06 outubro 2019

Transhumanismo. Douglas Gabriel.

São Paulo, 6 de Outubro de 2019 por Sonia von Homrich

É passada da hora de deixarmos de pensar sobre a Ciência Espíritual e/ou Antroposofia de forma fundamentalista e criarmos o futuro, deixando de lado as distorções do materialismo na própria Sociedade Antroposófica - muitos membros hoje usam a Antroposofia para criarem justificativas  imorais. Um bom exemplo disto é o fato que muitos ao não entenderem de geopolítica, cairem nas garras afiadas do Mal ao invés de aprender a redimir o Mal.  Passam a servir o Mal, como por exemplo os defensores do que bons cientistas em todo mundo refutam como a maior mentira do século, a mentira sobre o Clima, o Aquecimento Global e o CO2 - tudo com vistas ao domínio geopolítico de nações ainda em desenvolvimento, apoderando-se de suas riquezas minerais, etc, fato extremamente bem trabalhado pelo Coronel Enio Fontenelle (recomendo que vejam todos os seus vídeos) que pode ser acessado através do You Tube. Aprendam a reconhecer!

Não entendo porque cientistas espirituais tem tanto receio de inovar. 


Hoje, trago as importantes informações de Douglas Gabriel.

Transhumanismo por Douglas Gabriel

     “In times to come we will possess machines which will only operate in response to forces coming from human beings who are moral. Immoral persons will not be able to make them work. Purely mechanical mechanisms must be changed into moral mechanisms.” (Rudolf Steiner GA 97)

"No porvir nós teremos máquinas que somente operarão em resposta a forças advindas de seres humanos que tem moral. Pessoas imorais não estarão aptas a fazê-las funcionar. Puramente mecanismos mecânicos devem ser mudados em mecanismos morais." (Rudolf Steiner GA 97) 

Fonte/ Source: https://www.rsarchive.org/Lectures/GA/index.php?ga=GA0097

Acompanhem o artigo mencionado do Douglas Gabriel

Quest for Spiritual Pathways: Transhumanism

Douglas Gabriel gives a lecture at the Rudolf Steiner House in Ann Arbor, Michigan on Transhumanism on September 24, 2019.

TRANSHUMANISMO - The Quest for Spiritual Pathways

Transhumanism – Machine intelligence vs. human intelligence – the dangers of artificial intelligence and the future of humanity – defining the materialistic gods of our times
Electricity, magnetism, nuclear force, and elementary particles do not belong to nature but to sub-nature which is non-dimensional, non-spatial.

Sub-Nature                  Ether               Action
Electricity                    Light               Densifies, condenses into the darkness
Electromagnetism      Sound            Mass-inducing binding force
Atomic Force              Life                 Fragments and annihilates

Archai – The fiery will-filled realm of Intuition (higher willing)
Super-Nature Realm of Intuition
Archangelic – The weaving, sounding realm of Inspiration (higher feeling)
Super-Nature Realm of Inspiration
Angelic – The living, mobile realm of Imagination (higher thinking)
Super-Nature Realm of Imagination
Human – I (I am or ego) Consciousness can ascend or descend based upon their free choices
Natural Realm and human intelligence

