19 fevereiro 2025

Laudate Dominum 23 e 25 Fev 2025

CAROS AMIGOS : ESTE É O PROGRAMA DO PRÓXIMO Laudate Dominum do grande pianista e compositor Amaral Vieira II por Yara Ferraz Amaral Vieira.

Foto: AMARAL VIEIRA terminando o concerto em Taipei (Taiwan) em 14 de novembro de 2010. Yara Ferraz - https://www.facebook.com/share/p/15rWqmPWjg/


para 23 e 25 de fevereiro, 2025
Amigos sempre muito queridos, aqui estou eu na nossa quarta-feira para conversarmos um pouquinho. Como estão vocês? Me mandem notícias, sim? Afinal, afora enviar a vocês o programa do LAUDATE DOMINUM de AMARAL VIEIRA para o próximo domingo e terça-feira, queremos saber se vocês estão bem, felizes e conseguindo driblar todos os percalços e tristezas deste mundo tão desequilibrado que estamos vivendo atualmente. Já é complicado... mas assim fazemos a nossa parte e ajudamos a quem podemos, não é? E a boa música dos Mestres ajuda. É assim que vejo esse legado que eles nos deixaram. Nossos abraços e beijos carinhosos a todos. Yara Ferraz.
Todos os domingos, sempre às 9 h
com reapresentação nas terças às 23 h
Para ouvir no computador ou celular, baixe o ícone “Cultura Play”, clique e escolha CulturaFM. Para ouvir no computador a qualquer momento:
culturafm.cmais.com.br/laudate-dominum e escolher o programa que quer ouvir.

JOHN RUTTER - Requiem para solistas, coro e orquestra (1985).
Caroline Ashton, Donna Deam, sopranos. Cambridge Singers. The City of London Sinfonia. Reg.: John Rutter.
FRANK FERKO - Trechos selecionados do Stabat Mater (1998).
His Majestie's Clerkes. Reg.: Anne Heider

LAUDATE DOMINUM - Programa semanal de música sacra
Pesquisa, Idealização e apresentação: compositor e pianista Amaral Vieira
Produção: Bruno Lombizani
Todos os domingos, sempre às 9 h,
com reapresentação nas terças às 23h.

18 FEV 2025
Via Defesa do Presidente Jair Bolsonaro

A defesa do Presidente Jair Bolsonaro recebe com estarrecimento e indignação a denúncia da Procuradoria-Geral da República, divulgada hoje pela mídia, por uma suposta participação num alegado golpe de Estado.

O Presidente jamais compactuou com qualquer movimento que visasse a desconstrução do Estado Democrático de Direito ou as instituições que o pavimentam.

A despeito dos quase dois anos de investigações — período em que foi alvo de exaustivas diligências investigatórias, amplamente suportadas por medidas cautelares de cunho invasivo, contemplando, inclusive, a custódia preventiva de apoiadores próximos —, nenhum elemento que conectasse minimamente o Presidente à narrativa construída na denúncia, foi encontrado.

Não há qualquer mensagem do Presidente da República que embase a acusação, apesar de uma verdadeira devassa que foi feita em seus telefones pessoais.

A inepta denúncia chega ao cúmulo de lhe atribuir participação em planos contraditórios entre si e baseada numa única delação premiada, diversas vezes alteradas, por um delator que questiona a sua própria voluntariedade. Não por acaso ele mudou sua versão por inúmeras vezes para construir uma narrativa fantasiosa. 

O Presidente Jair Bolsonaro confia na Justiça e, portanto, acredita que essa denúncia não prevalecerá por sua precariedade, incoerência e ausência de fatos verídicos que a sustentem perante o Judiciário. https://www.facebook.com/share/19wVUUfuxq/

