at the bottom of the page (at least a four-digit number because of all the many explanations already given), and you would find a comment about the lack of logic in this sentence. Despite the poetic license granted to any reputable author (so the commentator might point out), the colors of the tree in this stanza do not make sense. A “golden tree”—could he mean an orange tree? But then, of course, it would not be green either. If it were an ordinary tree, it would not be golden. Perhaps Goethe was thinking of an artificial tree? In any case (a typical commentary would continue), a tree cannot be golden and green at the same time. Then there is the other problem of a grey theory. How can a theory be grey if it is invisible? In this way, many commentaries point out the lack of logic in this sentence.



Em português https://www.antroposofica.com.br/

13 maio 2024

Bioquímica Ciência Espiritual. Otto Wolff


Fundamentos da bioquímica à Luz da Ciência Espiritual

Autor: Otto Wolff

Tradutores: Arie van Ameringen e Judith Erb

As Edições Perceval

Les Éditions Perceval


Tradução para português e notas: Sonia von Homrich

In English Language, below:


'Este livro oferece uma refrescante e diferente perspectiva! Em contraste ao método atomístico convencional "de baixo para cima" , o ponto de partida do autor é uma abordagem holística do "espírito para a matéria" fundamentada no entendimento antroposófico da substância. Longe de perder o contato com a realidade, o leitor familiarizado com os princípios básicos da antroposofia será recompensado com a sensação de que ele também pode participar da 'experiência interior' da química da vida ''


A tradução em inglês dos fundamentos da bioquímica de Otto Wolff foi apresentada pela primeira vez aos participantes da reunião anual da Seção de Ciências Naturais em Ann Arbor em maio de 2023. Os tradutores, Arie Van Ameringen e Judith Erb tiveram a oportunidade de compartilhar o processo e os frutos de sua longa colaboração, a saber, uma edição impressa de alta qualidade deste tão esperado livro. Otto Wolff (1921-2003), o editor dos clássicos volumes da “Abordagem Antroposófica da Medicina”, (conhecida também como Medicina Antroposófica) , foi um médico pioneiro, pesquisador, escritor prolífico e educador que viajou extensivamente e ensinou os princípios da medicina antroposófica não apenas para gerações de médicos na Europa, mas também nas Américas e África.

(Ele esteve no Brasil dando palestras)

Um curso em bioquímica é pré-requisito no estudo de ciências biológicas e medicina o que juntamente com a biofísica, anatomia, fisiologia e biologia celular, constituem o currículo central dos estudos pré-clínicos. Os estudantes suficientemente acordados que embarcam em um estudo da bioquímica sentir-se-ão desanimados quando descobrirem que a abordagem convencional da 'química da vida' não é diferente da adotada no estudo da química inorgânica ou orgânica. Várias substâncias e vias metabólicas são exploradas em grande profundidade; todavia, as pessoas experimentam abstratamente, de uma perspectiva unidimensional e "externa".

Este livro oferece uma perspectiva diferente e refrescante! Em contraste com o método atomístico "de baixo para cima" convencional, o ponto de partida do autor é uma abordagem holística de "espírito de matéria" fundamentada no entendimento antroposófico da substância. Longe de perder o contato com a realidade, um leitor familiarizado com os princípios básicos da antroposofia será recompensado com a sensação de que ela também pode participar da "experiência interior" da química da vida.

No lugar de uma listagem proverbial de elementos químicos, aminoácidos, açúcares e gorduras, como é o caso dos textos convencionais, o autor oferece uma descrição lúcida da vida em si, sua origem cósmica e a natureza das substâncias que servem para seu apoio. Em suas próprias palavras:

"... a maneira de pensar atual [...] assume a primazia da matéria e tenta, de acordo com isto, explicar as propriedades da substância, de plantas vivas a seres humanos, a partir do “arranjo " atômico. [...] No entanto, o ponto de partida não é a matéria, mas a vida. É um fato que a vida nunca pode surgir da matéria morta, mas vem da luz, das forças precedentes e superordenadas.” (p. 375)

Nos capítulos introdutórios, os princípios básicos da bioquímica espiritual-científica são discutidos com os títulos que variam em  Vida, Substância, Matéria e Água para Ácidos e Bases na Formação de Sal. É um fato notável que dos 92 elementos químicos que ocorrem naturalmente no sistema periódico, hidrogênio, oxigênio, carbono e nitrogênio constituem a grande maioria das substâncias que servem como "vasos da vida".

