19 março 2023

Mentira é assassinato no aspecto da Ciência-Espiritual de Rudolf Steiner.


We all know the deep significance of the statement: “Regarded from the spiritual-scientific aspect a lie is a kind of murder.” I have explained that a sort of explosion really takes place in the astral world when man utters a lie — even, in a certain way, if he only thinks it. Something takes place in the spiritual world when man lies, which has a far more devastating effect for that world than any misfortune in the physical world.

>>>"Todos sabemos o profundo significado da afirmação: "Considerando o aspecto espiritual-científico,  uma mentira é um tipo de assassinato". Eu expliquei (Eu, Rudolf Steiner) que realmente ocorre no mundo astral, uma espécie de explosão quando o ser humana pronuncia uma mentira - até, de uma certa maneira, se ele apenas pensa uma mentira. Algo ocorre no mundo espiritual quando o ser humano mente, o qual tem um efeito muito mais devastador para o mundo espíritual do que qualquer infortúnio no mundo físico.<<< 

>>>A palestra abaixo, faz parte de um ciclo de palestras, de mesmo nome, cujos capítulos estão no final da palestra.>>> SoniavonHomrich

The lecture below is part of a cycle of lectures, of the same name, whose chapters are at the end of the lecture. 


Lecture X

4 June 1908, Berlin


What we have now been studying for some time in our Group-lectures is meant as a completion or expansion of the subjects that have occupied us during the winter. It may well be that a remark here or there seemed somewhat aphoristic, and we want by means of these studies to enlarge or round off thoughts and concepts that have been aroused in us.

In the last lecture we were particularly occupied with the presence of all sorts of spiritual beings which are to be found, so to speak, between the sense-perceptible kingdoms of nature that surround us. We saw especially how in the place where the beings of different nature-kingdoms come together, where the plant is pressed close to the stone at a spring, where ordinary stone impinges on a metal as constantly occurs under the earth, where there is a communion as between bee and blossom, how everywhere in such spots forces are developed which draw various beings, whom we have called elemental beings, into earthly existence. Moreover, in connection with these elemental beings we have been occupied with the fact of a certain cutting off, a detaching of beings from their whole connection. We have seen that the elemental beings called by spiritual science “Salamanders” have in part their origin from detached parts of animal group souls. These have, as it were, ventured too far forward into our physical world and have not been able to find their way back and unite again with the group soul, after the death and dissolution of the animal. We know that in the regular course of our life, the beings of our earth, the beings of the animal, plant, mineral kingdoms, have their “ego soul” — if one may so call it, have indeed such ego souls as man, differing only in the fact that the ego souls of other beings are in other worlds. We know that man is that being in our cycle of evolution who has an individual ego here on the physical plane — at least during his waking life. We know further that the beings which we call animals are so conditioned that — speaking loosely — similarly-formed animals have a group soul or group ego which is in the so-called astral world. Further, the beings which we call plants have a dreamless sleeping consciousness for the physical world here but they have group egos which dwell in the lower parts of the devachanic world; and, finally, the stones, the minerals, have their group egos in the higher parts of Devachan. One who moves clairvoyantly in the astral and devachanic worlds has intercourse there with the group souls of the animals, plants and minerals in the same way as here in the physical world he has intercourse during the day with other human souls or egos.

Now we must be clear that in many ways man is a very complicated being — we have often spoken of this complexity in different lectures. But he will appear more and more complicated the further we go into the connections with great cosmic facts. In order to realize that man is not quite the simple being which he may perhaps appear to a naive observation we need only remember that by night, from going to sleep to waking up, the man of the present evolutionary cycle is quite a different being from what he is by day. His physical and etheric bodies lie in bed, the ego with the astral body is lifted out of them. Let us consider both conditions, and in the first place the physical and etheric bodies. They lie there, and if we disregard the transitional state of dream, they have what we may call a sleep consciousness devoid of content, perceptions, or dreams. But the ego and the astral body outside have, in this present cycle of evolution, just the same dreamless sleep consciousness. The sleeping man, whether in the members remaining here in the physical world, or in those which are in the astral world, has the same consciousness as the plant covering of the earth. We must occupy ourselves a little with these two separated parts of the sleeping human being.

From other lectures we know that the man of the present time has arisen slowly and gradually. We know that he received the first rudiments of a physical body in the embodiment of our Earth lying in a primeval past which we call the Saturn evolution. We know that then in a second embodiment of our Earth, the Sun evolution, he received the etheric or life body, that in the third embodiment, the Moon evolution, he also received the astral body, and that in the present Earth embodiment of our planet he acquired what we call the ego. Thus the human being has evolved quite slowly and gradually. This physical body which man bears today is actually his oldest part, the part that has gone through most metamorphoses. It has undergone four changes. The first rudiment, received by man on ancient Saturn, has gone through three modifications, on the Sun, on the Moon, and finally on the Earth, and is expressed in man's present sense-organs. They were quite different organs on ancient Saturn, but their first rudiments were there while no other part of the physical body as yet existed. We can look on ancient Saturn as a single being, entirely consisting of sense-organs. On the Sun the etheric body was added, the physical body went through a change, and the organs arose which we call today the glands, though at first they existed merely in their rudiments. Then on the Moon when the physical body had undergone a third transformation through the impress of the astral body, were added those organs which we know as the nerve organs. And finally on the Earth was added the present blood-system, the expression of the ego, as the nervous system is the expression of the astral body, the glandular system of the etheric body, and the senses system the physical expression of the physical body itself. We have seen in former lectures that the blood system appeared for the first time in our Earth evolution and we ask: Why does blood flow in the present form in the blood channels? What does this blood express? Blood is the expression of the ego and with this we will consider a possible misunderstanding, namely, that man actually misunderstands the present physical human body.