16 fevereiro 2025

False Messiah. Sergei O. Prokofieff

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~ Sergei O Prokofieff
Now that in the previous chapters there has been [ "The East in the Light of the West" ] there has been a consideration of the problems that arose in the Theosophical Society between the streams of Western and Eastern esotericism on account of the fundamental difference in their understanding of the Christ Being, and now that the view of Western esotericism in this regard has been characterised at some length ( see previous articles ), in order to arrive at a full picture the view of the Eastern esoteric stream – as it was represented by the official leadership of the Theosophical Society at that time – must now be examined, even if only briefly.
As has been mentioned, one consequence of the erroneous view on the part of Eastern occultism of the Christ Being was the identifying of His divine Being with the human being of the Maitreya and the proclaiming of the imminent arrival of a new world teacher — who was to be at once both the Christ and also the Maitreya – in the person of the Indian boy Krishnamurti, who had been discovered by Leadbeater in Adyar in 1909 . Through his clairvoyant faculties he had beheld the aura of the boy as he was bathing in the sea and had immediately decided that he was destined to become the bearer of the future world Teacher.
Before we turn to the subsequent history of Krishnamurti ( see further in Thomas Meyer's book " The Bodhisattva Question" ), a few words need be said about Leadbeater and those occult personalities whom he regarded as his spiritual teachers. It has already been mentioned that as a result of his involvement with spiritualism he came in contact with a teacher whom he called Kut Humi, received several letters from him and was soon received into the ranks of his personal pupils.
Subsequently, however, according to Leadbeater's own statement, it was not Kut Humi but his most intimate pupil of Tibetian origin, who had since Blavatsky's times been known in theosophical circles under the name Djwhal Khul ( D.K. ), who took the development of Leadbeater's clairvoyant faculties in hand. This mahatma is of particular interest since he later became the main inspirer of the books of Alice Bailey. In the last book of Agni Yoga Helena Roerich also mentions her meeting with him in Sikkim in Northern India.
[ She does so in the penultimate book of "Agni Yoga" ( "Brotherhood", Part Two ).
The "mahatma" dictates to her the following: "We have never withdrawn from life. When we appeared, we did not distinguish ourselves from average people. They can themselves attest that Djwhal Khul, when he appeared in order to meet you, did not distinguish himself from the Lamas"].
In his brief autobiography "How Theosophy Came to Me", which Leadbeater published at the end of his life and where he makes every effort to place his devotion to the theosophical mahatmas and his boundless reverence to them in the foreground, the entire last chapter — entitled "Psychic Training" — is devoted to the training in clairvoyance which he had personally received from D.K.
One encounters the name Djwhal Khul very frequently in the earliest theosophical documents, especially in the letters of the mahatmas Kut Humi and Morya to Sinnett. As Blavatsky, Olcott, Leadbeater and other theosophists attest, he often appeared to them in astral vision and in materialised form, sometimes with the two "older" mahatmas and at other times without them.
[ In his autobiography and also in his book "The Masters and the Path", Leadbeater describes such a materialisation of D.K. which took place in Blavatsky's presence in her hotel room in Cairo. Leadbeater was at that moment sitting on the floor and looking through some papers by the firmly locked door when he suddenly saw the mahatma standing in the middle of the room. He cried out in surprise, whereupon Blavatsky laughed and explained to him:
"You will not go far on the path of occultism of you are so easily startled by a little thing like that", and she went on to introduce him to their materialised visitor". ( "How Theosophy Came to Me" ) ]
He ( D.K. ) reached the stage of adept ( the so-called "fifth initiation" ) relativity late, around 1875 or even later ( D.K. himself mentioned this year to Alice Bailey, although Leadbeater gave a later date probably the beginning of the twentieth century ). In accordance with theosophical conceptions the attaining of this stage gave him the right not only to take over the tasks of his teacher K.H.but also to lead his own occult school ( a spiritual ashram ) and to have his own spirit-pupils.
As various theosophical sources report, he was at that time preparing to receive in future the "sixth initiation" and then take the place of his teacher K.H. in the Hierarchy of the Himalayan Masters, whereas the latter was for his part to rise higher, attain the bodhisattva stage and relive the Maitreya Bodhisattva from his office.
D.K. himself informed Alice Bailey in the 1920's that it was he who dictated to Madam Blavatsky "significant parts" of the "Secret Doctrine", although Blavatsky herself, and also those around her, reckoned that this work was inspired by the "older" mahatmas M.and K.H., which — to be sure — does not rule out the possibility of a mediating role on the part of D.K.
That D.K and Helena Blavatsky had a close connection is in any case borne out by the fact that the founder of the Theosophical Society once asked D.K. to draw for her that mysterious valley in the Himalayas where all theosophical mahatmas live, avoiding all contact with the outside world. In this valley – as she said herself – she also received her 'initiation" during the three years that she was permitted to reside there. D.K. complied with her request, and Leadbeater subsequently ( 1925 ) published this drawing in his book "The Masters and the Path".
Mahatma Morya's — little – house can be clearly seen in it, beside it its occupant on horseback and in the distance, standing up to his knees in the water of the lake and with a staff in his hand, D.K., who had been included in the picture at the personal request of Blavatsky. Mahatma K.H.'s house is not visible, whereas in Leadbeater's book its plans and internal furnishings are described in detail.
According to Leadbeater's description in this book, the inhabitants of this or the neighbouring Himalayan valley included further mahatmas and also their leader, the Maitreya Bodhisattva, the leader of Mahatma K.H., and the Vaivasvata Manu ( the Manu of the present fifth root race ), the leader of Mahatma M.
As Leadbeater describes in his autobiography the karmic threads connecting him with Mahatma K.H. and his most illustrious pupil D.K. went back to the sixth century B.C.when K.H. was incarnated as Pythagoras and D.K as his pupil Kleineas. In the year 504 the future Leadbeater ( who at that time was an Athenean by descent ), "to our great and awed delight" visited Pythagoras on one of the Greek islands not long before his death.
When Pythagoras died, his pupil Kleineas went to Athens and founded a school of philosophy, there, of which the future Leadbeater goes on to state in his autobiography that when they met in the nineteenth century the Mahatma K.H. had immediately recalled the words that Pythagoras had spoken to him when they parted. This incident was to convince Leadbeater of their centuries-old connection. And just as was the case in their Greek incarnation, so on this occasion too K.H. entrusted the responsibility for Leadbeater's occult development to his most advanced pupil ( D.K. ), who at that time was a fully fledged adept ( or almost so ).
However the fruits of this instruction were more than dubious. Quite apart from the highly problematic method of occult research which Leadbeater learnt from his "teacher" ( whoever he may have been ), a mediumistic, atavistic method which by its very nature Rudolf Steiner uncompromisingly condemned, probably the most important feature of the esoteric training experienced by Leadbeater was that he, who in the past had been an Anglican priest, became an occultist who – in Rudolf Steiner words — "actually knows nothing whatsoever about Christ" ( Lecture 15th July, 1914: GA 155 : "Christ and the Human Soul" ).
Despite all this — and quite possibly because of it — Leadbeater became very soon after his return to the Theosophical Society, the second most important person after Annie Besant, or in an occult sense even the most important in the Theosophical Society. For according to Schuré's words from the letter quoted in the previous chapter:
"The President needed Leadbeater for her occult research, "since his collaborative work seemed to her necessary in order to bolster her authority".
One result of this collaboration was, among others, the extensive three-volume work "Conversations About the Path of Occultism", in which the President and her spiritual adviser tried to develop further, and make more accessible to members of the Society, those methods of spiritual training and occult research which had already caused the scandalous and absurd situation involving Krishnamurti.
The extent to which Leadbeater's influence was decisive for the subsequent destiny of the Theosophical Society becomes clearer visible from the fact that, after Annie Besant's death, two protégés and pupils were named successively as President: first, George Arundale, the founder of the Order of the "Star of the East", and then S. Jinarajadasa, who subsequently edited and wrote a commentary upon Leadbeater's letters.
Now that we have briefly characterised Leadbeater's relationship to those individuals whom we named as his spiritual teachers and honored with the title of mahatma, we can now turn to the Krishnamurti affair. For its most significant trait was without doubt the participation of a whole series of mahatmas, as not only Leadbeater and Anne Besant maintained but also Krishnamurti himself attested on the basis of his own occult experiences.
The occult career of this Indian boy — who was at the time still a minor — began with the so-called "first initiation", which took place on 10/11th April 1910.
In order to carry this out, Leadbeater and Krishnamurti were locked up together in Anne Besant's rooms in Adyar ( she was present at the time ) and, according to their own statements, were throughout ( one day and two nights ) outside their physical bodies. Balfour-Clarke, a playmate of Krishnamurti's, who witnessed these events and stood guard at the door, from time to time bringing warm milk which he put beside Leadbeater and Krishnamurti, described everything that happened in Adyar at that time in his recollections, which were published under the title of "The Boyhood of Krishnamurti" ( Russell Balfour-Clarke: published in 1977 ).
After the two days both of those involved left their place of seclusion. In this short time Krishnamurti had changed considerably and appeared as though "radiant" ( Balfour-Clarke ). Together with a small group of enthusiastic listeners who had received him at the entrance, he went at once to the next grove, where he shared with them his spiritual experiences. Later that same year he recorded them for Annie Besant In writing. As Balfour-Clarke attested, the written text – which is still preserved — corresponded precisely to Krishnamurti's oral account.