Eles são descritos ontologicamente a partir da perspectiva do desenvolvimento evolucionário da Terra, bem como em seu estado atual como mediadores das forças cósmicas e terrenas. O carbono, em particular, se destaca como o transportador de estrutura e forma de praticamente todas as substâncias orgânicas. Sua importância é enfatizada pelo fato de que a química orgânica é geralmente conhecida como “química do carbono”. Somente o carbono pode se unir, absorver e reter esta forma e o poder vivo da luz, que pode então ser encontrado em sua estrutura.  (p. 56)

As ciências da vida contemporânea foram reduzidas à biologia celular e molecular e a tendência prevalece para ver todos os processos da doença como uma espécie de mutação genética e/ou um defeito metabólico químico. É convicção do autor que, ao reduzir os fenômenos da vida a genes e substâncias químicas, a pessoa é impedida de compreender as forças e qualidades "que residem acima do mundo morto".  Por exemplo, a origem da palavra "substância" (do Latim sub-stare) aponta para o que está abaixo e é apenas um vaso para aquilo que a dota com suas características essenciais, as imponderáveis, seja na dimensão da vida, da alma, ou do espírito.  Este último pode não ser quimicamente detectável, porém pode ser percebido por um observador astuto e educado no método “Goetheano” e que, como o autor, aprendeu a "ler o Livro da Natureza". A metodologia usada pelo autor é explicada em detalhes consideráveis na seção final do livro. Pode ser útil para aqueles que estão menos familiarizados com essa abordagem, consultar este capítulo antes de se aprofundar investigação na parte do meio do livro, onde substâncias e processos metabólicos são elaborados em grandes detalhes.

Açúcares, proteínas, lipídios e minerais são sistematicamente elaborados em termos de estrutura, síntese e degradação nos principais capítulos do livro. Em vez de serem meros "blocos de construção" que podem ser analisados até sua estrutura química e atômica, esses portadores de vida, alma e espírito se tornam fios na tapeçaria da criação. A declaração de Francesco Redi (1626-1698) de que “a vida vem apenas da vida”, atribuída ao misticismo medieval pela biologia convencional, é totalmente confirmada nas imagens vivas narradas com maestria pelo autor.

Por exemplo, na seção de Carboidratos, o autor descreve como, no processo de fotossíntese, as plantas assimilam a luz, o calor e o CO2 morto, transformando-os em açúcares e amidos e moldam-nos em elementos estruturais vegetais, folhas, frutas e sementes. Estes, por sua vez, servem como nutrientes e fontes de "energia", isto é, de calor e luz internos em animais e humanos. Neste sentido, a glicose não pode realmente ser chamada de nutriente, mas pertence a uma categoria própria, de si mesma.  É um fato notável que dos muitos tipos diferentes de açúcares de 6 carbonos (hexoses), a vida animal e humana tem uma preferência específica pela D-glicose. Embora pareça paradoxal que a mesma substância apoie duas fisiologias muito diferentes, a saber, animal e humana, isso pode ser explicado com base na qual o nível de glicose intimamente controlado no sangue humano cumpre o papel adicional de ser o transportador da organização do EU (ego-organização).  Esta última é a característica explicitamente humana que nos dota com “estar ereto, pensamento e memória”. Aqui, de acordo com o autor, somos confrontados com um profundo mistério através do qual os seis Elohim ou Espíritos de Forma, os criadores primordiais da Terra e que dotaram, concederam o Eu-Humano expressar sua atividade através da luz e calor liberados na "combustão" metabólica de glicose. É instrutivo ver como uma molécula de carbono de seis carbonos pode servir como transportadora de forças para plantas, animais e forças formativas humanas.