The human body as it is today is only one form of many. On the Moon, on the Sun, on Saturn, it was there but always different. On the Moon, for instance, there was as yet no mineral kingdom, on the Sun there was no plant world in our sense, and on Saturn no animal kingdom — there was solely the human being in his first physical rudiments. Now when we reflect on this we must be clear that the present human body is not only physical body, but physical-mineral body, and that to the laws of the physical world — hence it is the “physical body” — it has assimilated the laws and substances of the mineral kingdom, which permeate it today. On the Moon the physical human body had not yet assimilated those laws: if one had burnt it there would have been no ash, for there were no minerals in the present earthly sense. Let us remember that to be physical and to be mineral are two quite different things. The human body is physical because it is governed by the same laws as the stone; it is at the same time mineral because it has been impregnated with mineral substances. The first germ of the physical body was present on Saturn, but there were no solid bodies, no water, no gases. On Saturn there was nothing at all but a condition of warmth. The modern physicist knows of no such condition because he thinks that warmth can only appear in connection with gases, water, or solid objects. But that is an error. The physical body which today has assimilated the mineral kingdom was on ancient Saturn a nexus of physical laws. We are physical laws working in lines, in forms, what you learn to know as laws in physics. Externally the physical human being was manifested on Saturn purely as a being which lived in warmth. We must thus clearly distinguish between the mineral element and the actual physical principle of man's body. It is physical law which governs the physical body. It belongs, for example, to the physical principle that our ear has such a form, that it receives sound in quite a definite way; to the mineral nature of the ear belong the sub-stances which are impregnated into this scaffolding of physical laws.

Now that we have become clear about this and realize particularly how the sense-organs, glands, nerves and blood are the expressions of our fourfold nature, let us turn again to the observation of the sleeping human being. When man is asleep the physical and etheric bodies lie on the bed, the astral body and the ego are outside. But now let us remember that the astral body is the principle of the nervous system and the ego that of the blood system. Thus during the night the astral body has deserted that part of the physical body of which, so to say, it is the cause — namely, the nervous system. For only when the astral body membered itself into man on the Moon could the nervous system arise. Thus the astral body callously leaves what belongs to it, what it is actually due to maintain, and in the same way the ego deserts that which it has called into life. The principles of the blood and of the astral body are outside and the sleeping physical and etheric bodies are absolutely alone. But now nothing of a material physical nature can subsist in the form which has been called forth by a spiritual principle when this spiritual principle is no longer there. That is quite out of the question. Never can a nervous system live unless astral beings are active in it, and never can a blood system live unless ego-beings are active in it. Thus you all meanly desert in the night your nervous and blood systems and relinquish them to other beings of an astral nature. Beings which are of the same nature as your ego now descend into your organism. Every night the human organism is occupied by beings fitted to maintain it. The physical body and the etheric body which lie on the bed are at the same time interpenetrated by these astral and ego beings; they are actually within the physical body. We might call them intruders, but that is in no sense correct. We ought in many ways to call them guardian spirits, for they are the sustainers of what man callously deserts in the night.

Now it is not so bad for man to leave his bodies every night. I have already said that the astral body and the ego are perpetually active in the night. They rid the physical body of the wear and tear which the day has given, which in a broad sense we call fatigue. Man is refreshed and renewed in the morning because during the night his astral body and ego have removed the fatigue which were given him by the impressions of daily life. This all-night activity of the astral body in getting rid of the fatigue substances is a definite fact to clairvoyant perception. The ego and astral body work from outside on the physical and etheric bodies. But in the present cycle of his evolution man is not yet advanced enough to be able to carry out such an activity quite independently. He can only do so under the guidance of other, higher beings. So the human being is taken every night into the bosom of higher beings, as it were, and they endow him with the power of working in the right way on his physical and etheric bodies. These at the same time are the beings — that is why we may not call them intruders — who care for man's blood and nerve systems in the right way in the night.

As long as no abnormalities arise the co-operation of spiritual beings with man is justified. But such irregularities can very well enter and here we come to a chapter of spiritual science which is extraordinarily important for the practical life of the human soul. One would like it to be known in the widest circles and not only theoretically but as giving the foundation for certain activities of the human soul life. It is not generally imagined that the facts of the soul life have a far-reaching effect. In certain connections I have also called your attention to the fact that it is only when viewed in the light of spiritual science that events in the life of the soul can find their true explanation. We all know the deep significance of the statement: “Regarded from the spiritual-scientific aspect a lie is a kind of murder.” I have explained that a sort of explosion really takes place in the astral world when man utters a lie — even, in a certain way, if he only thinks it. Something takes place in the spiritual world when man lies, which has a far more devastating effect for that world than any misfortune in the physical world. But things which one relates at a certain stage of spiritual-scientific observation, characterizing them as far as is possible then, gain more and more clearness and confirmation when one advances in the knowledge of spiritual science.

Today we shall learn of another effect of lying, slandering, although these words are not used here in the ordinary crude sense. When more subtly, out of convention, for in-stance, or out of all sorts of social or party considerations, people color the truth, we there have to do with a lie in the sense of spiritual science. In many respects man's whole life is saturated, if not with lies, yet with manifestations bearing an untruthful coloring. The enlightened materialist can at any rate see that an impression is made on his physical body if he receives a blow on the skull from an axe, or if his head is cut off by the railway, or he has an ulcer somewhere or is attacked by bacilli. He will then admit that effects are produced on the physical body. What is not usually considered at all is that man is a spiritual unity, that what happens in his higher members, the astral body and ego, has positive effect right down into his physical nature. It is not considered, for instance, that the uttering of lies and untruthfulness, untruth even in the affairs of life, has a definite effect on the human physical body. Spiritual vision can experience the following: If a person, let us say, has told a lie during the day, its effect remains in the physical body and is to be seen by clairvoyant perception while the person sleeps. Let us suppose this person is altogether un-truthful, piling up lies, then he will have many such effects in his physical body. All this hardens, as it were, in the night, and then something very important happens. These hardenings, these “enclosures,” in the physical body are not at all agreeable to the beings who from higher worlds must take possession of the physical body in the night and carry out the functions otherwise exercised by the astral body and ego. The result is that in the course of life and by reason of a body diseased — one might say — through lies, portions of those beings who descend into man at night become detached. Here we have again detachment processes and they lead to the fact that when a man dies his physical body does not merely follow the paths which it would normally take. Certain beings are left behind, beings which have been created in the physical body through the effect of lying and slander, and have been detached from the spiritual world. Such beings, detached in this circuitous way, now flit and whir about in our world and belong to the class that we call “phantoms.” They form a certain group of elemental beings related to our physical body and invisible to physical sight. They multiply through lies and calumnies, and these in actual fact populate our earthly globe with phantoms. In this way we learn to know a new class of elemental beings.