Krishnamurti reported that, after he had left his physical body, he found himself immediately in the Himalayan valley described above at K.H.'s house, where the two other mahatmas, M. and D.K. were expecting him. Then they all made their way to the Maitreya Bodhisattva, in whose house the candidate for initiation saw five other theosophical Masters, Krishnamurti's account continues:
"Then the Master ( Kut Humi) took my right hand, and the Master Djwhal Kul my left, and they led me in front of the Lord Maitreya, you ( Besant ) and uncle ( Charles Leadbeater ) standing close behind me" ( "The Boyhood of Krishnamurti" ).
Then a short conversation with the Maitreya took place, during which the latter demanded that the two mahatmas would have to vouch for the candidate. K.H. did this, and Krishnamurti held them by their hands. At the end of the conversation the Maitreya "called towards Shamballa", whereupon a "great Silver Star' lit up over the candidate's head and on each side of it the figures of Gautama Buddha and the Mahacohen appeared ( a picture that represents a kind of parody of Christ's Transfiguration" ).
Then the process of initiation unfolded further and was finally completed with the solemn words of the Maitreya: "In the name of One Initiator ( Sanat Kumara ), whose star shines above us, I receive you into the Brotherhood of Eternal Life".
Whereupon Krishnamurti received the personal blessing of the Maitreya, and the ceremony ended.
However, the culmination of the initiation process was reached only during the following night, when — as Krishnamurti reported – he stood before the Lord of the World, before Sanat Kumara, whose silver star he had beheld the previous evening. "And that was the most wonderful experience of all, for he stood before me in the form of a boy not much older than I am, but the handsomest I have ever seen, all shining and glorious, and when he smiles it is like sunlight'.
And the "Lord of the World" said to Krishnamurti, turning to him, that "I must never forget His presence, for His strength would be always behind me, and His Star would shine over me". At the end of his report Krishnamurti went on to state that behind the "Lord of the World" were standing three other figures. However, he did not look at them, as he was unable to tear himself from Sanat Kumara's gaze. ( Krishnamurti's full account is included in Balfour-Clarke's reminiscences ).
We have given such a full account of Krishnamurti's first initiation because virtually the whole Himalayan Hierarchy of which detailed characterisations were subsequently given in Bailey's and Leadbeater's books participated in it. Also of significance is the fact that in Krishnamurti's visions those two teachers whom Leadbeater and then also Alice Bailey considered to be K.H.and D.K. appeared before the Maitreya to vouch for the candidate.
For Leadbeater and Besant this report of Krishnamurti's constituted an irrefutable proof that the Maitreya had received the neophyte and would shortly use his physical body to appear before human beings as the world Teacher. Hence, said Balfour-Clarke, Annie Besant explained for the first time on 29th October 1911, at the members' conference of the Theosophical Society in Adyar that "after what they had seen and felt, it was no longer possible to make even a pretence of concealing the fact ( from the members of the Society ) that Krishna's ( Krishnamurti's ) body had been chosen by the Bodhisattva".
The so-called "second initiation" took place on Walpurgis Night from 30th April until 1st May 1912. This resembled the content of the first ( again there was an astral vision of the mahatmas and of the Maitreya and so forth ). However, it took place not in India but in Sicily, whither Krishnamurti was taken by Leadbeater and Arundale specifically for this event.
Already the place and the time of its execution speak for themselves ( see further in Thomas Meyer "The Bodhisattva Question" ), and anyone who knows even a little about occultism needs no further comment. In Leadbeater's view the initiation was – to all appearances — fully successful, so that the preparation for the coming of the "world Teacher" needed to happen on a completely different scale, far transcending the limits of the — as regards its numbers — still very modest Order 'Star of the East".
Two of the most powerful world organisations were to be used for the purpose: Freemasonry and the Catholic Church. In order to penetrate the former, use was made of the "Order of International Co-Freemasonary" established already in 1893 under the auspices of the Theosophical Society in Paris, an Order to which both men and women belonged. According to the plans of its founders, this Order was eventually to fulfil a leadership role for all true Freemasons. Now, however, it was — so Leadbeater intended — to serve as a means of transforming Freemasonry into an instrument for the world Teacher.
In order to penetrate the Catholic Church, a member of the Theosophical Society, James Ingall Wedgewood, somewhat later ( in 1917 ) founded the so-called "Liberal Catholic Church" in London ( as a new branch of the Old Catholic Church of Utrecht ), which Leadbeater led from the same year, becoming its "presiding Bishop" ( as we have seen, he had already transferred his allegiance from Christianity to Buddhism:
[ Subsequently, after the failure of the Krishnamurti episode, Leadbeater continued to be active as a Catholic bishop in Australia. He even wrote several books on the subject. One of these, which describes his clairvoyant observations during the Catholic Mass, includes a coloured illustration on the frontispiece which is entitled: "the true form of the Last Supper" and on which is a "spiritual form" reminiscent of a Buddhist stupa, engirdled by four narrow minarets like the towers of an Islamic place of worship ].
Similarly, George Arundale, the founder of the "Star of the East" and the future President of the Theosophical Society ( after Annie Besant ), became a Bishop. According to Leadbeater's plans this organisation was gradually to become a new, all-embracing Church and at the same time the second instrument for the earthly activity of the "world Teacher" ( who would be at the same time both the Christ and also the Maitreya ). In this capacity it was gradually to replace the Roman Catholic Church ( or to subordinate it to itself, since the incarnated Messiah has a higher standing than any Pope ) and, in time, all other Churches ).
The plan of making use of both organisations ( Freemasonry and the Liberal Catholic Church ) in order to win as many people as possible for the "world-Teacher" was a consequence of an address that Bishop Wedgwood gave in 1925 at the conference of the "Star of the East" in Omman ( Holland ). A. Methorst-Kupier summarised this as follows by including some extracts in his publication "Krishnamurti":
"It may be seen from this and other such addresses just how earnestly convinced were the leaders of the Liberal Catholic Church and other related movements ( for example, Freemasonry ), that the coming Teacher would use them and their work in a special way to reach the people".
Moreover, the leadership of the newly established Church explained that after a short while that "the Christ works essentially through the Liberal Catholic Church" ( A.J. G. Methorst-Kuiper: "Krishnamurti" ). Thus not only the falsification of the founder of Christianity was being prepared from this quarter but also of all Christian Churches.
Krishnamurti's "third initiation" occurred without Leadbeater's help. In 1922, during his stay in California, Krishnamurti became seriously ill. However, this illness ended with a unique sudden recovery ( as with the first two initiations ) and by "vibrations" of Gautama Buddha. The result of this experience was the candidate's inner conviction which he at once communicated to Leadbeater in a letter:
"I feel once again in touch with Lord Maitreya and the Master K.H.and there is nothing else for me to do than to serve Them".
However, in 1925 some initial doubts to his mission began to arise within Krishnamurti. These doubts were called forth by the sudden death of his beloved brother, with respect to whom the Mahacohan himself had in the astral vision promised Krishnamurti at the beginning of his illness that "he will be well" ( Quoted from Krishnamurti: "The Years of Awakening" by Mary Lutyens ).
Despite all this, however, his doubts rapidly diminished, and on 28th December 1925 Krishnamurti gave a public address about the world Teacher at the regular congress of the "Star of the East", after a Catholic Mass had been held in a Hindu temple. During this address his voice suddenly changed, and he began for the first time to speak in the first person in the name of the world Teacher, and in a completely strange voice that was not his own ( see Balfour-Clarke "The Boyhood of Krishnamurti" ).
Then Annie Besant officially proclaimed "The Coming of the world Teacher has begun" ( Ibid ). And in 1927 she declared in an interview with the agency of the Associated Press of America: "The World Teacher is here." The extraordinary influence that Krishnamurti was able to exert upon his followers at such moments is borne out, for example, by the fact that the 92-year-old Balfour-Clarke, in recalling the scene many years later, called Krishnamurti's sudden transformation during his address "an unforgettable, unique spiritual experience" for his entire life ( "The Boyhood of Krishnamurti" ).
Nevertheless, over the coming years Krishnamurti's doubts overwhelmed him more and more often. Moreover, he was as an Indian strongly repelled by the ritual of the Catholic Mass, in which he had to participate anew again and again. When he was asked directly whether he would make use of the Liberal Catholic Church as his own organisation, he answered in the negative.
Not long afterwards Balfour-Clarke personally heard Leadbeater say during an address by Krishnamurti: "Talks more nonsense every day" ..."Leadbeater continued to try finding a way out of the difficult situation by asserting that the Maitreya had expressed the wish that the listeners should not take everything that Krishnamurti said literally" ( "The Boyhood of Krishnamurti" ). But nothing could prevent the total destruction of the illusions.
Thus the tragi-comedy neared its end. The individuality of Krishnamurti, which was gradually awakening to an independent life, was slowly able to shake off the bonds of the false role of world Teacher that had been foisted upon him from without. In 1929 he publicly renounced it, dissolving the Order "Star of the East", left the Theosophical Society, the Esoteric School and also the Freemasonic Order. From now on he wanted to be himself and follow his own path. Only Annie Besant believed to the end of her life ( 1933 ) in his identity with the world Teacher. "Everything that Krishna does is good", were her last words ( Quoted from Fred Poeppig "Rudolf Steiner der gope? Unbekannte ") when Krishnamurti left her with the Theosophical Society.