Sub-Nature Realm of Electricity – Lucifer in the Astral Body
A new realm of cold-light that creates illusion and selfish desires inspired by Lucifer in the astral body of the human being. Self-delusion leads to “non-thinking” that is simply an animal reflex instead of freely directed higher thinking. This type of selfish thinking is earth-bound, brain-bound, materialistic, cold-hearted, and darkens the etheric realm.
Animal – Astral Realm of instincts, astral-intelligence.
Sub-Nature Realm of Electromagnetism – Ahriman in the Etheric Body
A new realm of heartless, cold, clever willfulness that is devoid of feelings and led by Ahriman. Through continuing the illusion of Lucifer’s cold-light fantasies, Ahriman steals the warmth of the human heart through killing spiritual thinking and feeling.
Plant – Etheric Realm of the plants with the sun as the group-ego, etheric intelligence.
Sub-Nature Realm of the “Third Force”– Asuras in the Physical Body
A new realm of binary, anti-time and anti-space beings who weave a spider-web of electro-magnetism that wishes to make the earth into a self-functioning electrical apparatus, an automated planet, a type of living mineral. This realm is populated by beings who wish to steal human ego-consciousness through consuming higher (refined) thinking, higher feeling, and higher human willpower.
Mineral – Physical Realm of apparent life-less substance
“Humanity has got to find the strength, the inner cognitive power, to avoid being overwhelmed by Ahriman in the technological civilization of the present. Sub-Nature must be grasped for what it is, and this can happen only if humanity rises at least as high above Nature as he has descended with his technology to a sub-natural level. Electricity, which was hailed at the time of its discovery as the soul of the natural world, must be recognized in its real essence as a force that leads from Nature to Sub-Nature. Man must not let himself be dragged down with it.”
(Rudolf Steiner, GA 26)
Emberson, Paul, Machines and the Human Spirit The Golden Age of the Fifth Kingdom, , The DewCross Centre for Moral Technology, Scotland, 2013.
Emberson, Paul, From Gondhishapur to Silicon Valley Volume I, Spiritual Forces in the development of data processing and the future of computer technology, Etheric Dimensions Press, Switzerland and Scotland, 2009.
Emberson, Paul, From Gondhishapur to Silicon Valley Volume II, Creating new worlds The encroachment of the Eighth Sphere Standing against evil, Etheric Dimensions Press, Switzerland and Scotland, 2014.
Francis, Keith, Rudolf Steiner and the Atom, Adonis Press, Hillsdale NY, 2012
Marti, Ernst, The Etheric  Broadening Science through Anthroposophy  Volume 2: The World of Formative Forces, Translanted by Paul King, Temple Lodge Press, Forrest Row, England, 2018.
Naydler, Jeremy, In the Shadow of the Machine  The Prehistory of the Computer and the Evolution of Consciousness, Temple Lodge Press, Forrest Row, England, 2018.
Perlas, Nicanor, Humanity’s Last Stand  The Challenges of Artificial Intelligence  A Spiritual -Scientic Response, Temple Lodge Press, Forrest Row, England, 2018.
Schiller, Paul Eugen, The Schiller File   Scientific Research Suggested by Dr. Rudolf Steiner, Steiner Books, Great Barrington MA, 2010.
Steiner, Rudolf, The Electronic Doppelganger, The Mystery of the Double in the Age of the Internet, Rudolf Steiner Press, Forrest Row, England, 2016.
     “In the fifth epoch, in particular, by employing the force of electricity on a scale beyond anything that has been developed so far, it will be possible for men to spread evil over the Earth. Moreover, the evil issuing directly from the force of electricity itself will overwhelm the Earth.” (Rudolf Steiner, GA 273)
“The forging together of human nature and that of machines will be a great, significant problem for the remainder of Earth existence.” (Rudolf Steiner, GA 178)
     “In the comparatively near future this much-admired modern technology will reach a final stage where it will, in a certain way, make itself obsolete. On the other hand, something will arise which will lead to man’s acquiring the possibility of using the delicate vibrations, the delicate oscillations in his etheric body to set machines in operation.” (Rudolf Steiner, GA 173) 
A Manifesto to Save Human Thinking
Human Intelligence vs. Machine Intelligence
     “The cosmic forces that will be brought into operation from this side will give rise to remarkable machines, but only of a kind that will relieve men of labor because they will bear in themselves a certain power of intelligence. And a spiritual science that itself reaches out to the cosmos will have to take care that all the great temptations emanating from these machine-animals created by man himself will exercise no harmful influence on humanity.” (Rudolf Steiner, GA 178)
Whether by moratoriums, bans or new manifestos supporting human thinking, we must now counteract humanity’s descent towards the machine and the annihilation of what is truly human.
In the ancient Mystery teachings, the realm of electricity was identified as the Underworld, a region of existence inimical to life, which lies “below” the natural world. Only monstrous beings exist there, chained as slaves to serve Zeus and his insatiable desire for thunderbolts to destroy his enemies. It is in this realm that electrical devices are created, in the cold dark underworld where slaves are cast down to do the bidding of the upper gods to create weapons of evil and death.
