29 janeiro 2025




Novalis knew of a New Earth! Christ joined HIS super Etheric Sun Forces to a New Earth! Too, too many along life's path have given their lives for a New Earth. Buddha, St. Francis, Christian Rosenkreuz, Kaspar Hauser; Martyrs from history, sinners and saints, Artists, Scientists, everywhere we turn, Earth has required New and Startling impulses.
Presently, as with all New Earth Indicators; we get those who are blinded and haven't ever reckoned with an Etheric New Earth. Materialism refuses to define Plant and Etheric working Bodies that are not visible to our five senses. Materialism tends to pile theory upon theory against the very clear diversified Bodies of Crystals, Plants, Animals and the Miracle Manifested in Each Human Form.
The Daughter and Seed in the Hearts of Humanity and in the Heart of Novalis, all of Humanity are going to encounter enormous changes in our perception. Today we might cling onto misconceptions of our Solar System, Mars, Super Technology that resembles the Thinking Core of AI.
This massive New Technology, intends to dwarf and eclipse the Zeitgeist and take over the position in human souls of the current Zeitgeist of Global Intelligence. Michael is the current designated Zeitgeist and an actual Archai; standing for humanity; Against, we have to say, framed against Materialism Itself; a newly concocted placebo zeitgeist which has been inserted, layered into sub-human cognition in order to shrink Human Intelligence to fit Materialism.
Programmed by humans, mighty power hungry global algorithms have been set to replace our Angels. Power devouring Algorithms intend to be the ground of the following cliche "Big Brother is Watching over You". Algorithms, as timed miracles of coincidence, are interspersed everywhere as intelligence above and beyond our own Angel thought Cohesion.
This New Earth Algorithm is certainly not the Etheric Sun and New Earth that called forth the Greatest Gift to Earth Evolution ever Conceived. We don't, but we secretly will, call this AI Father of a better Intelligence than Human beings can muster. Really, AI that Big Brother in the Sky? Really, because human limitations, commerce, defense and Information Data Harvesting programmed this corrupt Earth Brain; makes our humanity shrivel and give Uncle Cain, 'cry uncle' give Ahrimanic placebo Intelligence the new position of our Father who art scrambled together out of Earth's Selfish assessments, hallowed be thy AI. Built on the residue of scraps off the master's table, all the corrupted moral and fallen intelligence, laced with power grabs and sensuality driven to bestiality; Allow this fallen brother in the soul of humanity, our shadow, to help strangle the future of our Earth? Christ is not alive in this new Earth and Solar system that was MADE deliberately for growing the garden of Human Potential of the I AM.
Everyone is experiencing these radical shifts that can be interpreted fragmentarily, through our fragmented education that thrives on materialism and clings to sentimental spiritual eco-assessments. This mish-mash for all of us is then hashed out in so called sentimentalized climate imperatives. Etheric, Astral or Starry Sophia and Incarnation Science is hardly raised to Etheric Soul and Spirit Cognition Confidence to what the following quote reveals to us:
"The spiritual being of the earthly-human Sun, that lives and weaves and develops in our human hearts, gives birth to a new etheric body of the earth, vibrant and radiant with new life forces. In the resurrected womb of old mother earth, her young and beautiful daughter, the etheric sun earth is born, grow and prosper in those human hearts that can perceive it; and this newborn etheric earth is truly the daughter of humanity, and it can only grow and prosper in human hearts, that alone can give it new life. And the new life of the new earthly-human Sun can only come out of the love and wisdom of the creative etheric minds, hearts and active will of awakened human beings."
There is a Science and a reverberating Expectation and also a chaotic conglomeration of gaping flaws in Materialistic Science and narrow assumptions woven with materialism in Spiritual Science wishes. Neither wish lists aim directly at the powerful New Etheric changes that have taken Centuries to arrive at an AI placebo Algorithm to be inserted as a replacement for the Archai Michael Zeitgeist of our Time. Meeting this challenge to our own Time are entirely New Earth, scattered and splintered opinions and watered down Cognition.
There are also massive splintered Alien; settled and dogmatic materialistic, Space, and convenient assumptions on global warming (how if there be fires and smoke blazing and volcanoes erupting, Oxygen from Plants and CO2 emissions from Human lungs, were part of the great agreement of a New Earth between Plants that devour for their lives Carbon exhaled by Animals that literally require plant and vegetation produced oxygen as a sister member to itself. It was a Cosmic Promise, the memory of a Cosmic Contract that was made for a New Etheric Earth Mandate that should include Spiritual Science and a New Earth.)
There is hardly a doubt that at 2025 everyone got a jolt, ready or not, again the same John the Baptist Call, John tells the Pharisees and Sadducees that their repentance must bear fruit. In other words, it will not be enough to be seen publicly agreeing with John and being baptized by him in the Jordan River. Repentance means to change your mind and turn around, to head in a new direction: Mark 1:15 records the inspired summary of Jesus' message as He began His ministry: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand.
We see, in all its misery that the objective construction of every human being rests on the same Foundation; Period. What a mess we have made of ourselves.
Everyone has an Etheric Body; Everyone has an Astral Body; Everyone has a Physical Body; Everyone has the cohesive Science that the Father Himself built up this Cathedral and Christ brought the authorized completed Father Intention directly into our Etheric Earth Environment. It all fits seamlessly together in Spiritual Science. It is all scattered and deliberately disfigured and distorted by all the Frankenstein Fragments of pieced together dead materialism we prefer to feed on like zombies.
The Imagination of sewing and stitching together an Electro/Magnetic Replication in poor market value and exchange for the overwhelming dawning Mercy of the Etheric Christ gift to Earth from HIS Father, and the Intelligence of Heaven that we were Made in His Image. It was all there, running through Mary Shelley's Frankenstein was the Science Lesson of Moral responsibility we have as New Creator Beings.
In a straightforward—even didactic—way, the novel chronicles the devastating consequences for an inventor and those he loves and his utter failure to anticipate the harm that can result from raw, unchecked scientific curiosity. Let alone to worship in idolatry of Frances Bacon and the New Atlantis, A Father Not Of Heaven, but of pieces of dying matter.

The New Etheric Body of the Earthly-Human Sun
The intensified UFOs sightings, the chaotic political, weather and climate changes, plagues and earthquakes, are the strongly marked physical reflections, often reversed to their opposite, of the emergence and development of the creative and radiant new etheric body of the Earth.
These are sings that speak about the positive travails of a new and creative birth; the spiritual being of the earthly-human Sun, that lives and weaves and develops in our human hearts, gives birth to a new etheric body of the earth, vibrant and radiant with new life forces. In the resurrected womb of old mother earth, her young and beautiful daughter, the etheric sun earth is born, grow and prosper in those human hearts that can perceive it; and this newborn etheric earth is truly the daughter of humanity, and it can only grow and prosper in human hearts, that alone can give it new life. And the new life of the new earthly-human Sun can only come out of the love and wisdom of the creative etheric minds, hearts and active will of awakened human beings...

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