Sorat o Demônio do Sol




   Bernard Nesfield - Cookson


The Two - Horned Beast is designated by the number 666 .Rudolf Steiner interprets this number as signifying the name of the Sun Demon. This number John hears, 'is the number of a man' ( Rev. 13:18 ). Rudolf Steiner helps us to understand what the statement really means. According to him, it is not the number of all human beings, but solely of those who 'out of their own cunning free - will have become black magicians by placing spiritual forces in the service of their own egotism" ( GA 104a, 21/05/09 ).


The Two - Horned Beast, Sorat, may be understood to be an intensified expression of Ahriman"s satanic cunning to enlist humankind's aid in the fight against Christ. In John's Revelation we hear that the Two - Horned Beast is the adversary of the Lamb. Steiner describes this power as being the adversary of the sun, the adversary of Christ. 


In order to gain some small insight into the spiritual being Sorat and his sphere of activity, we need to focus our attention on a particular period in the evolution of the earth. Rudolf Steiner shows us that in the long distant past of the sun and the moon were still united with the earth. Now, the forces of the moon have a powerful "hardening' tendency, and if it had not separated itself from the earth the physical bodies of human beings would have become 'hardened' to such an extent that no souls would have been able to incarnate into them. It is these hardening forces of the moon that Sorat and his agent, the black magician, employ.


'Centres of black magic arise where moon forces cooperate with spirits who have entered into their service -- a service that makes for evil. And because many activities of this kind have been practiced in recent centuries, a dangerous atmosphere has been created on the earth. This dangerous atmosphere is undeniably there and is transfused with multitudinous forces that are born of a union of human activities with moon elements and of dynamic moon forces with elementary beings in the service of illicit moon forces. It is this region that is actively opposed to all that is destined to proceed from the sun region in the Michael Age ( GA 243, 18/08/24 ).


Michael works from the sun. The spiritual influences emanating from the spiritual sun can also be called the influence of Michael and his followers ( ibid.). For human beings to be led into that which is merely immoral, the influence of Sorat is needed:


"Only when spiritual eminence is turned to its opposite, only when spiritual power is placed in the service of the lower 'I' - principle, can it bring humanity to the point when the Beast represented with two horns gains power over it. The misuse of spiritual forces is connected with that seductive power of the Beast with the two - horns. And we call this abuse of the spiritual power, black magic, in contradiction to its right use, which is white magic...In the Mystery of 666, of Sorat, is hidden the secret of black magic...Thus there appears on our horizon, so to speak, the division of humanity in the far distant future: the chosen of Christ, who finally will be the white magicians; and the adversaries, the terrible wizards, the black magicians who cannot escape from matter and whom the writer of the Apocalypse describes as those who make prostitution with matter ( GA 104, 29/06/08 ).


It is through the right use of spiritual forces, that is, used in complete selflessness and out of purified love for the earth and mankind, that the earth will be transformed into a sun - like state. Therewith the first step will have been taken towards the spiritualisation of the earth, towards the "building' New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem will be 'produced by white magic' ( ibid.). Sorat works against this transformation in that he enlists human beings to misuse spiritual forces -- to use such forces for purely egoistic power - seeking motives and intentions. 


In the city of Babylon the community is made up of all those who practice black magic. There...an 'unrestrained marriage between man and the forces of prostituted matter' prevails. 'And thus', Steiner states, 'in the far future we see two powers confronting each other: on the one hand those who swell the population of the great Babylon, and on the other hand those who rise above matter, who as human beings unite with the principle represented by the Lamb'.

( GA 104, 29/06/08 ). This is what will appear in the far future, but, as Steiner points out, those who in our time are beginning in an unjustifiable way to oppose the spiritual, who oppose the Michaelic impulse and therewith Christ, are already beginning to nurture the germs of something one might call black magic. It is only when the ABC of black magic is practiced that one begins to thread the path downwards into the abyss. "The ABC consists in the pupil of a black magician being taught to destroy life quite consciously, and in doing so to cause as much pain as possible and to feel a certain satisfaction in it...The beginning in black magic is to cut and stab into living flesh...This draws the pupil closer and closer to the being described as the two - horned Beast' ( ibid. ).


Elsewhere Rudolf Steiner says:


'The black magician draws the most powerful forces out of the morass of sensuality. The purpose of sexual rites is to introduce such magic into these circles...In no way can one so readily assimilate destructive astral forces as by killing. Every killing of a being possessing an astral body evokes an intensification of the most brutal egotism. It signifies a growing increase of power. In schools of black magic, therefore, instruction is first given as to how one cuts into animals". ( GA 93a , 17/19/05 ).


The black magician gains sensual pleasure in cruelty. In contrast to this, the basic principle of all black magic is that no power can be either gained or increased without selfless devotion.