Métodos analíticos, como a espectrometria de absorção, permitem não apenas a identificação da composição química das substâncias, mas também a diferenciação entre a tridimensional estrutura de quimicamente idênticas moléculas.  Desatentos da existência do corpo astral e da organização do EU (ego), a bioquímica convencional é forçada aqui a simplesmente aceitar os fatos sem mais explicações.

Outro exemplo de uma "substância universal" que faz a mediação das atividades do etérico, do astral e o atividades-do-Eu é o colesterol. É encontrado em praticamente todas as membranas celulares, apontando para a importância dessa substância para a edificação ou função anabólica do corpo etérico, que, sem o direcionamento e o efeito formativo do corpo astral, resultaria na deposição de um tecido meramente semelhante ao de uma planta.

O portador destes efeitos anabólicos são hormônios esteroides, como testosterona, estrogênio, progestina e corticosteroide, que, de fato, são produtos de degradação do metabolismo do colesterol que ocorrem no córtex adrenal e gônadas. Outros derivados bem conhecidos do colesterol são a vitamina D3 (uma forma natural de vitamina D produzida pela luz solar na pele humana) e sais biliares. A vitamina D3 é um fator essencial na mineralização do esqueleto, a função da organização-do-Eu que nos dá a qualidade de estarmos eretos e o apoio. Os sais biliares, por outro lado, assistem o Eu em sua atividade digestiva de dieta de gorduras.

No penúltimo capítulo “A Tabela Periódica de Elementos”, o autor compartilha seus profundos insights sobre a natureza dos elementos químicos, seu lugar no stratum da Terra, como refletido no sistema periódico e sua relação com a química da vida. “Finalmente, a peculiaridade do ser humano como um ser espiritual consiste no fato de que ele pode realmente se conectar com a Terra pela vida, ou seja, a vida de significância da substância, especialmente o carbono. Neste aspecto, o ser humano ganha uma possibilidade que não é dada a seres espirituais superiores.  A mencionada universalidade do carbono possibilita não apenas a variedade infinita de vida, mas também a transformação da vida biológica na vida espiritual. Uma imagem deste desenvolvimento pode ser o diamante. Por uma compressão extraordinária e a dureza resultante, absorveu intensivamente forças terrestres, mas levou-as à pureza, clareza e permeabilidade à luz.  Assim, desde os tempos antigos, o diamante tem sido o símbolo do objetivo do desenvolvimento mais nobre da humanidade. No final da Idade Média, era objetivo dos Alquimistas Rosacruz alcançar a sabedoria através do conhecimento espiritual da matéria. Então, eles viram no carbono ou no diamante a pedra filosofal como uma imagem para este aspirado desenvolvimento.” (p. 378)

Há pouca dúvida de que o parágrafo acima resume o próprio caminho Rosacruz moderno do autor para o conhecimento. Com este livro, Otto Wolff teve sucesso em transformar o campo abrangente da bioquímica de tal maneira que inspirará todos os leitores que almejam um profundo entendimento (compreensão) dos processos vivos na natureza.

Os tradutores e editores devem ser parabenizados por disponibilizar este texto habilmente traduzido e eminentemente legível.

Branko Furst, Médico



Fundamentals of Biochemistry in the Light of Spiritual Science

Author: Otto Wolff

Translators: Arie van Ameringen and Judith Erb

Les Éditions Perceval



The English translation of Otto Wolff’s Fundamentals of Biochemistry was first presented to the participants of the annual Natural Science Section meeting in Ann Arbor in May 2023. The translators, Arie van Ameringen and Judith Erb were given the opportunity to share the process and the fruits of their long-distance collaboration, namely, a high-quality print edition of this long-awaited book. Otto Wolff (1921-2003), the editor of the classic Anthroposophic Approach to Medicine was a pioneering physician, researcher, prolific writer, and educator who travelled extensively and taught the principles of anthroposophic medicine not only to generations of physicians in Europe but also in the Americas as well as in Africa. 