But now, not only lies and slanders but also other things belonging to the soul life produce an effect on the human body. It is lies and slanders which so act on the physical body that a detaching of phantoms is caused. Other things again work in a similar way on the etheric body. You must not be amazed at such phenomena of the soul: in spiritual life one must be able to take things with all calmness. Matters, for example, which have a harmful result on the etheric body are bad laws, or bad social measures prevailing in a community. All that leads to want of harmony, all that makes for bad adjustments between man and man, works in such a way through the feeling which it creates in the common life that the effect is continued into the etheric body. The accumulation in the etheric body caused through these experiences of the soul brings about again detachments from the beings working in from the spiritual worlds and these likewise are now to be found in our environment — they are “spectres” or “ghosts.” Thus these beings that exist in the etheric world, the life world, we see grow out of the life of men. Many a man can go about amongst us and for one who is able to see these things spiritually, his physical body is crammed, one might say, with phantoms, his etheric body crammed with spectres, and as a rule after a man's death or shortly afterwards all this rises up and disperses and populates the world.

So we see how subtly the spiritual events of our life are continued, how lies, calumnies, bad social arrangements, deposit their creations spiritually among us on our earth. But now you can also understand that if in normal daily life the physical body, etheric body, astral body, and ego belong together, and the physical body and etheric body have to let other beings press in and act upon them, then the astral body and the ego are not in a normal condition either. At any rate they are in a somewhat different position as regards the physical and etheric bodies. These two have in sleeping man the consciousness of the plants. But the plants on the other hand have their ego above in Devachan. Hence the physical and etheric bodies of sleeping man must likewise be sustained by beings which unfold their consciousness from Devachan. Now it is true that man's astral body and ego are in a higher world, but he himself also sleeps dreamlessly like the plants. That the plants have only a physical and an etheric body and that man in his sleeping condition possesses further an astral body and ego, makes no difference as regards the plant-nature. True, man has been drawn upwards into the spiritual, the astral world, but yet not high enough upwards with his ego, to justify the sleep-condition. The consequence is that beings must now enter his astral body too when the human being goes to sleep. And so it is: influences from the devachanic world press all the time into man's astral body. They need not in the least be abnormal influences, they may come from what we call man's higher ego. For we know that man is gradually rising to the devachanic world, in as much as he approaches ever nearer to a state of spiritualization, and what is being prepared there sends its influences into him today when he sleeps. But there are not merely these normal influences. This would simply and solely be the case if human beings were fully to understand what it is to value and esteem the freedom of another. Mankind at present is still very far removed from that. Think only how the modern man for the most part wants to over-rule the mind of another, how he cannot bear someone else to think and like differently, how he wants to work upon the other's soul. In all that works from soul to soul in our world, from the giving of unjustifiable advice to all those methods which men employ in order to overwhelm others, in every act that does not allow the free soul to confront the free soul, but employs, even in the slightest degree, forcible means of convincing and persuasion, in all this, forces are working from soul to soul which again so influence these souls that it is expressed in the night in the astral body. The astral body gets those “enclosures” and thereby beings are detached from other worlds and whir through our world again as elemental beings. They belong to the class of demons. Their existence is solely due to the fact that intolerance and oppression of thought have in various ways been used in our world. That is how these hosts of demons have arisen in our world.

Thus we have learnt again today to know of beings which are just as real as the things which we perceive through our physical senses, and which very definitely produce effects in human life. Humanity would have advanced quite differently if intolerance had not created the demons which pervade our world, influencing people continually. They are at the same time spirits of prejudice. One understands the intricacies of life when one learns about these entanglements between the spiritual world in the higher sense and our human world. All these beings, as we have said, are there, and they whiz and whir through the world in which we live.

Now let us remember something else which has also been said before. We have pointed out that in the man of the last third of the Atlantean age, before the Atlantean flood, the relation of etheric body to physical body was quite different from what it had been earlier. Today the physical part of the head and the etheric part practically coincide. That was quite different in ancient Atlantis; there we have the etheric part of the head projecting far out — especially in the region of the forehead. We now have a central point for the etheric and physical parts approximately between the eyebrows. These two parts came together in the last third of the Atlantean age and today they coincide. Thereby man is able to say “I” to himself and feel an independent personality. Thus the etheric and physical bodies of the head have joined together. This has come about so that man could become the sense being that he is within our physical world, so that he can enrich his inner life through what he takes in through sense impressions, through smell, taste, sight, and so on. All of this becomes embodied in his inner being so that having obtained it he can use it for the further development of the whole cosmos. What he thus acquires can be acquired in no other way, and therefore we have always said we must not take Spiritual Science in an ascetic sense, as a flight from the physical world. All that happens here is taken with us out of the physical world and it would be lost to the spiritual world if it were not collected here first.