Whereas, according to Rudolf Steiner, white magicians would impart to other human beings, to other souls, the spiritual life which they themselves are imbued, black magicians have the urge to kill, that is, to create a void around themselves in the astral world, for it is such a void that their egoistic desires can unfold themselves. A necessary step towards the creation of the void around oneself in the astral world is the acquisition of the power which results from seizing the vital forces of anything that lives, that is to say, by deliberately killing, destroying it. That is why the first rule of black magic is: Life must be conquered ( cf. GA94 , 02/06/06 ).


Any form of egoistic power - seeking influence upon the will of another person is also an integral part of the ABC of black magic. For instance, the overpowering of a human being by means of hypnotism is a form of "killing', for it nullifies the will of the person hypnotized. White magicians, on the other hand, address themselves to the conscious faculty of thinking and never intrude upon the unconscious levels of being in another person: they never intrude upon another person's freedom. 


When black magicians hypnotize other people they have the power to implant harmful instincts in the etheric body of those people. It is only permissible, Rudolf Steiner states, to work on another person's etheric body when one is certain that one's instincts have undergone catharsis. Under hypnosis it can happen that the person hypnotized "works into the world of the harmful instincts of the hypnotist'. In the case of people who are fully conscious the physical body prevents the etheric body from being 'shuttled" hither and thither. 

'When, however, the physical body is in a state of lethargy, it is possible for the etheric to be worked into. If a person hypnotizes others and works harmful instincts into them, they remain with them after death' (GA 93a, 27/09/05 ).

Many of the practices of black magicians have consisted in creating willing servants by this means.


Black and white magic are not only opposed to one another in regard to their relationship to human souls but also in regard to their role in future evolution of the cosmos. In the long distant future, the earth will be spiritualized and the condition Rudolf Steiner designates as "Jupiter' will come into being. (cf, GA 102, 24/03/08 ). In the New Testament this condition is spoken as being the New Jerusalem. Those who follow the "white path" help in the process of spiritualization. Those who follow the "black path' work with forces opposed to such a transformation. They are subservient, willingly, to the Two - Horned Beast, to the Ahrimanic - Sorat forces of destruction. 


Our earth is the arena of the opposing forces of black and white magic. The white power strives to spiritualize the earth once again after it has reached a certain degree of physical density: the black power, on the other hand, strives to make the earth ever more dense. The earth could take on two entirely different 'expressions'. It could become the physical expression for the good powers through human beings uniting themselves with the spirits working for unification, with those spiritual powers active in the service of Michael, the Countenance of the Sun Spirit, Christ. Or it could become the physical expression for the evil powers, those who are active in the service of the Sun Demon, Sorat. 


The earth 'becomes the physical expression for the good powers through human beings uniting themselves with the spirits working for unification, in that they seek the ego in the community...Were we to burrow more and more deeply into ourselves, the final result would be that we should strive to separate ourselves from one another...To be a black magician means to develop more and more the spirit of separateness. There are black adepts who are on the way to acquire certain forces of the earth for themselves. Were the circle of their pupils to become so strong that this should prove possible, then the earth would be on the path leading to destruction ( GA 93a, 18/10/05 ).


Some three years after Rudolf Steiner gave the lecture from which I have just quoted, he gives us a further insight of profound significance. Because Christ has united Himself with the earth, because the earth is His body, Sorat has been unable to receive anything from the earth, from earthly existence. "This Being could only have got something from the earth by being able to gain rulership at a certain moment, namely, when the Christ - principle descended to the earth. If the Christ - principle had then been 'strangled" in the germ, if Christ had been overcome by the Adversary, it would have been possible for the whole earth to succumb to the Sorat - principle. This, however, did not take place, and so this Being has to be content with those human beings who have not inclined towards the Christ - principle, who have remained embedded in matter: they in the future will form his hosts'. ( GA 104, 30/06/08. See also GA 346 ).


'Michael and the Two - Horned Beast: 

The Challenge of Evil Today in the Light 

of Rudolf Steiner's Science of the Spirit".

13 fevereiro 2025

Founding AS. S.O.Prokofieff



~ Sergei O Prokofieff ( Part 1 )

From everything that has been said in the previous chapters ( "The East in the Light of the West" ) it follows once again with full clarity that Rudolf Steiner from the outset, also within the Theosophical Society, was representing Christian-Rosicrucian occultism alone, which sooner or later necessarily led to conflict with the then leaders of the Theosophical Society, who increasingly adopted an openly antichristian path.

Thus already at the beginning of 1911, G. Arundale, a pupil of Leadbeater, with the latter's blessing and with the active support of Annie Besant founded the new "Order of the Rising Sun" within the Theosophical Society, which later the same year was renamed the "Star of the East", the main aim of which was to serve as an instrument for the preparation and publicizing of the new Messiah.

Rudolf Steiner, on the other hand, was at that time giving powerful Christological lectures such as the cycle "From Jesus to Christ" ( GA 131 ), which revealed the cosmic significance of the mystery of Christ's Resurrection, publishing the book mentioned above, "The Spiritual Guidance of Man and Humanity", where he writes about the participation of Zarathustra and Gautama Buddha in the preparation of the events of Palestine in addition to proclaiming the etheric appearance of Christ, giving lectures about Christian Rosenkreutz's initiation in the thirteenth century and about the Christian mission of the Maitreya Bodhisattva in the twentieth century ( GA 130 ), and at the end of the year was beginning with the organisation of an esoteric group which, if the necessary trials had been successfully withstood, was to take up direct contact with Christian Rosenkreutz.

[ This was a small group of eight pupils of the Esoteric School. The connection with Christian Rosenkreutz was to be established in such a way that it could exist independently of him ( Rudolf Steiner ). Rudolf Steiner had received Christian Rosenkreutz's agreement for this. However, the initiative failed because of a moral error of one of its members...One is struck by the unusual strictness — almost harshness — and the extraordinary seriousness with which Rudolf Steiner set about the undertaking of this task.

For any moral deviation from the high purpose of this group immediately made it impossible to continue. It is apparent here how sharply the character of the relationship in Western esotericism to the Masters responsible differs from that pertaining in the East: thus for example Blavatsky once went down on her knees in front of the mahatmas and on another occasion mockingly referred to them as "bosses" ]

As a result of Rudolf Steiner's many-sided activity, his influence and authority within the Theosophical Society steadily grew. Marie von Sievers, who personally took part in the dramatic events, subsequently described the consequences as follows:

"The Theosophical Society was alarmed. It saw the deep effect of Steiner's teaching on souls in search of Christ. It did not want to expose its members to this, it did not want to expose them to the danger of taking in Steiner's teachings, thus becoming unfaithful to the orientalizing stream" ( From a forward written in 1947 to the lecture cycle "Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz": GA 130 ). Thus the conflict was unavoidable.

