Fim de Kali Yuga e início da Era de Michael
Tradução de Sonia von Homrich, 21 de Dezembro de 2020.
Rudolf Steiner descreve que Kali Yuga (termo indú) durou de
3.000 AC até 1.899 DC. Durante esta era a humanidade perdeu gradualmente o
contato com o mundo espiritual. Isto foi necessário para permitir que o sentido
de uma individualidade separada e de auto-confiança evoluísse. Segundo Rudolf Steiner a Era de Michael(*) iniciou-se em 1.879 e sobre isto ele se referiu “no último terço do século 19,
o Ser Espiritual que chamamos de Michael tornou-se o regente (como o foi no
passado) de tudo que tem um caráter espiritual na Terra, nos eventos humanos...
Michael é o ser ativo, o ser que pulsa através de nossa respiração, nossas
veias, nosso sistema nervoso com a finalidade que ele ativamente possa
desenvolver tudo que pertence à nossa inteira (completa) humanidade, em conexão
com o cosmos. O que diante de nós permanece como o desafio a partir de Michael
é que nos tornemos ativos em nosso verdadeiro pensar trabalhando nossa “visão
de mundo” através de nossa própria atividade interior. Nós verdadeiramente
pertencemos à Era de Michael somente quando não nos sentamos sem atividade e
procuramos sim permitir que a iluminação venha a nós de dentro e de fora. Nós
devemos cooperar ativamente no que o mundo nos oferece pelo meio das
experiências e oportunidades de observação”.
As indicações de Steiner com referência ao Kali Yuga são
ainda mais interessantes do lado de Mistérios. A fonte frequentemente referida
encontra-se nas palestras do Steiner. Outras fontes que não Steiner consideram
que Kali Yuga começou em torno de 3.100 AC enquanto o seu fim é estabelecido
como sendo longe no futuro, em centenas e centenas de anos a partir de agora,
enquanto a posição de Steiner remete a 1.899, com a luta espiritual que ele bem
(*) Era de Michael. Michael foi regente em época anterior do Desenvolvimento da Humanidade e volta com novas qualidades, não mais como Anjo, já como Arcanjo e evoluindo para Arqueu, pois da mesma forma que nós seres humanos evoluímos (ou in-voluímos/retrocedemos pois ninguém estaciona, ninguém fica parado), as altas hierarquias espirituais também evoluem. (Nota de Sonia von Homrich)
Rudolf Steiner. O fim da Era Negra/Escura. Viena, 11 Junho
1922. GA 211.
The End of
the Dark Age. A lecture by Rudolf Steiner. Vienna, June 11, 1922. GA 211
The lecture
presented here was given in Vienna on June 11, 1922, and is the 12th of 12
lectures in the series entitled: The Sun Mystery ... Death, Resurrection. It
appears in the original German in Das Sonnenmysterium und das Mysterium von tod
und Auferstehung. Exoterisches und esoterisches Christentum, Bibliographic
Nr.211, Dornach 1978. This lecture is also known as: Anthroposophy, a Striving
for Spiritual Understanding of Nature Permeated by Christ. The translator is
The End of
the Dark Age. By Dr. Rudolf Steiner
unfolded its intellectual life in the course of many centuries. This
intellectual life gradually led it away from spirituality. The intellect itself
is spirit, but its content is no longer a spiritual content. Indeed, the
intellect is spiritual, but it seeks as its content external Nature, the
external life of Nature. Hence the intellect is spirit, but it fills itself
with something which cannot appear to it as spiritual. The great tragedy, the
modern tragedy of the world, is that man may look into himself and that he must
say to himself: When I am intellectually active, I am spiritually active, but
at the same time my intellect, which is pure spirit, cannot absorb in a direct
way the spiritual. I fill the spirit in me only with things pertaining to
This is
what devastates and rends the human soul to-day. Even though we do not wish to
admit this torn and devastated condition, it nevertheless exists in the
spiritual regions of the human soul and constitutes the fundamental evil and
the fundamental tragedy of our age.
If we wish
to express in habitual terms what I have explained to you just now, we must
draw attention to all the spiritual powers that are still active in the whole
life of Nature; they enter into us because we fill our own spirit with the life
of Nature, and we may designate these powers as the Ahrimanic powers.
intellect is thus exposed to the great danger of falling a prey to the
Ahrimanic powers. During the past centuries, when the intellect was still
unfolding and still possessed the inheritance of an old spiritual life, these
Ahrimanic powers did not have that great influence on man which they have now.
The life of Nature is apparently spread out round about us; but this is only
apparent: for Ahriman lives in Nature. And by absorbing Nature, by believing
that it is only controlled by neutral laws of Nature, we really absorb
spiritual powers, even though we are not aware of this; we absorb Ahrimanic
spiritual powers, who took over a special task in cosmic life, in the whole
evolution of the world.
When we
speak of the task of these spiritual powers, some people are easily inclined to
say: But why does the divine guidance of the world admit these powers? — To
this we must reply: All that exists in the earthly sphere may be grasped with
the ordinary understanding; but when it is a question of grasping in a
spiritual-scientific way that which transcends the earth, we must do this
through spiritual vision (Anschauung).
we must say: These powers exist, — but the way in which they are connected with
the divine-spiritual powers pertaining to man, can only be grasped in the
course of long epochs; indeed, the powers belonging to the super-human sphere
are perhaps quite inaccessible to the human understanding. We can therefore
only say: These powers exist, they show themselves to those who have spiritual
The tasks
of the Ahrimanic beings is the following: To prevent the earth from continuing
to develop as it should develop in accordance with the intentions of the
divine-spiritual powers with whom man is connected from the very outset,
inasmuch as he is a human soul. (You will find all these things mentioned in my
“Occult Science”). In my “Occult Science” I have spoken of the future
development of the earth, of the Jupiter and Venus phases of evolution: The aim
of the Ahrimanic powers is to prevent this course of development.
Their aim
is to harden and freeze up the earth, to shape it in such a way that, together
with the earth, man remains an earthbound creature. He becomes hardened, as it
were, within earthly substance and continues to live in the future ages of the
world as a kind of statue of his past. These powers thus pursue definite aims,
which undoubtedly appear as part of their own individual striving.
The earth
could not reach its goal if the Ahrimanic powers were to gain the victory, if
man were alienated from his beginnings, from the powers who supported him at
the beginning of his evolution. Outwardly, the human being would develop in a
way entirely in keeping with the earthly sphere, but by suppressing his innate
disposition, which must lead him beyond the earth.
Ahrimanic powers could not touch man while the intellect was still rooted in
the spiritual through an old inheritance, as was the case during the past three
or four centuries. But this has changed since the beginning of the 20th
century. The ancient Indian wisdom knew this, and fixed the end of the 19th
century as the end of the “Dark Age,” of Kali-Yuga. Thus it had an intimation
of a new age. This new age was to indicate that from the beginning of the 20th
century, our deepest concern should no longer be that of clinging to an old
spiritual inheritance, but of absorbing the new light, the pure light, in our
earthly life.
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