But humanity is now getting nearer and nearer to a new condition. In this Post-Atlantean age we have gone through various culture epochs: the old Indian, the ancient Persian, lying before the time of Zarathustra, then the epoch which we have called the Babylonian-Assyrian-Chaldean-Egyptian, then the Greco-Latin, and now we stand in the fifth culture-epoch of the Post-Atlantean age. Ours will be followed by a sixth and a seventh epoch. Whereas in the course of past ages and up to our own time the united structure of our etheric and physical bodies has always grown firmer, more closely united inwardly, man is approaching a period in the future when the etheric body gradually loosens itself again and becomes independent. The way back is taken. There are people today who have a much looser etheric body than others. This loosening of the etheric body is only right for man if during his different incarnations in those culture-epochs he has absorbed so much into himself that when his etheric body goes out again it will take with it the right fruits from the physical sense world of the earth, fruits suitable for incorporation into the increasingly independent etheric body. The more spiritual are the concepts which man finds within the physical world, the more he takes with him in his etheric body. All the utilitarian ideas, all the concepts bound up with machine and industry which only serve outer needs and the outer life, and which man absorbs in our present earthly existence, are unsuitable for incorporation in the etheric body. But all the concepts he absorbs of the artistic, the beautiful, the religious — and everything can be immersed in the sphere of wisdom, art, religion — all this endows man's etheric body with the capability and possibility of being organized independently. Since this can be seen in advance, it has often been emphasized here that the world-conception of spiritual science must send its impulses and activities into practical life. Spiritual science must never remain a conversational subject for tea-parties or any other pursuit apart from ordinary life; it must work its way into the whole of our civilization. If spiritual-scientific thoughts are one day understood, then men will understand that everything our age accomplishes must be permeated by spiritual principles. Many human beings, among them Richard Wagner, fore-saw in certain fields such a penetration with spiritual principles. Some day men will understand how to build a railway-station so that it streams out truth like a temple and is in fact simply an expression suited to what is within it. There is still very much to do. These impulses therefore must be effective and they will be effective when spiritual-scientific thoughts are more fully understood.

I still have a vivid recollection of a rectorial address given about twenty-five years ago by a well-known architect. He spoke about style in architecture and uttered the remarkable sentence: “Architectural styles are not invented, they grow out of the spiritual life!” At the same time he showed why our age, if indeed it produces architectural styles, only revives old ones and is incapable of finding a new style because it has as yet no inner spiritual life. When the world creates spiritual life again then all will be possible. Then we shall feel that the human soul shines towards us from all we look at, just as in the Middle Ages every lock on a door expressed what man's soul understood of outer forms. Spiritual science will not be understood till it meets us everywhere in this way as if crystallized in forms. But then mankind too will live as spirit in the spirit. Then, however, man will be preparing more and more something that he takes with him when he again rises into the spiritual world, when his etheric body becomes self-dependent. Thus must men immerse in the spiritual world if evolution is to go further in the right way.

Nothing symbolizes the permeation of the world with the spirit so beautifully as the story of the miracle of Pentecost. When you contemplate it, it is as though the interpenetration of the world with spiritual life were indicated prophetically through the descent of the “fiery tongues.” Everything must be given life again through the spirit, that abstract intellectual relation which man has to the yearly festivals must also become concrete and living again. Now, at this time of Pentecost, Whitsuntide, let us try to occupy our souls with the thoughts that can proceed from today's lecture. Then the Festival, which as we know is established on a spiritual foundation, will again signify some-thing living for man when his etheric body is ripe for spiritual creation. But if man does not absorb the Whitsuntide spirit then the etheric body goes out of the physical body and is far too weak to overcome what has already been created, those worlds of spectres, phantoms, demons, which the world creates as phenomena existing at its side.



Lecture I, January 06, 1908

               Beings of the astral plane and Devachan. The group souls of animals, plants, minerals. Benevolent and malignant beings of Mars, Moon, Venus. The inventive and the wild Saturn beings. Different influences of these beings upon the earth and upon man. Chyle, lymph, and blood as body of beings of other planets. Working of the Saturn spirits through the sense organs; (Perfumes). Saturn and liver; the Prometheus myth.

               Lecture II. January 27, 1908

               Planets and Zodiac, Time and Duration. Saturn as dawn of our planetary condition. Its origin as sacrifice of the Zodiac. Ascending and descending forces of the Zodiac. All spiritual beings have seven members of their being. Christ, the Mystical Lamb, has life-spirit or Budhi as lowest member.

               Lecture III. February 15, 1908

               Origin of our solar system from the standpoints of natural science and spiritual science. The Kant-Laplace theory. The earlier embodiments of the Earth as deeds of spiritual beings, standing at different levels of evolution. Additional spiritual beings and laggard spiritual beings. Separation of the sun, and the planets Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter as dwelling places of spiritual beings. The Mars transit and iron. Separation of moon, its connection with the Sun-spirit, Yahve. The Venus and Mercury beings as teachers of man. The activity of Mars in the sentient soul, Mercury in the intellectual soul, Jupiter in the consciousness soul.

               Lecture IV. February 29, 1908

               The warmth element on ancient Saturn. The spirits of Form sent their life-giving forces to Saturn; first inception of man's physical body. Myth of Chronos and Gaea. On the Sun the Spirits of Form sacrifice the etheric body, on the Moon, the astral body, and bring about the first inception of the human etheric and astral bodies. On the Earth “trickling in” of the ego in Lemurian Age. In the course of the Atlantean Age, the ego takes hold of man's astral, etheric, physical bodies and there arise sentient soul, intellectual soul, consciousness soul, spirit-self, and life spirit. The Mystery of Golgotha.

               Lecture V. March 16, 1908

               World evolution through Saturn, Sun, Moon, and Earth. Recapitulation of earlier conditions at the beginning of Earth evolution. Man as the first-born, prior to the animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms. Origins of light and air, heart, systems of breathing, nerves, glands, and bones. The “dance of matter” to the measure of the harmony of the spheres. Albumen formation. Origin of sense organs. Origin of ash after the sun separation. Formation of the mineral through thought, which makes tone into the Word.