A first symtom of the conflict was Annie Besant's sudden cancellation of the regular Congress of the European Section of the Theosophical Society that had been planned to take place in Bologna in the autumn of 1911. The reason for the cancellation was obvious. For Annie Besant had intended personally to introduce Krishnamurti to the participants as the new Messiah and the head of the "Order of the Star of the East", whereas Rudolf Steiner wanted to give a lecture on the true relationship of the Christ Being to Gautama Buddha and the Maitreya Bodhisattva, with as its culmination a detailed description of the bodhisattva sphere and its relationship to the Christ.

Despite the cancellation of the congress, Rudolf Steiner nevertheless spoke about this theme in Lugano and Locarno on his way to Italy, and he then gave his Bologna lecture entitled "Buddha and Christ: The Sphere of the Bodhisattvas" in Milan ( all three lectures are published in GA 130 ).

The polarisation between truth and error in the central question of knowledge of the Christ Being nevertheless intensified: for in matters of truth no compromises are possible in modern occultism.

In spite of everything Rudolf Steiner tried to exercise patience in 1912, though without for a moment compromising with what were foe him the blatant errors of the leaders of the Theosophical Society. The reason for this was that he had received an indication from the Western masters that he should remain in the Society for as long as possible and campaign for truth within it.

In the esoteric lesson that he gave on 20th September 1912, Rudolf Steiner referred directly to the circumstance that "according to the advice ( in another set of notes from the lesson the word "judgement" in the sense of "verdict" is used ) of the Masters we should remain in the Theosophical Society ( lesson of 20th September 1912: GA 266/2 ). But when he categorically refused to receive members of the "Star of the East" into the German Section which he led, the solution took its own course.

Rudolf Steiner subsequently described what happened next in his autobiography "The Course of My Life": 'For the propagation of this absurdity a special society was formed within the Theosophical Society, that of the "Star of the East". It was utterly impossible for me and my friends to include membership of this "Star of the East" as a branch of the German Section, as they desired and as Annie Besant, President of the Theosophical Society, especially intended. Since we could not do this, we were excluded in 1913 from the Theosophical Society. We were forced to found the Anthroposophical Society as an independent body".

For Rudolf Steiner this exclusion from the Theosophical Society was a real liberation; for as he himself has said, he had on three occasions been seriously confronted with the question whether he could continue working within this Society. The first occasion had been after the scandal around Leadbeater, the second was after the scandal caused by the appearance of the mahatma with the dying Olcott, and the third arose because Krishnamurti was proclaimed the new Messiah.

The situation worsened in the following years. First Annie Besant tried to draw Rudolf Steiner into participating in the "Star of the East" by suggesting that he be officially declared in this case as a reincarnation of John the Evangelist

( Rudolf Steiner mentioned this episode in the lecture of 19th November 1916 ).

After Rudolf Steiner had categorically rejected this absurdity, Annie Besant resorted to an outright lie. She explained that Rudolf Steiner, supposedly, had the intention of going to India where, through some sort of "coup d'état", he would seize power over the whole Society, despite the fact that Rudolf Steiner had explained to Annie Besant personally and before witnesses that under no circumstances did he want to, or would, work anywhere except Central Europe

( see the lectures of 28th March 1916 [ GA 167 ] and 18th March 1916 [ GA 174a ] ).

When even this did not get her anywhere, she publicly called Rudolf Steiner a "Jesuit Novice' — an absurd assertion to make about someone who in his youth had defended Nieztsche and Haeckel ( see GA 5 and GA 30 ), and who subsequently spoke about Jesuits and their occult practices as, for example, he did in the first lecture of the cycle 'From Jesus to Christ" and in many other lectures ( see for example the lecture of 2nd November 1918: GA 185 ).

However, it is clearly apparent from what has already been said that this campaign of lies and slander unleashed by Annie Besant actually had an altogether different foundation and can be traced back to the desperate efforts on the part of Eastern occultism to suppress Western occultism by discrediting its principal representative, a method which the Jesuits themselves used several times in their embittered struggle against anthroposophy ( see for example the lecture of 31st December 1919: GA 195 ).

Rudolf Steiner's exclusion from the Theosophical Society did not disturb the rhythm of his work for a moment and brought about hardly any change in his work as such. In place of the German Section an independent free Anthroposophical Society was founded, whose task it was to bring anthroposophy into the world as modern teaching of the wisdom of esoteric Christianity. Rudolf Steiner subsequently described this as follows:

"They ( anthroposophists ) didn't mind being excluded from the Theosophical Society because it didn't change anthroposopy in any way. I myself had never presented anything but anthroposophy to those interested in hearing about it, and that includes the period during which anthroposophy was outwardly included within the Theosophical Society" ( Lecture 6th February 1923: GA 257 ).

Thus in his article "The Mission of Spiritual Science and of its Building in Dornach" Rudolf Steiner could say with complete justice: "I now wish to say something about the development of our Anthroposophical Society, because errors have been circulated on the subject. For instance, it is said that our Anthroposophical Society is only a kind of development out what is called the "Theosophical Society". Although it is true that what we aim at within our Anthroposophical Society found its place for a time within the framework of the general Theosophical Society, yet our Anthroposophical Society must on no account be confused with the Theosophical Society".

For that which now forms the substance of our anthroposophical view of the world, as studied in our circle of members, is not borrowed from the Theosophical Society but was represented by me as something entirely independent which — as a result of that Society's invitation — took place within it, until it was found heretical and was "shown the door"...Thus it is an entirely erroneous conception to confuse in any way what is living within the Anthroposophical Society with what is represented by Blavatsky and Besant"

( see "Approaches to Anthroposophy": lecture of 11th January 1916 ).

Marie von Sievers, co-founder of the independent Anthroposophical Society, herself recalled:

"At Christmas 1912 there took place in Cologne the first official union of those supporters of a theosophical outlook who were not minded to disappear into a dogmatic Indian stream but – on the basis of the achievements of the cultural life of modern times and the radical new impulse that was given to earthly evolution by the Christ event – could only recognise a spiritual schooling for the West which is appropriate for the developmental conditions of present-day European humanity' ( From the forward to the first [ 1932 ] edition of Rudolf Steiner's lecture cycle "The Bhagavad-Gita and the Epistles of St.Paul" ).

Rudolf Steiner choose as the theme of his lectures for this founding conference "The Bhagavad-Gita and the Epistles of St.Paul" ( GA 142 ). In this cycle of five lectures he dwelt at some length upon the spiritual content of this great Indian poem, which is a synthesis of the three oldest Eastern streams of Vedanta, Yoga and Sankya and altogether represents "the highest flower of an age that was passing away".

The description of the mysteries of Krishna and of his further evolution formed without doubt the high point of the entire cycle. Thus in the last lecture of the cycle in 1st January 1913 Rudolf Steiner for the first time referred to his sole, completely earthly incarnation as Jesus of Nazareth ( Nathan Jesus ), the future bearer of the Sun Logos, the Christ, on earth:

"For this reason precisely this lecture cycle has been placed at the starting point of this anthroposophical movement ( Society ): for it can furnish the proof that in anthroposophy we are not dealing with something narrow but through our movement we are able to extend our horizon beyond those bounds which Eastern thinking is capable of fathoming" ( Lecture 31st December 1912: GA 142 ).