A course in biochemistry is a prerequisite in the study of biological sciences and medicine which, together with biophysics, anatomy, physiology, and cell biology constitute the core curriculum of pre-clinical studies. Sufficiently awake students embarking on a study of biochemistry will be disheartened when they discover that the conventional approach to the ‘chemistry of life’ is no different from that adopted in the study of inorganic or organic chemistry. Various substances and metabolic pathways are explored in great depth; however, one experiences them abstractly, from a single-dimensional, ‘external’ perspective.

This book offers a refreshingly different perspective! In contrast to the conventional ‘bottom-up’ atomistic method, the author’s point of departure is a holistic, ‘spirit to matter’ approach grounded in the anthroposophical understanding of substance. Far from losing the contact with reality, a reader familiar with the basic tenets of anthroposophy will be rewarded with a feeling that she or he, too, can participate in the ‘inner experience’ of the chemistry of life.

In place of a proverbial listing of chemical elements, amino acids, sugars, and fats, as is the case in conventional texts, the author offers a lucid description of life itself, its cosmic origin and of the nature of substances that serve in its support. In his own words:

“…today’s way of thinking […] assumes the primacy of matter and tries accordingly to explain the properties of substance, from living plants to humans, from the atomic “arrangement.” […] However, the starting point is not matter, but life. It is a fact that life can never arise from dead matter, but comes from light, that is from the preceding and superordinate forces.” (p. 375)

In the introductory chapters the basic principles of spiritual-scientific biochemistry are discussed with the headings ranging from Life, Substance, Matter and Water to Acids and Bases, and Salt Formation. It is a remarkable fact that of the 92 naturally occurring chemical elements in the periodic system, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen constitute the vast majority of substances which serve as ‘vessels of life.’ They are described ontologically from the perspective of the evolutionary development of the Earth as well as in their current state as mediators of cosmic and earthly forces. Carbon, in particular stands out as the carrier of structure and form of virtually all organic substances. Its importance is underscored by the fact that organic chemistry is generally known as the ‘chemistry of carbon.’ Many aspects of this remarkable element are revealed, above all, that carbon is the bearer of light and of the formative forces of the sun: “Only carbon can unite, absorb and retain this forming and living power of light, which can then be found in its structure.” (p. 56)

Contemporary life sciences have been reduced to cell- and molecular biology and the trend prevails to view every disease process as a kind of genetic mutation and/or a chemical metabolic defect. It is the author’s conviction that by reducing the phenomena of life to genes and chemical substances, one is precluded from the understanding of the forces and qualities “lying above the dead world”. For example, the origin of the word “substance” (from Latin sub-stare) points to what stands below and is only a vessel for that which endows it with its essential characteristics, the imponderables, be it from the dimension of life, soul, or spirit.  The latter may not be chemically detectable but can be perceived by an astute observer schooled in Goethean method and who, like the author, has learned to “read the book of nature.” The methodology used by the author is explained in considerable detail in the final section of the book. It may be helpful to those less familiar with this approach to consult this chapter before delving into the middle part of the book where substances and metabolic processes are elaborated in greater detail.

Sugars, proteins, lipids, and minerals are systematically elaborated in terms of structure, synthesis and degradation in the core chapters of the book. Rather than being mere ‘building blocks’ which can be analyzed down to their chemical and atomic structure, these carriers of life, soul, and spirit become threads in the tapestry of creation. The statement by Francesco Redi (1626–1698) that “life comes only from the living,” ascribed to medieval mysticism by conventional biology, is entirely confirmed in the living pictures masterfully narrated by the author.

For example, in the section on Carbohydrates the writer describes how in the process of photosynthesis, plants assimilate light, warmth and dead CO2, transform them into sugars and starches, and shape them into plant structural elements, leaves, fruits, and seeds. These, in turn, serve as nutrients and sources of “energy,” i.e., of inner warmth and light in animals and humans. In that sense glucose cannot really be called a nutrient but belongs to a category of its own. It is a remarkable fact that from many different types of 6-carbon sugars (hexoses), animal and human life has a specific preference for d-glucose. While it appears paradoxical that the same substance would support two very different physiologies, namely, animal and human, this can be explained on the basis that a closely controlled level of glucose in the human blood fulfills the additional role of being the carrier of the ego organization. The latter is an explicitly human trait which endows us with uprightness, thinking, and memory. Here, according to the author, we are faced with a deep mystery whereby the six Elohim or Spirits of Form, the primal creators of earth and bestowers of the human I, express their activity through light and warmth released in the metabolic “combustion” of glucose.  It is instructive to see how a six-carbon carbon molecule can serve as a carrier of plant, animal, as well as human formative forces.