               Lecture VI. March 24, 1908

               The time reversal in the recapitulation of evolutionary conditions. Transformation of the systems of blood, senses, nerves in the course of evolution. The personality consciousness on the Earth in contrast to the Moon consciousness. The group souls and memory through generations. The group souls of the Moon. The Moon as planet of wisdom, the Earth as planet of love. On Jupiter love will have became nature as wisdom has on the Earth. Ascent of the Spirits of Wisdom to Spirits of the Revolution of Times. Individuality and personality of man in passing through the incarnations. Christ as Sun Being, as Mystical Lamb, as the great Sacrifice of the Earth. The Spirits of Wisdom and Yahve, the Lord of Form. Impulse of the laggard spirits. The future spiritualizing of the material as Resurrection of the Flesh. Old and New Testament. Christianity as religion of humanity is greater than all religions.

               Lecture VII. April 20, 1908

               The spiritual hierarchies above man. The different realms of consciousness of man and the hierarchies. Lowest stage for the Angels: the plant kingdom; for the Archangels: the animal kingdom. Angels are guardian spirits of individual men, Archangels are folk spirits, Archai, time spirits. For these, men form the lowest kingdom of their scale of consciousness. Satan, the unlawful, Yahve, the lawful, Prince of this World. The highest spirit is Christ. He uses no compulsion, the human being must come to him voluntarily.

               Lecture VIII. May 16, 1908

               The understanding through feeling of spiritual-scientific knowledge. The threefold nature of man: body, soul, and spirit. Beings higher than man possess soul and spirit, the animals, body and soul. The elemental beings too have body and soul, though the body is invisible. Goblins, Gnomes. Fourfold nature of man: physical body, etheric body, astral body, and ego. As physical substance continues upwards as etheric body, astral body, so it does downwards in the direction of the sub-physical members of the Goblins, Gnomes, Sylphs, Undines. The origin of such beings. Human beings who unite too strongly with the bodily nature can become elemental beings in the Jupiter evolution. The myth of Ahasuerus. The “Sixteen Paths of Perdition.” Gnomes, Sylphs, Undines are laggard beings of earlier stages of evolution; Salamanders are cut off from animal group souls. They are ego-like.

               Lecture IX. June 01, 1908

               Birth and death in animal and man. Group souls know only metamorphoses, not death. Connection between bees and sylphs. The evolution of human souls from group souls to individuality in its various degrees. Old Testament, Germanic mythology. Men grow away from connection with family, tribe, folk, race. In the future, spiritual truth will create the union between individualities. The group souls of the future will not impair the freedom of the individual. The origin of elemental beings at border regions: Nymphs and Undines at the meeting of water and rock, Gnomes at the meeting of metal and earth, Salamanders through relationships of man and animal.

               Lecture X. June 04, 1908

               The four systems of man's physical body: senses system as expression of the physical: Saturn. Glandular system as expression of the etheric: Sun. Nervous system as expression of the astral: Moon. Blood system as expression of the ego: Earth. In sleep, when astral body and ego are outside the physical and etheric bodies, man's nerve and blood systems are cared for by spiritual beings. According to man's behaviour during the waking state, these beings can be supplanted by elemental beings. Thus arise phantoms through lies and slander, spectres through bad social conditions and organizations, demons through intolerance, compulsion of opinions, and so forth. The increasingly firm establishment of the etheric body in the physical body; towards the future a loosening of the etheric body takes place again. Inner spiritual life will again give style to man's environment. The future permeation of the world with spirit is symbolized by the Whitsuntide event.

               Lecture XI. June 11, 1908

               Man's union with spiritual beings through art. Architecture as union with the etheric bodies, (Greek temple), music as union with the astral bodies of spiritual beings. In sleep man enters into relationship with beings who provide him with forces for daily life. In the interaction between the inner soul nature and these spiritual beings man can grasp the space forces which take the form of architecture for the physical body, as well as the form forces which take the form of sculpture for the etheric body, painting for the sentient soul. The harmonies of the spheres take the form of music for the intellectual soul. The words of the spiritual world which the consciousness soul receives in the night take the form of poetry in the day consciousness. Richard Wagner and his relation to art. His attempt to unite Shakespeare and Beethoven. Glance into future times when all external things in man's surroundings (e.g rail-way stations, and so forth), will again be image of the spiritual reality. The mission of Spiritual Science in the evolution of mankind.

12 março 2023

Heresias e Antroposofia. Rudolf Steiner. SvH


Heresias e Antroposofia, Rudolf Steiner

Tradução para o português Sonia von Homrich

12 Mar 2023

A Antroposofia para muitos é heresia pois grande parte dos  envolvidos no que conhecemos como ciência, não pensam e nem compreendem a Antroposofia. Este é um dos aspectos  de  nossa civilização, onde é possível um indivíduo ser um grande pesquisador,  cientista ou estudioso sem realmente pensar em termos antroposóficos.  No futuro, é preciso realmente cultivar uma honestidade que considere todos os fatos, não apenas os que se encaixam convenientemente em  teorias , jogando areia nos olhos do público.

Porque muitos consideram a Antroposofia uma heresia? 

O ódio à Antroposofia baseia-se mormente na honestidade da Antroposofia, algo que as pessoas não querem reconhecer. Se as pessoas tivessem uma percepção mais acurada para a verdade, seriam capazes de parar de escrever suas críticas, após a primeira frase já que todos os seus argumentos contra a Antroposofia  colapsariam. As pessoas inventam mentiras (fakes)  sobre a Antroposofia não se importando com a verdade e, ao começarem contando mentiras, vão além. Assim, surgem as sérias difamações contra a  Antroposofia. (destruições de reputação em 2023, como conhecemos).  Qual é o resultado? A pessoa que não pode ver através e além de tudo isso pois  acreditam piamente nas "autoridades" que não falam a verdade. O objetivo da Antroposofia é concentrar-se nos fatos e ser uma verdadeira e real ciência. (Daí o termo Ciência Espiritual de Rudolf Steiner ou ANTROPOSOFIA, A Sabedoria sobre a Humanidade do Ser Humano e não simplesmente a Sabedoria do Ser Humano como muitos querem traduzir).