The laying of the foundation stone of the "Johannes-Bau" ( Goetheanum ) on 20th September 1913 in Dornach, representing the first outwardly visible Rosicrucian temple of modern times, was among the most significant events of 1913 [ The building of the first Goetheanum was preceeded by the construction of a much smaller temple that was made in Malsch as a model, where it still exists today ].

In this year, too, Rudolf Steiner spoke for the first time about the cosmic preliminary stages of the Mystery of Golgotha, and he also began to give indications from the "Fifth Gospel", that is, a description of the earthly life of Christ Jesus as preserved in the spiritual worlds in the Akashic Record ( All the lectures on the content of the "Fifth Gospel" were brought together in GA 148 ).

In this present book it is particularly important to consider one episode of the earthly life of Jesus of Nazareth from the Fifth Gospel. According to the Akashic Record, from his twenty-fourth year onwards Jesus began for a while to approach the Essene Order and even attended its meetings without, however, becoming a member of it. After one of his visits to the Essenes, Gautama Buddha appeared to him in the spirit and said to him in a conversation in the spirit that Rudolf Steiner recounted in these words:

"If my teaching, as it actually is, were ti be led to full fruition, then all human beings would lead the life of the Essenes . But that cannot be. That was the error of my teaching. For on the path that I have given to humanity, not all human beings can have a relationship with the divine-spiritual world" ( Lectures 4th October and 4th November 1913: GA 148 ).

[ From a karmic, occult point of view, this supersensible encounter was brought about by the fact that Gautama had already been a pupil of Krishna while still a bodhisattva in previous incarnations, with the result that — after he had attained Buddhahood in the sixth century B.C. — he was able to show human beings the path leading back to that higher world ( before the Fall ) of which and from which Krishna had spoken several millennia before ( see GA 139, 19th September 1912 ) ].

In other words, this was an indication from Gautama himself that in place of the principle of liberation for a few chosen ones that he had brought into the world there was to come the other principle of resurrection attainable to everyone. For the principle of liberation leads mankind back into the past, back to the lost paradise to that state before the Fall towards which the Essenes aspired — though at the cost of the rest of humanity – and which Jesus of Nazareth brought again to the earth.

The principle of a general resurrects, on the other hand, which came to the world through the union of the Christ descending from the sun with Jesus, and through Christ Jesus' deed in passing through death and Resurrection on Golgotha, is wholly of the future and directed towards the events described in the Book of Revelation, as Rudolf Steiner explained at some length in the lecture cycle devoted to a spiritual-scientific study of the Revelation of St John ( GA 104: "The Apocalypse of St.John ).

It was to this need for a complete reorientation of mankind from the past to the future that Gautama Buddha referred during his conservation with Jesus of Nazareth from the spiritual world. And the "error" in Buddha's teaching referred to was corrected in its entirety when the Buddha himself, in accordance with Christian Rosenkreutz's summons, transferred his field of activity to Mars in 1604 and, in imitation of Christ, fulfilled something of the nature of a minor Mystery of Golgotha.

Through this he has achieved since then the possibility of exerting an influence from the Mars sphere upon the souls of all human beings who are passing through this sphere between two earthly incarnations, a deed which he carries out for the healing of earthly evolution and in the name of fulfilling 'the intentions of the living Christ". "Thus Gautama Buddha, now working from Mars, is one of the great servants of Christ Jesus" ( Lecture 18th December 1912: GA 130 ).

In conclusion, a further theme from this year also needs to be considered. From 1913 onwards it ran in all subsequent years like a golden thread through Rudolf Steiner's spiritual -scientific research and culminated in the final years of his earthly life. It is the theme of how the Archangel Michael, the Countenance of Christ, the most significant servant of Christ in the spiritual worlds who on exoteric Christianity is venerated as the archstrategist and leader of the heavenly hosts, became in 1879 the Time Spirit of our epoch, and it includes his participation in preparing for Christ's Second Coming in the etheric body.

In his lecture from May 1913 in London and Stuttgart ( Lectures of 2nd, the 18th and the 20th May 1913: GA 152 ), Rudolf Steiner spoke for the first time concretely and at length about the heavenly mission of Michael as the leading Archangel and highest inspirer of the new, cosmic Christianity in our time. Michael it was who in pre-Christian times from the spiritual worlds prepared the descent of the Sun Logos to the earth and the Mystery of Golgotha, in order in our time, with the beginning of the present epoch of his rulership over humanity, to endow mankind with the new spiritual light, the light that leads to a true knowledge of the Christ events:

[ According to the teaching of esoteric Christianity – which has been confirmed and verified by modern spiritual research — seven Archangels which succeed one another lead mankind and the highest of these is the Archangel Michael ]

"Michael can give us new spiritual light which may be regarded as as a transformation of the light that was given through the Mystery of Golgotha, and human beings today can receive that light" ( Lecture 2nd May 1913: GA 152 )

said Rudolf Steiner.

The initial manifestation of this light is the modern spiritual knowledge which has come to humanity in the form of spiritual science or anthroposophy and which is oriented towards knowledge of the Christ. Thus Michael, the great cosmic servant and emissary of Christ, sends human beings today "increasing spiritual revelations that will shed more and more light upon the Mystery of Golgotha" with the help of "spiritual knowledge, our gift from Michael" ( Ibid )