Analytical methods, such as absorption spectrometry, enables not only identification of the chemical composition of substances but also differentiation between the three-dimensional structure of chemically identical molecules. Oblivious of the existence of the astral body and of the ego organization, conventional biochemistry is forced here to simply accept the facts without further explanation. 

Another example of a “universal substance” which mediates activities of the etheric, astral, and I activities is cholesterol. It is found in practically every cell membrane, pointing to the importance of this substance for the upbuilding or anabolic function of the etheric body, which, without the directive and formative effect of the astral body, would result in the deposition of a merely plant-like tissue. The carrier of these anabolic effects are steroid hormones, such as testosterone, estrogens, progestins, and corticosteroids, which, in fact, are degradation products of the cholesterol metabolism taking place in the adrenal cortex and gonads. Other well-know derivatives of cholesterol are Vitamin D3 (a natural form of vitamin D produced by sunlight in human skin) and bile salts. Vitamin D3 is an essential factor in the mineralization of the skeleton, a function of the I organization which gives us uprightness and support. The bile salts, on the other hand, assist the I in its digestive activity of dietary fats.

In the penultimate chapter “The Periodic Table of Elements” the author shares his profound insights into the nature of the chemical elements, their place in the strata of the earth as reflected in the periodic system, and their relation to the chemistry of life.

“Finally, the peculiarity of the human being as a spiritual being consists in the fact that he can really connect with the earth through life, that is, the life bearing substances, especially carbon. In this respect he gains a possibility which is not given to higher spiritual beings. The mentioned universality of carbon makes possible not only the infinite variety of life, but also the transformation of biological life into spiritual life. An image of this development can be the diamond. By extraordinary compression and the resulting hardness, it has absorbed intensively earth forces, but has led these to purity, clarity and permeability for the light. Therefore, since the ancient times it has been a symbol of the goal of the noblest development of humankind. Therefore, in the late Middle Ages, it was the goal of the Rosicrucian alchemists to reach wisdom through a spiritual knowledge of matter. So, they saw in the carbon or the diamond the philosopher’s stone as a picture of this aspired development.” (p. 378)

There is little doubt that the above paragraph summarizes the author’s own, modern Rosicrucian path to knowledge. With this book Otto Wolf has succeeded in transforming the encompassing field of biochemistry in a way that will inspire all readers longing for a deeper understanding of the living processes in nature. The translators and the publishers are to be congratulated for making available this expertly translated and eminently readable text.

Branko Furst, M.D.


12 maio 2024

Airglow. Tempestades Solares. R.Malone

Dr. Robert W Malone :

Atualize-se: https://soniavonhomrich.blogspot.com/2024/05/tempestades-solares-solar-storms.html

Quando as teorias da conspiração se tornam realidade? O texto a seguir é do programa de assinatura de IA (Perplexity) que uso para pesquisas gerais. "Em 10 de maio de 2024, o HAARP conduziu experimentos para criar artificialmente brilhos semelhantes aos da aurora ou" airglow "na ionosfera, excitando elétrons com ondas de rádio de alta frequência. O experimento "Tornando o Invisível Visível" testou elétrons quentes produzidos pelo rádio do HAARP. As transmissões poderiam gerar um fenômeno semelhante ao da aurora chamado STEVE (Forte Aprimoramento de Velocidade de Emissão Térmica)." Sem palavras...

When do conspiracy theories become reality? The following text is from the subscription AI program (Perplexity) that I use for general searches. "On May 10th, 2024, HAARP conducted experiments to artificially create aurora-like glows or "airglow" in the ionosphere by exciting electrons with high-frequency radio waves. The "Making the Invisible Visible" experiment tested if hot electrons produced by HAARP's radio transmissions could generate an aurora-like phenomenon called STEVE (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement)." No words...