Fonte (Inglês): Rudolf Steiner. GA 348. Health and Illness II: Lecture II: The Brain and Thinking – Saúde e Doença. Palestra II:  O  Cérebro e o Pensar. Dornach, January 5, 1923/ 5Jan1923.



GA 348


Em 1922, centenas de trabalhadores de 17 nações, engajados na construção do Primeiro Goetheanum (*) de Rudolf Steiner,  diariamente eram brindados por Steiner com palestras após o “cofee break",  o intervalo do  café da manhã. Steiner recebia de bom grado os temas que  os trabalhadores definiam, assim como seus comentários e questionamentos. Este segundo volume de Saúde e Doença contém 9 palestras com as mesmas qualidades espontâneas, vitais e coloquiais do primeiro volume. Os trabalhadores mantiveram aqui o especial interesse na saúde e terapêutica do primeiro volume assim como sobre os fenômenos de todos os reinos da natureza e as origens cósmicas. Assim, Steiner jogava uma nova luz num amplo espectro de tópicos, incluindo os efeitos de cura de metais e substâncias no corpo humano, a gravidez, os diques de castores, os ninhos de vespas, estrabismo, dietas vegetarianas e carnívoras, as várias doenças específicas  como icterícia, raiva, hemofilia e gripe. Traduzidas para o Inglês por Maria St. Goar, desenho de capa Peter van Oordt.


I: Febre versus choque - Fever Versus Shock. 30Dez1922/December 30, 1922

II: O cérebro e o Pensar - The Brain and Thinking. 05Jan1923/January 05, 1923

III: Os efeitos do álcool no Ser Humano - The Effects of Alcohol on Man.08Jan1923/January 08, 1923

IV: O Poder da Inteligência como efeito do Sol. Diques de Castores e Vespeiros -  The Power of Intelligence as the Effect of the Sun. Beaver Lodges and Wasps' Nests. 10Jan1923/January 10, 1923

V: O efeito da nicotina. Dietas vegetarianas e carnívoras. Falando sobre absinto. Nascimento de gêmeos. - The Effect of Nicotine.  Vegetarian and Meat Diets. On Taking Absinthe. Twin Births.13Jan1923/January 13, 1923

VI: Difteria e Influenza. Estrabismo. - Diphtheria and Influenza. Crossed Eyes. 20Jan1923/January 20, 1923

VII: O relacionamento entre o respirar e a circulação do sangue. Icterícia, Varíola, Raiva. The Relationship Between the Breathing and the Circulation of the Blood. Jaundice. Smallpox. Rabie.27Jan1923/January 27, 1923

VIII: O efeito do Absinto. Hemofilia. A Idade do Gelo. O declínio oriental e o emergir das culturas ocidentais. Sobre Abelhas. - The Effect of Absinthe — Hemophilia — The Ice Age — The Declining Oriental and the Rising European Cultures — On Bees. 03Fev1923/February 03, 1923

IX: O relacionamento dos planetas em relação aos metais e seus efeitos curativos. The Relationship of the Planets to the Metals and their Healing Effects. 10Fev1923/February 10, 1923


(*)  Goetheanum I em Dornach, construído em madeira e destruído num incêndio. O nome deve-se à Goethe e eu tomo o cuidado de ao usar o nome não modifica-lo como o fazem em Portugal por exemplo. Prefiro sempre chamar pelo nome real, da mesma forma como não modifico meu sobrenome abrasileirando-o. SvH. Após o incêndio, Rudolf Steiner fez a maquete do Segundo Goetheanum em Dornach. Construído e finalizado após sua morte.

Primeiro Goetheanum de Rudolf Steiner, Dornach

Segundo Goetheanum, Rudolf Steiner, Dornach

02 março 2023

Doença e Cura. Rudolf Steiner

Tradução de Sonia von Homrich

 Com medicamentos verdadeiramente eficazes é importante que o médico conheça não apenas que medicamento cura que doença, mas também o que questionar ao paciente. A grande arte médica reside em perguntar as questões corretas ao paciente e também em estar familiarizado com o paciente. Isto é de extrema importância.  Causa estranheza encontrar médicos que nem ao menos perguntem a idade do paciente, por exemplo, embora este conhecimento seja significante. Enquanto o médico usa os mesmos  medicamentos, o médico pode tratar alguém com 50 anos de maneira totalmente diversa daquele que tem quarenta. Não se trata de impor um tratamento sistemático a ponto de dizer que este medicamento é bom para esta determinada doença. Faz uma grande  diferença tratar alguém que sofre de constante diarréia de alguém com constipação crônica. Os medicamentos devem ser testados, e aqui testar medicamentos em animais não tem objetividade alguma. Alguns medicamentos reagem no físico em geral naquilo que seres humanos e animais tem em comum, por exemplo, no caso de cachorros e gatos e a constipação e a diarreia, onde cachorros sofrem com constipação e gatos, com diarreia. Observando o grau de diferença no efeito da medicação em cachorros e gatos, é possível adquirir um maravilhoso conhecimento. O conhecimento científico a bem da verdade, não é adquirido por treinamento universitário em como fazer isto ou aquilo e com que instrumentos. A verdadeira ciência resulta muito mais, em fazer o senso comum surgir, quando então os cientistas sabem como conduzir seus experimentos.

Fonte: Rudolf Steiner, GA 348.  Health and Illness I: Lecture IX: Why do We Become Sick? Saúde e Doença. Porque adoecemos? Dornach, 27Dez, 1922.