This Manifesto for Human Thinking is a battle-cry of those ready to face the war between human thinking and machine sub-thinking. You might say that the “war in heaven” came to the earth through the influence of materialistic scientific innovations in the 18th century, and materialism has been the scientifically accepted worldview ever since. This limited cosmology only studies entropy and the forces of death. The living forces of the etheric realm are being crucified by this materialistic worldview.
The two-dimensional realm of the binary virtual “machine kingdom” is where machine intelligence resides. This realm is somewhere between the mineral kingdom and the plant kingdom. This is a realm of Luciferic beings, the fallen angels of Christian, Jewish and Islamic thought, who lure you into the cold light of machines (phones, computers, TV, movies). Lucifer, Satan (Ahriman) and the Asuric beings offer you your own personalized digital kingdom. This machine-kingdom seemingly makes the user of the machine (digital device) omniscience or all-knowing through Internet searches; omnipresent through social media; and omnipotent through the Internet of Things. While using these devises, Lucifer consumes your thinking, while Ahriman, the King of Materialism consumes your feelings, and screen-time invites Asuric beings to consume your will-power.
Each time we look inside a computer, we enter into a realm of electrification, which is a new man-made sub-natural realm where humans cannot live or exist for even a moment without being “shocked” by the electrical discharge. Computers work in a new “kingdom” created by humans that exists in sub-nature as a realm between the mineral and plant – living minerals that follow the dark light created by angels falling into electricity and being bound there by the souls of the dead who are enslaved by their unconscious use of machines.
The spiritual war for the etheric realm and the battle to stop the deadening of human consciousness can be lost and the soul and spirit of humanity be drawn into an evil realm of fallen spirits. This binary realm of two-dimensional beings are luring, transfixing, fascinating, and hypnotizing humanity into a sub-nature realm ruled by the condensing forces of electricity, the binding forces of electromagnetism, and the destructive and fragmenting forces of atomic materialism that are intent on enslaving humanity and killing the realm of the living etheric.
Ahriman’s influence is quite profound and his materialistic, abstract, mathematical world-view has attempted to turn human thinking into machine sub-thinking; a foreign and alien intelligence that is the “grey shadow-thinking” that Rudolf Steiner describes that runs along the spider-web of electromagnetic lines encircling the earth. Human thinking, which can be filled with warmth and light when focused on virtue, love, and morality is being turned into shadow images of cold-light that draw the soul into dark selfishness. It is cosmic thinking that should be drawing humans up into the realm of the etheric where living thinking can become aligned with higher thinking in the manifestation of Imagination (angelic thinking). Instead, the unwitting warrior in this battle is often pulled back into their electrical device or machine (electric drug) and soon begins thinking evil thoughts unconsciously due to the ignorance and pride associated with computer use. The human body of desires grows strong when it assumes it is personally “deserving” of the marvelous inventions that scientific materialism has placed at their disposal.
The Luciferic temptation of “knowing all” is an illusion and lures the user into ever growing unconsciousness as grey shadow-thinking, that is found in the virtual world of machine-sub-thinking, takes over human thinking.
The spiritual scientist knows that omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence are products of the future spiritual development of humanity. In time, as we became angels, archangels, and archai, we will develop refined thinking (Imagination), refined feeling (Inspiration), and refined willing (Intuition) that resembles these stages of consciousness. Luciferic and Ahrimanic forces try to bring these future stages of spiritual development to humanity through mechanical means – a type of mechanical clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.
The pseudo-alive kingdom of the machine-world that exists between the mineral and the plant realms wishes to feed on human will-power, to steal it and suck it into another world beyond the three-dimensional world; a machine-world that exists in an “anti” two-dimensional world. It is a shadow of the angelic realms which is made from mineral substance and given pseudo-life through the thoughts of the software programmers and electromagnetism. It is an alien world populated by beings higher and lower than human beings, who exist both in this anti-two-dimensional world and in the binary world of electromagnetic beings. The software program routines and sub-routines all work together to make our human-machine interface work to create “energy efficient” and “labor saving” tools for human beings that ultimately steal human thinking and freedom by making us mentally lazy; freezing human feeling with cold, dead machine-intelligence and binary logic; and paralyzing the user who is fascinated, transfixed, and hypnotized by the “seeming miracle” of the machine.