* * * * * * *


~ Sergei O Prokofieff ( Part 2 )
...Regarding Rudolf Steiner's to Michael, the following can be said about it. In the course of his initiation process, whose starting-point was his meeting with Christian Rosenkreutz ( the meeting took place in Vienna at the beginning of the 1888's, that is, immediately after the beginning of the present Michael epoch ) — an event which for Rudolf Steiner was associated with the beginning of a conscious mastery of the world of imaginations and culminated in an encounter with Christ in Intuition — Rudolf Steiner also necessarily had to pass through the realm of inspirations in order there to meet face to face with the spiritual leader of the present epoch, the "Countenance of Christ", Michael. For in our time the fully conscious path to Christ is through the Michael sphere.
It was Christian Rosenkreutz who showed Rudolf Steiner this path of spiritual development. For it had always been the innermost striving of true Rosicrucians to encounter Michael in the spiritual worlds, in order then to become his servant on earth and thus rightly prepare the future epoch of his leadership of earthly evolution"
"True Rosicrucianism lies absolutely in the line of activity of the Michael mission. It helped Michael to prepare on earth the spirit-work he wished to prepare for a later age" ( Letter of 6th December 1924: "Hindrances and Helps to the Michael Forces in the Dawn of the Age of the Consciousness Soul": GA 26 ).
Before the beginning of the modern epoch of Michael's rulership and during its preparation, however, true Rosicrucians were only able to encounter Michael in a dim, dreamy state of consciousness. Encountering him in full consciousness became possible only with the beginning of this epoch, that is, since the year 1879:
"The old Rosicrucian movement is characterised by the fact that its most illumined spirits had an intense longing to meet Michael ( in the spiritual world );
but they could only do so, as it were, in a dreamy state. Since the end of the last third of the nineteenth century, human beings can meet Michael in the Spirit, in a fully conscious way" ( Lecture 13th January 1924: GA 233 ).
One of the first who was worthy of such a meeting was Rudolf Steiner's. By following the spiritual path indicated by his teacher, he had necessarily sooner or later to arrive at such a conscious encounter with Michael in the spiritual world bordering on the earth, a world which at that time was seperated from the world of human beings only by a thin veil. Only at the end of his life, less than a year before his death, did Rudolf Steiner refer on one occasion to this first encounter with Michael, which he had in the period between his thirtieth and thirty-first years:
"Behind a veil separating the physical world from the adjoining spiritual domain there were momentous happenings, grouped around the spirit-being whom we call Michael...but there were also mighty demonic powers, who under the sway of ahrimanic influences set themselves in rebellion against what was taking place in this world behind the veil, in this sphere of Michael's activity" ( Lecture 12th August 1924: GA 240 ).
And what was taking place was what Rudolf Steiner later described in ten lectures as Michael's battle with the ahrimanic dragon. The aim of this battle was to free the path whereby the Etheric Christ was to approach mankind from the ahrimanic powers" (See the lectures of 9th November 1914 [ GA 158 ]: 14th October 1917 [ GA 177 ]; and the lecture of 28th March 1913 [ GA 145 ] ).
What has just been said makes it easier to understand from what source Rudolf Steiner derived his knowledge about the influence of the forces of evil in the world. This lay in his understanding that, just as the revealing of the mysteries of death is associated with the Mystery of Golgotha and their overcoming with the Resurrection of Christ, so was the revelation to humanity of the mystery of evil connected with Christ's etheric manifestation and the gradual overcoming of evil with the powers of goodness in a truly Michaelic sense ( that is, with the help of spiritual powers bestowed by Michael : GA 185 )
For these two factors — the true knowledge of evil through the etheric appearance of Christ ( only the brightest light makes the darkest shadows visible ) and also the path of the overcoming of evil, which Michael makes manifest to humanity through his gifts of anthroposophy – form the occult foundation of Rudolf Steiner's spiritual-scientific research concerning the various categories of the powers of evil and their influence within man in earthly history and in the cosmos.
Hence not merely in dozens but in many hundreds of lectures – and, moreover, in a very concise and concrete way — Rudolf Steiner characterised the aims of the opposing powers and the nature of their influence, Illuminating them with the light of Michael-Christ and making their most secret intentions visible. For every human being today must – if he is to find his path into the future in the sense of the "intentions of the living Christ" — know the aims and the manner of influence of the principal categories of Christ's adversaries, the aims of Lucifer, Ahriman and the Asuras (Lecture 22nd March 1909 [ GA 107 ] ) together with the chief opponent of Christ in our cosmos standing behind and inspiring them, the Sun Demon Sorath, whom the Book of Revelation portrays as the beast with the number 666. In this sense, knowledge about them is a first and extraordinarily importance step on the path towards their overcoming, for the influence of the powers of evil in the world is the stronger if only a few people know of their existence.
There is truly nothing in the modern world to compare with what Rudolf Steiner accomplished in this realm and — as one can indeed say — accomplished on behalf of Michael-Christ. This becomes especially clear if one compares the results of his spiritual research with what traditional Easter teachings of the Eastern mahatmas — in so far as they are contained in their own letters or in the works of Blavatsky, Besant, Roerich, Alice Bailey and others — are able to say about the source of evil in the world .
[ In this connection the letter from Kut Humi ( who is actually an imposter "assuming the mask of an Mahatma" ) mentioned earlier is especially characteristic, in that he states that one third of the evil on our planet derives from man's egotism and self-love and the other two thirds from the religions now existing in the world ( above all the Christian religion ) ].
Despite the deep insights into the theme of evil to be found in anthroposophy, this theme is by no means it'd most important one. What is most important in anthroposophy was and is Christian-Rosicrucian wisdom ( of which only a part concerns knowledge of evil ) in the light that is given today to mankind by Michael. From this follows Rudolf Steiner's mission, which he began directly to bring to realisation only in the last years of his life: the union in the new Christian mysteries of esoteric Christianity, which has been cultivated for centuries in the circles of true Rosicrucians ( and also among Grail knights, Templars and several other streams ), with cosmic Christianity, as represented in the spiritual worlds by the Sun Archangel, Michael.
As already said, Rosicrucianism and above all its leading Masters, aspired towards this synthesis. Its realisation was, however, possible only in the twentieth century after the beginning of the new Michael epoch ( 1879 ), the end of the dark age of Kali Yuga ( 1899 ) and the beginning of Christ's Second Coming in the etheric ( 1909 ). The task of bringing about this union was given by Christian Rosenkreutz himself to Rudolf Steiner, the great Christian initiate working publicly in the twentieth century.
Rudolf Steiner laid the spiritual foundation stone of the new Christian mysteries at the Christmas Conference of 1923/24, in which — as he himself testified — Christian Rosenkreutz and his hosts of teachers and pupils participated. However, the first step in actually bringing these mysteries to realisation was the founding of the of the esoteric Michael School on this foundation stone.
[ Regarding the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum, which is in an esoteric sense is the Michael School on the earth, see the introduction to the lecture of 18th July 1924 ( GA 240 ) and also in GA 260a ].
The Foundation Stone Meditation given by Rudolf Steiner at the Christmas Conference, which represents a kind of quintessence of the entirety of anthroposophical wisdom, is a mantric testimony of the union between the Michael stream and the true Rosicrucian stream, of these two principal bearers of cosmic and earthly Christianity. It contains the highest union of the ninefold heavenly Hierarchies, whose representative and messenger to earthly human beings is the archstrategist Michael, with the threw Rosicrucian sayings, which bring to expression the essential nature of esoteric Christianity:
Ex Deo nascimur
In Christo morimur
Per Spiritum Sanctum reviviscimus
This union became possible only through the spiritual-scientific knowledge of the threefoldness of the being of man, who, out of his higher ego, himself thrice calls upon his soul in the new mysteries to turn to the "day-radiant light", to Michael, who opens to it the path to the "Sun of Christ" spoken of in the last part of the Foundation Stone Meditation.
O Light Divine
O Sun of Christ,
Warm thou are hearts
Enlighten thou our heads
That good may become.
What from our hearts we would found
And from our hearts direct
With single purpose.