I:            Concernente à Situação do Mundo; Causas das Doenças. Concerning the World Situation; Causes of Illness          October 19, 1922

II:           Doenças que ocorrem em diferentes períodos da Vida. Illnesses Occurring in the Different Periods of Life               October 24, 1922

III:          A formação do Ouvido Humano. Águia, Leão, Boi e o Ser Humano.The Formation of the Human Ear; Eagle, Lion, Bull, and Man           November 29, 1922

IV:          A glândula tireoide e hormônios. Testes Steinnach. Tratamentos de Rejuvenescimento Mental e Físico. The Thyroid Gland and Hormones; Steinach's Tests; Mental and Physical Rejuvenation Treatments   December 02, 1922

V:           O olho, cor do cabelo. The Eye; Colour of the Hair           December 13, 1922

VI:          O nariz, olfato e paladar. The Nose, Smell, and Taste      December 16, 1922

VII:         Fundamentos Científicos-Espirituais para uma verdadeira Fisiologia. Spiritual-Scientific Foundations for a True Physiology        December 20, 1922

VIII:       A respeito da Vida da Alma (anímica) e o processo de respiração. Concerning the Soul Life in the Breathing Process            December 23, 1922

IX:          Porque nos tornamos doentes? Influenza, Febre do Feno, Doença Mental. Why do We Become Sick? Influenza; Hayfever; Mental Illness     December 27, 1922


15 janeiro 2023

Egoísmo e Amor. Rudolf Steiner

Egoísmo e amor  

Egoísmo, uma proteção poderosa contra o Mal.

Rudolf Steiner

Tradução: Sonia von Homrich

15 Jan 2023


O egoísmo não é uma força implantada na natureza humana pelos deuses com a finalidade de ser negado ou rejeitado. O egoísmo é essencial para o bem-estar e a sobrevivência do ser humano.

Procurando as razões por trás do egoísmo, se perguntamos: por que os deuses, os bons deuses, implantaram o que na opinião de muitos é tão horrível na humanidade? A resposta dada pela ciência espiritual de Rudolf Steiner  é que o egoísmo oferece uma proteção muito forte contra o que as pessoas enfrentariam sem ele.

Se alguém quisesse praticar magia negra, ele normalmente acharia relativamente fácil reunir aprendizes e ensiná -los sobre certas maquinações que são terrivelmente prejudiciais ao mundo. Mas por que a maioria das pessoas evita tornar-se aluno de magia negra? A resposta é simples: eles têm medo do dano potencial à sua própria personalidade.

 medo egoísta oferece a melhor proteção contra o uso de forças do Mal muito poderosas, como a magia negra. Isso afasta as pessoas da utilização de tais forças, o que é uma excelente proteção.

Fonte (alemão): Rudolf Steiner, GA 101, Mitos e Lendas, Sinais Ocultos e Símbolos. Berlim, 21 Out, 1907.  

Palestras de Rudolf Steiner, o fundador da Ciência Espiritual/Antroposofia, online em Inglês.


15 dezembro 2022

Saudação Natal 2022 Sonia von Homrich

Minha saudação neste Natal de 2022 a todos vocês.

Sonia Bonilha Homrich von Koss

Que ressoe em seus corações o eco do significado de permear toda a jornada da humanidade na Terra, desde o Mistério do Gólgota, imantando toda a atividade humana, especialmente as atividades nas quais o espírito trabalha, para fazer acontecer. Que as palavras teçam através de tudo que o ser humano realiza a partir da sua compreensão de si mesmo como um respirar caloroso ou um raio de sol. “A revelação do divino a partir das alturas celestiais, e paz aos seres humanos de boa vontade, na Terra.”

O grande ideal é que a boa vontade seja cultivada através da cuidadosa governança do espírito do mundo em nosso trabalho, em tudo que fazemos. Que possamos nos governar pelo amor fraterno, o brotherhood, sem perder nossa soberania e no desenvolvimento, na evolução de nossa individualidade ética, nossa individualidade espiritual (Manas, Buddhi, Atma = Spirit-Self, Life-Spirit, Spirit-Man = Self-Espiritual, Vida-Espiritual, Ser-Humano-Espiritual). Sonia von Homrich. Natal 2022.

09 dezembro 2022

De Amaral Vieira Laudate Dominum 11 e 13 Dez 22

 LAUDATE DOMINUM para 11 e 13 de dezembro de 2022


Amigos queridos, lá vamos nós caminhando neste dezembro rumando para o fim do ano de verdade!

Coisas difíceis ainda nos esperam, não é? Oremos para que tudo se passe em paz.

A corrida de fim de ano está em ritmo de São Silvestre adiantada...

Mas vamos colocar nossas mentes em ordem para nos equilibrarmos e viver a vida da melhor forma possível.

No próximo LAUDATE DOMINUM de AMARAL VIEIRA teremos o programa bastante diversificado. Algumas obras que, acredito, nunca ouvimos... esperamos que gostem. Abraços carinhosos a todos sempre. Yara Ferraz AMARAL VIEIRA


Todos os domingos, sempre às 9 h
com reapresentação nas terças às 23 h

Para ouvir no computador, no horário dos programas: culturafm.cmais.com.br e clicar em CULTURA FM
Para ouvir no computador a qualquer momento:

culturafm.cmais.com.br/laudate-dominum e escolher o programa que quer ouvir.


Programa para 11 e 13 de dezembro de 2022


Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

Dies sanctificatus para coro a cappella.                                                                  

Coro da Academia Filarmônica Romana.

Reg.:Pablo Colino.


Georg Philipp Telemann

Dois movimentos da cantata de Natal Die Hirten an der Krippe zu Bethlehem.       

Mechthild Georg, contralto. Andreas Post, tenor.  Kammerchor Michaelstein.