Instead of evolving into the fourth dimension, humans are being lured back into a two-dimensional binary existence in the alien two-dimensional world of machine sub-thinking. When we devolve into the past through the hypnotic entrancement of fascinating binary illusion, we give up our future progressive spiritual development. We give our own ego development over to beings who are not really in this dimension and therefore are not “seen” as a harmful force – let alone as evil beings.
As these evil beings are stealing the will of the hypnotized Internet, smartphone, or computer user, they suck the life-force of the user into a sphere of existence that is outside of the normal Earth evolution. This sphere is referred to as the Eighth Sphere which is being built in a two-dimensional world that interpenetrates our world of three-dimensions. When the human being can add to the third dimension the understanding of time – timelessness – then a fourth dimension can be added to the third in the consciousness of the thinker. But, if Luciferic, Ahrimanic, or Asuric beings are able to steal the thinking, feeling, and willing of the human being through luring them into the binary world of the past, they add the stolen human forces to the Eighth Sphere where they attempt to imprison the human soul after death, instead of passing into higher spheres.
The development of machines that work with human sympathetic-resonance that tap into cosmic energy indicate the proper direction of the human-machine interface. Rudolf Steiner describes these machines in his mystery dramas when he addresses the question of the Strader machine. This machine is somewhat like the vibration/resonance devises that John Keely developed in the later part of his experimentations. No one really knows quite what Steiner was describing with the Strader machine, but he was certain that it would become the technology of the future which would replace machines that work with beings and forces of immorality, evil, and destruction. The “future machines” will work with and for the benefit of humans instead of working against them and their spiritual evolution.
Machine sub-thinking (artificial intelligence plus human high-tech addiction) intends to:
  • Mechanize the human mind, replacing human thinking with machine sub-human thinking.
  • Completely quantify the world, turning everything into a mathematical equation of binary logic.
  • Create a totally mechanistic view of the world and the cosmos – the cosmos is a clock winding down to entropic, cold death.
  • Replace the human intellect with cold, calculating, rational sub-thinking and declare machine thinking to be on par with human thinking – or even superior to human thinking.
  • Replace human thinking, feeling and willing with mechanical devices based upon sub-human logic that consume those human soul forces.
  • Pull humanity down into the sub-earthly, man-made forces of electricity that paralyze the human will and devolve human thinking and feeling.
  • Brain-wash humans into believing that human thinking is nothing more than calculations that can be done better and faster by machines.
  • Let machine binary logic replace human intelligence – devoid of the human intelligence that is fired by the warmth and emotion of the heart and driven by the moral forces of human will-power.
  • Create super Artificial Intelligence as the ultimate “analytical machine” that will then rule the world “better” than humans.
  • Create a “wet-works” interface between human brains and computers beginning the process for human/cyborg intermingling.
  • Create (and win) a war between machines and humans.
  • Replace human understanding, wisdom and the ability to find meaning with machine driven calculations, comparisons, and analysis that ultimately drive humans down into sub-nature.
  • Replace human thinking with machine sub-thinking (cyborg hybrid) that will lose the capacity to have human thinking.
  • Turn the human soul into a rigid, sclerotic wasteland of cheap entertainment and hedonistic self-indulgence.
Tech Wars vs. Humanity
     “Electricity contains impulses of Nature that are immoral; they are instincts of evil, which must be overcome by the higher worlds. The greatest contrast to electricity is light. If we look upon light as electricity, we confuse good and evil.” (Rudolf Steiner, Concerning Electricity, Dornach, January 28, 1923, GA 220) 
There have been more studies on EMFs than for any other environmental toxin. These harms were proven well before wireless technology was commercialized by the introduction of cell phones. For example, Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity (or Microwave Sickness/Radiation Sickness, as it was formerly referred to) was recognized by the courts decades ago (Mtr. Yannon vs. New York Tel. 86 A.D.2d 24, 1982).
We are currently being bombarded with 700 to 2.1 billion microwaves per second – for cell phone data – and 2.4 billion to 5.8 billion for Wi-Fi data to tablets and laptops. With the implementation of 5G, the results will create additional pulsed microwaves of 24 billion to 90 billion per second. The “always-on” wireless infrastructure of over 300,000 new 5G antennas will have the potential to gravely damage health – especially when located near homes.
In May 2016, the U.S. Federal National Toxicology Program released “partial findings” from a $25 million study on the effects on health of cellphone radiation, and the results were alarming. Researchers found that hyperplasia – or abnormal growth of tissues or organs – and tumors occur at significantly higher rates in the presence of radiofrequency microwave radiation.
On September 13, 2017, scientists warned of potential serious health effects of 5G. You can read their collective statement about their protest of 5G at:

The opening statement of the recommendation reads:
“We the undersigned, more than 180 scientists and doctors from 35 countries, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) on top of the 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, etc. for telecommunications already in place. RF-EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”
Already Demanded Moratoriums
Gene Splicing, Wireless Technology, Smart Phones, Smart Meters, Genetically Modified Organisms, Autonomous Weapons, Killer Robots, Subliminal Programming, Gene Drive Research, Weaponized Nanotechnology, Artificial Superintelligence, Experiments at CERN, Mind Reading Devices, 5G Wireless, Brain Hacking Devices, Weaponized Pathogens, Wireless Dangers, Germline Gene Engineering, Gene Drives, Genetically Engineered Foods, Terminator Seeds, Autonomous Killing Machines, Synthetic Biology Manipulation, Self-Driving Vehicles, Geoengineering, Genetically Modified Foods, Computer Use with Children, Weaponized Nanotechnology, Artificial Superintelligence, Autonomous Robots Designed to Kill Humans, Weaponized Pathogens, Recombinant DNA
Social Media Illness, Internet Addiction and Technology Dangers
Electromagnetic Hypersensitive, Increased Cancer Risk, Cellular Stress, Increase in Harmful Free Radicals, Genetic Damages, Changes of the Reproductive System, Learning and Memory Deficits, Neurological Disorders, Depression, Cyberbullying, Decline in Subjective Well-being, Envy, ADHD, Eating Disorders, Online Gambling, Gaming Addiction, Communication Addiction, Virtual Reality Addiction, Negative Effects on Traditional Reading, Reduced Attention Span, Negative Effects of Anonymity, Escapism, Suicide, Cyberbullicide, Sexual Predators, Media Contagion Effect
Cell Phones and Illness
Cancer, Sleep Disorders, Increased Accident-risk, Heart Problems, Infertility, Hearing Impairment, Eye Problems, Skin Allergies, Infections, Stress, Cell Phone Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, Aggressiveness, Delinquency, Compulsive Behavior, Difficulties in Relating with Others, Craving More Phone-Time, Neglecting Family and Friends, Shunning Healthy Activities
New Mental Illnesses Caused by Internet Use
Internet Addiction Disorder, Cybersickness, Facebook Depression, Online Gaming Addiction, Cyberchondria, The Google Effect, Phantom Ringing Syndrome, Cyber-relationship Addiction, Net Compulsions, Information Overload
EMFs & Microwaves Harm You
Cellular Damage, Glioma, Tumor Risk, Acoustic Neuroma, Temporal Lobe & Glioma Risk, Brain Tumor Risk, Malignant Brain Tumors, Cancer of the Pituitary Gland, Thyroid Cancer,   Melanoma Risk, Stem Cell Cancer, Oral Cancer, Parotid Tumors, Leukemia, Multifocal Breast Cancer, Eye Cancer, Diverse Cancerous Tumors, Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability, Brain Blood Flow Affected, Single and Double-Strand DNA Breaks, Various Genetic Effects, Increased Rates of Micronuclei, Heat Shock Proteins Production Decreased, Oxidative DNA Damage, DNA Strand Breaks, Changes in Gene Expression, Damage to Central Nervous System
     “Mechanical occultism will not only provide the possibility of dispensing with nine-tenths of the work presently done by human hands; it will also make possible to paralyze every uprising of the dissatisfied masses of humanity.” (Rudolf Steiner, The Challenge of the Times)