Robert W Malone, MD
Inventor/skeptic mRNA vaccines. Scientist. Author. Speaker. Bioethicist. maloneinstitute.org rwmalonemd.com malonebroadcasting.com

11 maio 2024

Tempestades Solares. Solar Storms. Lawrence Stone

 Tempestades solares. Lawrence Stone. 

Solar Storms, In English Language, below 

Nota publicada no https://www.facebook.com/RvdolfSteiner

Tradução Sonia von Homrich

No contexto da antroposofia, tempestades solares e suas interações com os campos geomagnéticos da Terra não são meramente fenômenos físicos, mas estão imbuídos de significado espiritual. Esses impulsos solares podem ser entendidos como forças cósmicas que influenciam a evolução da consciência e o desenvolvimento espiritual da humanidade. Eles trazem consigo as forças etéricas e astrais que catalisam as transformações no mundo natural e no espírito humano. Como tal, esses impulsos são componentes essenciais da interação dinâmica entre intenção cósmica e evolução terrena.

As atividades de Haarp, principalmente quando coincidem ou respondem a tempestades solares, convidam a contemplação de um ponto de vista espiritual-científico. Quando Haarp se envolve em manipular a ionosfera e criar fenômenos artificiais, como o brilho aéreo durante períodos de aumento da atividade solar, pode -se perceber isso como uma tentativa, intencional ou não, de modificar ou interferir nessas comunicações cósmicas naturais. De uma perspectiva antroposófica, isso pode ser visto como um esforço ahrimanico para afirmar o controle sobre as comunicações espirituais entre o cosmos e a terra.

Ahriman, em sua essência, procura separar a humanidade de suas raízes espirituais e conexões cósmicas, promovendo uma compreensão puramente materialista e mecanicista do mundo. Ao bloquear ou alterar potencialmente as forças etéricas transportadas por tempestades solares, tecnologias como o Haarp podem ser vistas como ferramentas que promovem o objetivo de Ahriman. Essa manipulação pode amortecer os impulsos espirituais que se destinam a estimular a consciência humana e facilitar nossa evolução espiritual.

Esse cenário ressalta um perigo espiritual significativo: a redução da receptividade da humanidade às influências cósmicas, que são vitais para o nosso desenvolvimento. Tais influências cósmicas destinam-se a permear a humanidade e ajudar na nossa progressão de seres presos ao sensório  a seres receptivos espiritualmente. Se esses impulsos forem bloqueados ou alterados, o processo natural da evolução humana em direção à alta consciência poderá ser impedido.

Assim, embora a exploração científica das propriedades geofísicas da Terra e dos fenômenos cósmicos seja uma busca legítima do conhecimento, é crucial do ponto de vista antroposófico permanecer alerta e sensível à profunda dinâmica espiritual em jogo. É essencial equilibrar os avanços tecnológicos com entendimento e respeito por essas forças cósmicas e entidades espirituais. Esse equilíbrio garante que nossos esforços tecnológicos sirvam para apoiar, em vez de impedir, o desdobramento do destino humano em alinhamento com as intenções cósmicas.

In the context of anthroposophy, solar storms and their interactions with Earth's geomagnetic fields are not merely physical phenomena but are imbued with spiritual significance. These solar impulses can be understood as cosmic forces that influence the evolution of consciousness and the spiritual development of humanity. They bring with them etheric and astral forces which catalyze transformations in both the natural world and human spirit. As such, these impulses are essential components of the dynamic interplay between cosmic intention and earthly evolution.

The activities of HAARP, particularly when they coincide with or respond to solar storms, invite contemplation from a spiritual-scientific viewpoint. When HAARP engages in manipulating the ionosphere and creating artificial phenomena such as airglow during periods of increased solar activity, one could perceive this as an attempt, whether intentional or not, to modify or interfere with these natural cosmic communications. From an anthroposophical perspective, this could be seen as an Ahrimanic endeavor to assert control over the spiritual communications between the cosmos and the Earth.