Telemann-Kammerorchester Michaelstein.

Reg.: Ludger Rémy.


Wolfgang-Carl Briegel

Pequena Cantata para o Advento.                                                                 

Conjunto Vocal e Instrumental da cidade de Avignon.

Reg.: Georges Durand.


Georg Friedrich Händel

Sinfonia Pastoral (Pifa) do oratório Messiah.

Capella Istropolitana.

Reg.: Jaroslav Krechek.


Zacharias Zarewutius

Wir loben all das Kindelein, moteto para coro a cappella

Camerata Bratislava.

Reg.: Jan Rozehnal.


Marc-Antoine Charpentier

Kyrie da Messe de Minuit pour Noël.

Coro do King’s College de Cambridge. Orquestra de Câmara Inglesa.

Reg.: David Willcocks.


Francesco Durante

Magnificat em dó menor para coro, cordas e baixo continuo     .          

Cappella Durante, coro e orquestra.

Reg.: Gilbert Grosse Boymann.


Anton Diabelli

Ofertório Angelus ad pastores

Coro e Orquestra de Sankt Michael de Munique.

Reg.: Ernst Ehret.


Friedrich Kiehl

Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes, do oratório A Estrela de Belém opus  83.

Coro da Catedral Sant Hedwig de Berlim. Orquestra Sinfônica da Rádio de Berlim.

Reg.: Roland Bader.


LAUDATE DOMINUM - Programa semanal de música sacra

Idealização e apres.: compositor e pianista Amaral Vieira

Produção: Bruno Lombizani

Todos os domingos, sempre às 9 h,

com reapresentação na terça às 23h.



Foto: Amaral Vieira e nosso querido gato Pedrinho que infelizmente já se foi e deixou somente a saudade.



24 novembro 2022

Laudate Dominum 27 e 29 Nov 2022 de Amaral Vieira

 LAUDATE DOMINUM para 27 e 29 de novembro de 2022

Amados amigos, um ótimo dia para todos(as) seguido de uma semana de muita luz com saúde e felicidade.

Ontem, 22, foi a data em que se comemorou o Dia de Santa Cecília, Padroeira da Música. E desta forma, todos aqueles que dedicam suas vidas à Música são lembrados e parabenizados.

Mas, em realidade, desde o século XV, Santa Cecília é considerada Padroeira da Música Sacra por ter cantado a Deus durante seu suplício.

Assim, acredito que AMARAL VIEIRA em seu LAUDATE DOMINUM tem servido com muito carinho e trabalho, durante estes últimos 33 anos, à causa santa da Música, não é?

No próximo programa que irá ao ar no domingo e na terça-feira teremos 10 obras que cobrirão um espaço musical de 300 anos desde Zelenka, nascido em 1679 até David Ludwig nascido em 1974...

Vamos comungar interiormente juntos os sons nascidos desses espíritos iluminados pela deusa da Música.

Nossos beijos a todos.

Yara Ferraz Amaral Vieira


Todos os domingos, sempre às 9 h
com reapresentação nas terças às 23 h

Para ouvir no computador, no horário dos programas: culturafm.cmais.com.br e clicar em CULTURA FM
Para ouvir no computador a qualquer momento:

culturafm.cmais.com.br/laudate-dominum e escolher o programa que quer ouvir.


Programa para 27 e 29 de novembro de 2022


Jan Dismas Zelenka

Da Pacem Domine ZWV 167, ofertório para coro duplo, instrumentos e baixo contínuo. (1716)

Ensemble Inégale. Prague Baroque Soloists.

Reg.: Adam Viktora


Kim André Arnesen

Et misericordia eius do Magnificat para soprano, coro, piano e orquestra de cordas.

Lise Granden Berg, soprano. Coro da Catedral Nidaros. Solistas de Trondheim. Reg.: Anita Brevik


Edmund Angerer

Agnus Dei da Missa Pastorale para solistas, coro e orquestra.

Maria Janková, Bernhard Landauer, Hans-Werner Bunz, Ralf Ernst, solistas vocais. Conjunto Coral Vocappella Innsbruck. Orchester Europasommer.

Reg.: Bernhard Sieberer.


David Ludwig

Kaddish para tenor e coro a cappella.

James Reese, tenor. Choral Arts Philadelphia.

Reg.: Matthew Glandorf.


Domenico Cimarosa

Sicut erat in principio, movimento final do Salmo Dixit Dominus. (1796)

Cinzia Rizzone, Sylvia Rottensteiner, Gregory Bonfatti. I Musici Cantori di Trento & Voci Roveretane. Orchestra Bolzano-Trento Haydn.

Reg.: Fabio Pirona.


Hector Berlioz

L’adieu des bergers para coro e orquestra de L’Enfance du Christ.

Collegium Vocale Gent. Orchestre des Champs-Elysées.

Reg.: Philippe Herreweghe.


Jonathan Dove

The Three Kings para coro a cappella.

Conjunto Vocal Voces8.


Ola Gjeilo

Ubi caritas III para coro e quarteto de cordas.

Vocal Ensemble Cantatrix. Veselina Manikova, Lianne van de Berg, violinos. Martin Manak, viola. Kate Harris, violoncelo.

Reg.: Geert-Jan Henegouwen.


Nikolai Golovanov

Otche Nash para coroa cappella.

Conjunto Vocal Tenebrae.

Reg.: Nigel Short.


Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy

Cantata-Coral Verleih uns Frieden para coro e orquestra.

Coro de Câmara da Europa. Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen.

Reg.: Nicol Matt.


LAUDATE DOMINUM - Programa semanal de música sacra

Idealização e apres.: compositor e pianista Amaral Vieira

Produção: Bruno Lombizani

Todos os domingos, sempre às 9 h,

com reapresentação na terça às 23h.



Foto: Amaral Vieira aos 40 anos – faz somente 30... rsrsrsrs