Ahriman, in his essence, seeks to sever humanity from its spiritual roots and cosmic connections, promoting a purely materialistic and mechanistic understanding of the world. By potentially blocking or altering the etheric forces carried by solar storms, technologies like HAARP could be viewed as tools that advance Ahriman's objective. This manipulation could dampen the spiritual impulses that are intended to stimulate human consciousness and facilitate our spiritual evolution.

This scenario underscores a significant spiritual danger: the reduction of humanity's receptivity to cosmic influences, which are vital for our development. Such cosmic influences are intended to permeate humanity and assist in our progression from sensory-bound to spirit-receptive beings. If these impulses are blocked or altered, the natural process of human evolution toward higher consciousness could be impeded.

Thus, while the scientific exploration of Earth's geophysical properties and cosmic phenomena is a legitimate pursuit of knowledge, it is crucial from an anthroposophical standpoint to remain aware of and sensitive to the deeper spiritual dynamics at play. Balancing technological advances with an understanding and respect for these cosmic forces and spiritual entities is essential. This balance ensures that our technological endeavors serve to support, rather than hinder, the unfolding of human destiny in alignment with cosmic intentions.


Lawrence Stone

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 On September 11, 2012, TOP War magazine released an insightful piece titled "Unknown HAARP..." which delves into the intriguing HAARP project—short for the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. This initiative, under the stewardship of General John Heckscher, employs potent ionospheric heaters for probing the upper atmospheric layers.

The impetus for public discourse around HAARP was driven by scientist and politician Nik Begich Jr., who, upon examining the project's patent materials, discerned that its purpose transcended mere studies of the aurora. Begich proposed that HAARP sought to explore broader possibilities of ionospheric manipulation.

Among the obscured patents, owned by AIPT Inc., that Begich uncovered were several innovative technologies:

- Patent # 5,293,176, conceived by Paul J. Elliot, detailing a Cross-Pole Antenna, patented on March 8, 1994.

- Patent No. 5.041.834, by Peter Coert, introduced on August 20, 1991, describes an Artificial ionospheric screen formed by a plasma layer.

- Patent # 4,954,709, crafted by Ari Ziegler and Joseph Elsin from Rishon Le Zion, Israel, details a Highly Sensitive Directional Gamma Ray Detector, granted on September 4, 1990.

- Patent no. 4,817,495 by Adam T. Small Thing, registered on April 4, 1989, introduces a Space Object Identification System.

- Patent # 4,999,637 by Ronald M. Bass, issued on March 12, 1991, involves the Creation of artificial ionization areas above Earth’s surface.

- Patent # 5,202,689, conceived by Robert W. Bussard and Thomas G. Wallace, issued on April 13, 1993, for a Light firing reflector for spatial conditions.

- Patent # 5.068.669 by Peter Coert and James T. Cha, introduced on November 26, 1991, encompasses a Radiation Energy Transfer System.

- Patent # 5.218.374 by Peter Coert and James T. Cha, issued on June 8, 1993, describes a microwave energy transmission system via a printed circuit transmitter.

- USA Patent # 4.873.928 by Frank E. Ceiling, granted on October 17, 1989, outlines Atomic scale explosions not accompanied by the release of radioactive materials.

- Patent # 4,686,605 by Bernard J. Eastlund, introduced on August 11, 1987, details methods for atmospheric, ionospheric, and/or magnetospheric manipulation.

- Patent # 5.083.664 by Bernard J. Eastlund, issued on August 13, 1991, describes methods to create an atmospheric screen of relativistic particles.

- Patent # 4,712,155 by Bernard J. Eastlund and Simon Ramo, granted on December 8, 1987, relates to methods for heating plasma sites using cyclonic electron resonance.

These patents reveal an extensive framework aimed at influencing the subtle layers of our atmosphere and magnetosphere, hinting at profound implications for understanding the interplay between earthly and cosmic forces—a theme deeply resonant with anthroposophical insights into the spiritual dimensions of earthly phenomena. Through such technologies, humanity treads on the delicate balance of natural rhythms and cosmic influences, prompting us to contemplate the spiritual responsibilities entailed in wielding such potent capabilities.